

mtgoat666 - 3-19-2020 at 09:30 PM

Californians (half of nomads) told to stay home until further notice!
New Yorkers too!
State dept declared All countries level 4 travel risk, all Americans warned to not travel.
USA senators sold their stock 1 month ago right after confidential covid-19 briefing (they knew of disaster looming, acted on inside info).
Trump admin chitting bricks that unemployment to climb uber 20%.
Your 401k just lost big time.
Amazon is curtailing home deliveries!
Mex-USA and Can-USA borders closed to non-essential travel!

‘Hunters” released on amazon, watch it!

I am trying some new recipes!

Life goes on!

Stay healthy!

Stay home!

p.s. In times like these I wish we had a competent president and not the foolish, selfish loudmouth we got now!

[Edited on 3-20-2020 by mtgoat666]

[Edited on 3-23-2020 by mtgoat666]

chuckie - 3-20-2020 at 02:29 AM

Sorta what Goatley said...

wilderone - 3-20-2020 at 08:47 AM

1. Governor Newsome is an idiot. Says over 50% of Californians will get COVID - with no basis whatsoever. Very irresponsible. No thought given to an order to stay home - no fallout plan, no support. He's panicking and that is not sound leadership.
2. Of course air travel all over the world has been curtailed - common sense.
3. Hedge fund managers started and maintained the turmoil - not senators - they massive amounts on margin that will affect the market as they manipulate trades and offer a skewed view to the rest of us.
4. Trump admin. has infused over a trillion dollars into the economy to help employees and employers and the unemployed and the economy in general. He's doing more than any other country has done for their citizens. Unemployment is a byproduct - certainly not a surprise.
5. 401 K "just" lost big time? Where have you been - it lost over 25% two weeks ago and continued to slide.
Because of unemployment and actual business recovery, we'll be in a recession for two quarters at least.
A year from now, your 401K will likely be where it was last month. Buy low, sell high. Learn from this situation as it pertains to you personally (doomsday mentality, hoarding toilet paper not the way to go). And the unceasing Trump bashing is not appreciated. There are local and state leaders who need to step up. Each county has medical and health advisors, each town has a mayor - they aren't sitting back waiting for Trump Admin. directives. And then there's personal responsibility. College kids partying in Florida saying, "if I get it, so what" is not socially responsible behavior.
What I want to know is why Tom Brady will be playing for the Buccaneers. WTF Real life.

John Harper - 3-20-2020 at 08:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  

A year from now, your 401K will likely be where it was last month. Buy low, sell high.

Can we hold you to that prediction? Just for academic purposes, of course.

Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
What I want to know is why Tom Brady will be playing for the Buccaneers.

His wife and kids are probably asking the same question.


[Edited on 3-20-2020 by John Harper]

pauldavidmena - 3-20-2020 at 08:53 AM

Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  

What I want to know is why Tom Brady will be playing for the Buccaneers. WTF Real life.

Between Brady's defection and the decision to close bars in Boston on 3/16 - one day before St. Patrick's Day - it's a scary time to be in New England. At least local brewpubs are allowed to sell cans and growlers to go.

bajaric - 3-20-2020 at 09:28 AM

Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
1. Governor Newsome is an idiot. Says over 50% of Californians will get COVID - with no basis whatsoever. Very irresponsible. No thought given to an order to stay home - no fallout plan, no support. He's panicking and that is not sound leadership.

I totally agree. Newsome epitomizes the smug, power hungry we know what is best for you, big government control approach. So now tens of millions of people are not supposed to go in to work, the overwhelming majority of whom would recover from the infection if they even catch it. 19 deaths and counting, panic! When everyone is on the dole he can raise taxes and build a bigger government empire.

mtgoat666 - 3-20-2020 at 09:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by bajaric  
Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
1. Governor Newsome is an idiot. Says over 50% of Californians will get COVID - with no basis whatsoever. Very irresponsible. No thought given to an order to stay home - no fallout plan, no support. He's panicking and that is not sound leadership.

I totally agree. Newsome epitomizes the smug, power hungry we know what is best for you, big government control approach. So now tens of millions of people are not supposed to go in to work, the overwhelming majority of whom would recover from the infection if they even catch it. 19 deaths and counting, panic! When everyone is on the dole he can raise taxes and build a bigger government empire.

comparison of seasonal flu and covid-19 -- read it and chit your pants!

