so you can pick up an inboard outboard for cheap! I suspect the issue is the sterndrives are where problems show up typically!
Don't see many of then in Baja - outboards are the way to go, thats what i've been told - I guess it's for launching & retrieving ease? at
least thats what I've been told.
I'm thinking of picking one up in the states, put in at San Felipe, and make a run for Cabo (having a land based support vehicle mirroring the parts
of the journey that it can.
20 - 22 footer, haul food, water, camping gear, spare parts, a zodiac tender, marine radio sat phone. experienced outdoorsmen / with boat
experience, but on lakes.
time is not an issue, we can wait out wind and bad weather
I recognize it might not make it, don't care, leave it and head home, its the adventure we are after. we would leave it in cabo if we got that
so lets hear from all the sterndrive naysayers who are sure this is a stupid idea, any actual experiences with stern drives running along the coast
would be especially appreciated. |