
Wine #5: CabSauv Wine Factory

Santiago - 4-7-2020 at 08:26 PM

Very nice label here.
It's been our long-held view that there is an inverse relationship between the what's on the outside of the bottle and what's on the inside. Don't know why, just seems to be. I suppose that if there were an exception that proves the rule, this would be a contender.

We agreed that delivier was above average for a red Guadalupe wine, being Cab helps as it starts off a step or two above, say a grenache. This wine needs to sit (okay, breathe) for 10-15 minutes as there is a slight off order on corking that quickly dissipates; but you have the time to spin the bottle, which, truth be told, is about all the time it takes any more these days.

Why would anyone call themselves the Wine Factory is beyond us, but we suppose the Gallo Bros did pretty well. It's a living. FB page with a large barn somewhere in the valle. Spending a couple of days anymore is just not going to cut it. 4 or 5 a day is about all anyone can handle and with at least 30-40 wineries we haven't even heard of, it's getting out of hand. Wine Factory indeed.

Ateo - 4-7-2020 at 08:26 PM

I love a good Cab Sav.............Thanks for the reviews.