[Edited on 3-20-2020 by mtgoat666]

mtgoat666 - 3-20-2020 at 09:36 AM

fatality rate of covid-19 is 10X to 30X greater than that for seasonal flu

caj13 - 3-20-2020 at 09:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
1. Governor Newsome is an idiot. Says over 50% of Californians will get COVID - with no basis whatsoever. Very irresponsible.

factually incorrect,
those numbers come from a very sophisticated model that has proven accurate in the past.
And the projections were for if California took no action. please be informed before you launch off on a political tirade designed to support your personal beliefs instead of diseminating accurate information. so far all I have seen from you post is - if you excuse the expression - FAKE NEWS!

Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
No thought given to an order to stay home - no fallout plan, no support.

Ok so by no action you mean shelter in place for the whole state is no action? Once again you appear to be the purveyor of Bias laden FAKE NEWS

Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
3. Hedge fund managers started and maintained the turmoil - not senators - they massive amounts on margin that will affect the market as they manipulate trades and offer a skewed view to the rest of us.

so Hedge fund managers are not supposed to do their job? I thought it was incumbent on them to operate in the best interests of their clients. I didn't realize they also had a responsibility to support a specific political agenda - wow!

and I sympathize with you, this is a tough one, because Feinstein did this - and you would love to lead the slander party against her, but you can't figure out how to protect Burr from collateral damage - that's a tough one - good luck with that!

Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
4. Trump admin. has infused over a trillion dollars into the economy to help employees and employers and the unemployed and the economy in general. He's doing more than any other country has done for their citizens. Unemployment is a byproduct - certainly not a surprise.

funny how for years its been OBAMA mortgaged the future of the USA by bailing out the economy, and upping the federal deficit. But now - it's a great idea? whats the difference here?

To be clear, I belief it's absolutely the right thing to do, unless it turns into a hand out to Trump Hotels and big backers, and it does work! we know that because we saw it work during the financial crisis. the one time government should be overspending is in times like this, and the previous financial crisis. Not sure how so many of you were so against it when it came from one side of the aisle, but now it is great? I guess consistency of ideological sputum isn't a strong point - eh!
Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
5. . And the unceasing Trump bashing is not appreciated. There are local and state leaders who need to step up. Each county has medical and health advisors, each town has a mayor - they aren't sitting back waiting for Trump Admin. directives. And then there's personal responsibility. College kids partying in Florida saying, "if I get it, so what" is not socially responsible behavior.
Buccaneers. WTF Real life.

so you correctly point out that states and local governments are stepping up, but earlier you said Gov. Newsome was not doing anything? can I get a clarification here? which is it?

as for Trump Bashing - the record is clear - the public statements and ignoring of the science until it finally became clear he couldn't wish this away. He owns those statements, he owns the lack of early action, he owns the dissolving of the pandemic response team, he owns the ignoring of briefings and preparation and simulation scenarios that correctly predicted this exact scenario, including high infection rates, shortages of PPG, economic downturn, high unemployment - all of that was presented to him last august - "here's what happens if we don't prepare now". and no actions were taken! The lack of early recognition and action belong to him! Those lack of actions allowed this thing to become much bigger. But I get it, facts and information are really troubling when one is trying to fabricate cover for their overlord and political biases!

John Harper - 3-20-2020 at 09:41 AM

Feinstein's and Johnson's assets are in blind trusts, they have no control over trading those assets. Feinstein sold at a loss, and Johnson was continuing to sell interest in a family plastics company. Burr is the really odious character in this travesty.

wilderone - 3-20-2020 at 10:04 AM

97 Days since Coronavirus:
Hubei (where the outbreak began) has still kept its provincial borders closed although some travel restrictions have loosened locally. According to authorities the quarantine will be lifted only if the region goes 14 days with no new cases.
March 20 China reports no local community transmission for a second consecutive day all 39 new confirmed cases recorded on Thursday were imported, according to the National Health Commission. The new cases were recorded in Guangdong (14), Shanghai (8), Beijing (6), Fujian (3), and one each in Tianjin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Zhejiang, Shandong, Guangxi, Sichuan, and Gansu.

