
La Ribera - Los Barriles

jonnymoderation - 2-14-2020 at 10:50 PM

Hitch hiked from Pulmo into La Ribera today. Great live music in town and loving it, but need more fresh veggies so thinking of hitting the farmers market in Los Barriles tomorrow. Will there be actual local produce?

Also, thought I read somewhere that there was bus service to Ribera, but not seeing anything on the websites. Any info on that potentiality? I'm used to collectivos elsewhere in MX, any chance they operate here, too?

Lastly, if I gotta hitch, I'd love to try the Eureka road to LB. Anyone know if there'll be decent traffic or what the situation is with that road?

Gracias in advance.

tiotomasbcs - 2-15-2020 at 01:43 PM

Baja Pony Express ...everything LB. Fresh local veggies from Santiago area. Must be buses into and out of La Ribera. There used to be a Trailer Park down by the Ocean that was cool. Come visit Todos Santos. Suerte.