And 90% of the Starbucks in China are now back open with their employees. The USA has better medical care, more supplies, more of everything, and will probably see its peak in cases (numbers will rise with huge increase in testing), but will eventually fall off, and it will pass - same as SARS, MERS, SWINE FLU, EBOLA, H1N1. Vulerable people are dying - there is no vaccine. People die from the flu, from heart disease. Local mandate is no gatherings of more than 10 people - restaurants are closed - only take out. Wash your hands, wash your hands, stay 6 ft away from people. C'est la vie. At some point, it will pass - if similar timeframe as China, possibly 3 months; there will be lessons learned and probably a better world for it. For one thing, the Wld Hlth Org should confront China in a big way.

Each of your are entitled to your opinions - I don't care what they are. When it's over, let's revisit this thread and see if 50% of Californians were infected. In San Diego - a city of 3,000,000, there are 105 cases. There are 548,000 people in Stanislaus County, and 5 corona cases. I am at a loss how you people think with all the precautions in place right now that there will be more and more and more cases, with people flowing into hospitals. 80% of corona people get over it in a couple weeks without hospital care FACT. Go ahead wring your hands, blame Trump. Pitiful.

wilderone - 3-20-2020 at 10:30 AM

"the models" so, you don't know if it's actually tied to demographics, real people, real factors, such as local governance or behaviors. You have absolutely no - none, nunca - clue or fact as to what that "model" consisted of, who prepared it and whether it was subjected to CDC analysis or any other scrutiny. Or what "up to" means. Do you? Please enlighten us.
Please read Gavin Newsome's statement on the California-wide voting ballot. And then listen to his state of the union address.
He's a clueless idiot.

John Harper - 3-20-2020 at 10:52 AM

I think the real danger is overwhelming the healthcare system. At that point, run of the mill issues, like heart attacks, strokes, automobile accidents, severe trauma, and gunshot wounds may not get treated as promptly and effectively as they normally would, or should.

You might think twice about that third cheeseburger, or not using your seat belt when you drive.


[Edited on 3-20-2020 by John Harper]

bezzelle - 3-20-2020 at 10:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
"the models" so, you don't know if it's actually tied to demographics, real people, real factors, such as local governance or behaviors. You have absolutely no - none, nunca - clue or fact as to what that "model" consisted of, who prepared it and whether it was subjected to CDC analysis or any other scrutiny. Or what "up to" means. Do you? Please enlighten us.
Please read Gavin Newsome's statement on the California-wide voting ballot. And then listen to his state of the union address.
He's a clueless idiot.

fair enough. see you in 8 -12 weeks
(for future ref: you may wanna start practising pronouncing President Newsome)

Dr Fauci (sp) is 100% correct. 'The best reaction in these instances is over reaction'

Hey, if there turned out to be a 25% infection rate ... would that mean Newsome is still an idiot? What % would be necessary for you to rethink the idiot claim. Just curious.
stay safe and hunker down

bezzelle - 3-20-2020 at 12:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bezzelle  
Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
"the models" so, you don't know if it's actually tied to demographics, real people, real factors, such as local governance or behaviors. You have absolutely no - none, nunca - clue or fact as to what that "model" consisted of, who prepared it and whether it was subjected to CDC analysis or any other scrutiny. Or what "up to" means. Do you? Please enlighten us.
Please read Gavin Newsome's statement on the California-wide voting ballot. And then listen to his state of the union address.
He's a clueless idiot.

fair enough. see you in 8 -12 weeks
(for future ref: you may wanna start practising pronouncing President Newsome)

Dr Fauci (sp) is 100% correct. 'The best reaction in these instances is over reaction'

Hey, if there turned out to be a 25% infection rate ... would that mean Newsome is still an idiot? What % would be necessary for you to rethink the idiot claim. Just curious.
stay safe and hunker down

edit: I just realised that you prolly did not grasp, that the numbers the models come up with is with zero mitigation, right?
And hence the actions being put in place.

As to model inputs: are you friggin' serious?
Maybe you're right ... it was a dart board with 1-100 and one of Newsome's kids got to throw the dart!!
oii vey

Why would Brady play for Tampa??

thebajarunner - 3-20-2020 at 12:47 PM

1. no state income tax (Thanks to Brown/Newsom for 13% penalty on working in California)
2. better weather? (Massachusetts vs. Florida beaches??)
3. see #1

del mar - 3-20-2020 at 01:05 PM

Quote: Originally posted by thebajarunner  
1. no state income tax (Thanks to Brown/Newsom for 13% penalty on working in California)
2. better weather? (Massachusetts vs. Florida beaches??)
3. see #1

4. it was them or the Chargers

RFClark - 3-20-2020 at 01:07 PM

Does anyone actually know what the Mexicans are doing at the border? Are Ca and Az doing the same things?

The biggest issue in CA are the several hundred thousand homeless drug users that the Dems have stacked around all the public buildings like dry kindling wood! It’s been raining for days there! Imagine the Drug Users maintaining a “safe distance” while passing around the needle! Imagine a Zombie Apocalypse when they start coming down with the Wuhan Virus!

Playing for Chargers would still have the 13% hammer

thebajarunner - 3-20-2020 at 01:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by del mar  
Quote: Originally posted by thebajarunner  
1. no state income tax (Thanks to Brown/Newsom for 13% penalty on working in California)
2. better weather? (Massachusetts vs. Florida beaches??)
3. see #1

4. it was them or the Chargers

John Harper - 3-20-2020 at 03:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by del mar  
Quote: Originally posted by thebajarunner  
1. no state income tax (Thanks to Brown/Newsom for 13% penalty on working in California)
2. better weather? (Massachusetts vs. Florida beaches??)
3. see #1

4. it was them or the Chargers

We all know what a cheap bastard (and golf cheat) Dean Spanos is. Tom isn't stupid. No one wants to be a Charger.

And Giselle will look as good on a Florida beach as she would on a California beach.

Restoring the SALT deduction might be a good idea. That would certainly help homeowners in CA with such high housing prices (and taxes). Right now would be a good time since they extended the tax deadline until July, and people can recalculate their fed tax. That frees up (and eliminates) some future taxpayer obligation right now. We're already going to have to spend massive amounts of money before this is over, might as well leave some of it in the hands of taxpayers with the stroke of a pen.

I'm sure there are lots of folks (way too many) over leveraged (low mortgage rates) with pricey homes that could desperately use a tax break right now.


[Edited on 3-20-2020 by John Harper]

mtgoat666 - 3-20-2020 at 07:47 PM

Any reports today from the border crossings? Is it pandemonium/chaos? People fleeing like the fall of Saigon?

[Edited on 3-21-2020 by mtgoat666]

bajaric - 3-21-2020 at 09:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by bajaric  
Quote: Originally posted by wilderone  
1. Governor Newsome is an idiot. Says over 50% of Californians will get COVID - with no basis whatsoever. Very irresponsible. No thought given to an order to stay home - no fallout plan, no support. He's panicking and that is not sound leadership.

I totally agree. Newsome epitomizes the smug, power hungry we know what is best for you, big government control approach. So now tens of millions of people are not supposed to go in to work, the overwhelming majority of whom would recover from the infection if they even catch it. 19 deaths and counting, panic! When everyone is on the dole he can raise taxes and build a bigger government empire.

comparison of seasonal flu and covid-19 -- read it and chit your pants!

[Edited on 3-20-2020 by mtgoat666]

Goat, I agree it is a frightening situation. Perhaps Newsome will be praised some day for taking action. On the other hand, putting 20 million people out of work will have bring its own obvious set of severe negative consequences. That is assuming that people will voluntarily follow the order, which appears unlikely. People here are not accustomed to being told what to do. Freedom, at times, has its drawbacks.

Contrast that to authoritarian China, where they seem to have nipped this thing in the bud. No new cases other than what has been imported from outside. One thing I have noticed is that in China everyone is wearing a mask. The US government should send out those thousand dollar checks along with a case of disposable gloves and surgical masks to every single person in the country. Instead, the media reports fake news that masks are not effective, and makes people feel guilty about wearing one because the health care workers are running out of supplies. So in the richest and most powerful country in the world we can not even take basic measures to protect health, because most of the manufacturers of disposable gloves and masks are in China!

Have not heard much about border crossing situation.

Fake News AGAIN ?

MrBillM - 3-21-2020 at 10:13 AM

" Instead, the media reports fake news that masks are not effective, and makes people feel guilty about wearing one because the health care workers are running out of supplies ...... "


Maybe it's a lack of comprehension.

Reading, watching and listening to the various news outlets, those paying attention (and comprehending) should have NO confusion over the status/effectiveness of the various types of masks and the conditions under which they should be utilized.

Pay better attention ?

bajaric - 3-21-2020 at 10:50 AM

I'm quite familiar with protocols for masks and respirators, and it is true that a cheap surgical mask is not meant as fail safe protection, but if someone with a fever and body aches sneezed in your face, you would be glad to be wearing a mask, I think. Or are do the billions of Chinese people who are wearing them and just defeated the virus have it all wrong. Masks for the people!

edit: OK so maybe "fake news" is the wrong term. I should have said "pedantic".
Today, the nation must not be pedantic. Today the nation must be pragmatic!

[Edited on 3-21-2020 by bajaric]

Masked Men ............

MrBillM - 3-21-2020 at 01:49 PM

............ And Women are worrisome. It's difficult to not think "Are THEY sick ?"

Earlier at Stater Bros. we noticed only ONE couple decked out in gear. WE (along with others) made a point of staying WELL away. Which made me think that (maybe) it might be a ploy to get shoppers out of their path.

At least, IF you can see a person's ENTIRE face, you can make a better assessment of their physical state.

BUT, we have no worries now.

Thanks to AMLO coverage in the L.A. Times ayer, we discovered that a "Two-Dollar Bill" will ward off the evil.

Over the years, mi esposa has collected quite a few so we're good to go.

BTW, assessing shortages Hoy, it was interesting to see the continued run on Frozen Foods. I remarked to mi esposa that others must have far greater frozen storage capacity than ours.

There was still plenty of Ice Cream, though.

Thankfully !

The two dollar bill!

AKgringo - 3-21-2020 at 02:05 PM

Coincidentally, I just happened to have a two dollar bill with me when I was paying my dentist a couple of weeks ago. Her assistant saw it and told me it was "good luck", so I gave it to her.

I never heard that before, and I am surprised to hear it again! Any link to Amlo's comment?

David K - 3-21-2020 at 02:32 PM

Just FYI: Someone on the San Felipe Facebook page reported they (Americans) crossed into Mexico at Mexicali this morning at 8 am. There were no issues, no changes from before, and they breezed right in.

Bajazly - 3-21-2020 at 02:36 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Just FYI: Someone on the San Felipe Facebook page reported they (Americans) crossed into Mexico at Mexicali this morning at 8 am. There were no issues, no changes from before, and they breezed right in.

Did they come to SF? My novia told me yesterday a couple guys from her work, in Mexicali, decided to come down to SF and were turned back north at the military check point. sounded like this was a day or two ago but not sure.

Que Sera Sera .......... Soon ?

MrBillM - 3-21-2020 at 03:49 PM


Watching too much of this Doomsday Drama on Cable News, a guest commentator ventured what should have been (and likely was) apparent early on in this Great Shutdown. Something that I said days ago.

This simply isn't sustainable.

We have NO hope that such an economic intermission can be carried out long enough. Especially, with the government spending of magic money exceeding the (grossly diminishing) GNP.

At some point, the economy has to be restarted and allow nature to sort things out. Should we eventually lose 20-25 percent (or more) of the population, well ........... That's Life !

Bad news for us Geezers, but we've had a good run. I've been expecting to wake up dead for years. Crappy way to go, though. Hopefully, the Ticker will run down and stop early on. Preferably at the far end of a given quarter so that I can avoid the next (increasingly costly) Term Life payment.

BTW, although I read the AMLO Lucky Bucks business in the (L.A. Times) newspaper, a search shows numerous links, including Bloomberg.

[Edited on 3-21-2020 by MrBillM]

chippy - 3-21-2020 at 04:17 PM

Links Mr Bill. I couldn´t find anything:(

Lucky Charms Links

MrBillM - 3-21-2020 at 06:34 PM

L.A. Times, Friday, March 20, 2020, A-4, Paragraph 4:

Mexican President Downplays Health Risks

Drastic measures against virus ? No. Lucky Charms ? Yes.

" ......... And on Wednesday, before appearing at another large event, he showcased a collection of good-luck charms that he carries with him, including Catholic scapulars and a U.S. $2 bill ......... "

It may be searchable on, but you have to subscribe (and pay ?)

The Bloomberg link requires subscribing.

It's a strange new day. EACH day.

Hey, BTW, speaking of Catholics .......... Earlier I was working the Riverside
crossword puzzle and was stumped by a word which I finally solved
only through solving the associated words.

At no point in my brief and aborted early childhood association with Catholic School
or later in life did I ever encounter the word ABBESS for "Convent Superior".

Learn something new every day. Even at my age.

[Edited on 3-22-2020 by MrBillM]


mtgoat666 - 3-23-2020 at 03:19 PM

this is the alarming news today: economic depression!

Over the next year, the United States will almost certainly go through a depression. Economists at Goldman Sachs currently expect the U.S. economy to shrink by an unprecedented 24% next quarter. They’re optimists compared to Morgan Stanley, which expects a 30% drop, and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard, who predicted a 50% decline.

the shortages at the supermarket will continue and get worse.
Our inventory has always been low, and productivity of all producers is down, doubts that production will ramp back up for several months.
life for the next year will be like living in 1970s soviet union, lines at stores, rationing, bare shelves,... but hopeully no authoritarianism or state-run propaganda (vote for joe!)

[Edited on 3-23-2020 by mtgoat666]

Where's it All Gonna Go ?

MrBillM - 3-23-2020 at 04:00 PM

Nobody Knows !

Having tired of the usual virus coverage and switched to the financial channels for a few hours, it was akin to a viewing a verbal cat fight.

While universally filled with (appropriate) negativity, there was enough variance in forecasting viewpoints to accommodate any lesser or greater pessimistic conclusion.

Today's briefing from the Big Orange made it clear that (sooner than we thought) the business machine is going to restart. DT is impatient and "has a good feeling" that things will be OK.

Which was inevitable.

Interestingly (but not surprisingly), (with Fouci gone again to the woodshed ?), today Dr. Debbie was asked whether she shared D.T's "good feeling" about a resumption and she offered a LONG answer which didn't address any agreement or difference.

One does NOT disagree with the Big Orange !

And last long.

RFClark - 3-23-2020 at 04:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by John Harper  
Feinstein's and Johnson's assets are in blind trusts, they have no control over trading those assets. Feinstein sold at a loss, and Johnson was continuing to sell interest in a family plastics company. Burr is the really odious character in this travesty.

When asked about the most “fortuitous sale” immediately after the briefing, Senator Feinstein answered that “her husband did it”! Buy swampland in Florida anyone?

bezzelle - 3-23-2020 at 05:07 PM

I just heard a press conference ... but I think I was on acid.

Try reading the quote before jumping to conclusions

thebajarunner - 3-23-2020 at 05:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
this is the alarming news today: economic depression!

Over the next year, the United States will almost certainly go through a depression. Economists at Goldman Sachs currently expect the U.S. economy to shrink by an unprecedented 24% next quarter. They’re optimists compared to Morgan Stanley, which expects a 30% drop, and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard, who predicted a 50% decline.

the shortages at the supermarket will continue and get worse.
Our inventory has always been low, and productivity of all producers is down, doubts that production will ramp back up for several months.
life for the next year will be like living in 1970s soviet union, lines at stores, rationing, bare shelves,... but hopeully no authoritarianism or state-run propaganda (vote for joe!)

[Edited on 3-23-2020 by mtgoat666]

The decline projected is for the second quarter.
Annual decline projected by most, including those you quote, about 1%
Hardly qualifies as depression

John Harper - 3-23-2020 at 06:42 PM

Let's look at the quote you two are using as evidence, from Bloomberg News:

"At Goldman Sachs, Jan Hatzius’s team said in a report that they now expect the world economy to contract about 1% this year, which would be a bigger decline than even that witnessed in 2009 amid the financial crisis. They were already projecting a 24% annualized drop in U.S. output in the next quarter."

WORLD, not US, GDP down 1% in 2020. Perhaps not a depression, but possibly deeper than the recent deep recession of 2009. Not good for sure.

US GDP, with a 6% (24% annualized) drop in one quarter, is highly unlikely to lead to an annual US decline of only 1% in 2020. The GDP growth itself in the other 3 quarters would have to be huge to get back to only a 1% annual decline. In 2009, GDP declined 4.3% total. That seems more likely than not given the forecast of world decline.


[Edited on 3-24-2020 by John Harper]

chippy - 3-23-2020 at 07:05 PM

Whats up with goat? Its like he wants the doom and gloom?

mtgoat666 - 3-25-2020 at 08:31 PM

The GOP is testing the waters, floating the concept of health care rationing, death panels, etc.:

“ Fox News’ Brit Hume defended comments from Texas lieutenant governor Dan Patrick Tuesday night, saying it is “entirely reasonable” that elderly Americans could be fine with dying amid the coronavirus outbreak to save the U.S. economy.

“The utter collapse of the country’s economy — which many think will happen if this goes on much longer — is an intolerable result,” the 76-year-old told primetime host Tucker Carlson. “[Patrick] is saying, for his own part, that he would be willing to take a risk of getting the disease if that’s what it took to allow the economy to move forward. He said that because he is late in life, that he would be perhaps more willing than he might have been at a younger age, which seems to me to be an entirely reasonable viewpoint.”

Patrick sent shockwaves through viewers Monday night when the 63-year-old said on Carlson’s program, “No one reached out to me and said, ‘As a senior citizen, are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the America that all America loves for your children and grandchildren?’ And if that’s the exchange, I’m all in.””

mtgoat666 - 3-25-2020 at 08:33 PM

Will you take a bullet to preserve shareholder value for Walton family?

mtgoat666 - 3-25-2020 at 08:37 PM

I think I will stay home, and send grandpa out to buy groceries tomorrow!

Given a Choice ...............

MrBillM - 3-25-2020 at 10:00 PM

Which I'm not ............. I wouldn't give up a day for any of the younger generations.

Kids are mostly just Assholes in training.

Bajazly - 3-25-2020 at 10:14 PM


mtgoat666 - 3-25-2020 at 10:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajazly  

In construction we have a goal of zero incidents, zero lost days, zero recordables, zero fatalities. OSHA has same goals.

I think trumpistas would like to revise OSHA regs so companies could have few incidents, lost days, recordables and fatalities — because safety is hurting our profits.

Trumpistas would love to make America great again ala 1800s industrial revolution — great business growth, worker fatalities were not given a thought.

mtgoat666 - 3-26-2020 at 03:33 PM

It is appropriate that ‘Merica be a leader in everything:

Today, 3/26/20, the United States hit a milestone, becoming the country with the highest number of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide.

USA #1!

RFClark - 3-26-2020 at 11:16 PM

“Trumpistas would love to make America great again ala 1800s industrial revolution — great business growth, worker fatalities were not given a thought.”

Speaking of “Worker Fatalities” how many of those have the Clintons collected? Perhaps OSHA should look into it! There’s an awful lot of dead people for just office work!

“Once is an accident, twice is a coincident, three times is enemy action!”

chuckie - 3-27-2020 at 12:19 AM

What is a "Clinton"?

mtgoat666 - 3-27-2020 at 02:53 AM

From the NYT:
It’s hard to believe, but just a month ago Donald Trump and his henchmen were dismissing the coronavirus as a nonevent. On Feb. 26 Trump declared that “You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be close to zero.” His remark came a day after Larry Kudlow, his administration’s chief economist, declared that the virus was almost completely contained, and that the economy was “holding up nicely.”

RFClark - 3-27-2020 at 07:41 AM

Those same “News” Outlets that Loath the President studiously refuse to report the stupid things that anti Trump politicians do! Example: the woman in charge of public health in NYC told everyone to go to Chinatown and celebrate New Years to prove they weren’t racist! Now NYC is the Hot Spot for the current Plague!

RFClark - 3-27-2020 at 07:52 AM

The democratic way is for the Trump Haters to refuse to do anything that the President or his advisers suggest! The rest of us will do what works regardless of who suggests it!

The surviving group will run the country! Totally democratic!