
Merger of Fideicomiso Banks?

joel - 4-21-2020 at 10:47 AM

I got a notice in January that the company administering my fideicomiso is switching from Grupo Financiero Interacciones, S.A.B. de C.V., to Grupo Financiero Banorte, S.A.B. de C.V..

I've emailed and called the new company with no response.

Does anyone else have experience with dealing with the new company?

elskel - 4-21-2020 at 02:19 PM

I paid mine in January in San Jose Del Cabo @ the Fido office at Bannorte. I Attempted to pay in December in the States @ Wells Fargo, it was an account that came with an email. The account number did not work. I called Valeria, she is the 624 number and talked to her. They also responded back to my email I sent them. A buddy of mine paid his at the Bannorte branch in Todos Santos.; the transfer
receipt, phone number (624)

boe4fun - 4-21-2020 at 02:27 PM

Sent you a U2U on using Ulink to send payment electronically.

Can you share the Link info pls?

submarine_dbk - 4-21-2020 at 03:05 PM

Boe - we are in the same boat trying to catch up with Fido payment. Wire info from Valeria is confusing and we have difficulty reaching her. U2U would be great if you are able. Thanks!

ncampion - 4-22-2020 at 11:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by elskel  
I paid mine in January in San Jose Del Cabo @ the Fido office at Bannorte. I Attempted to pay in December in the States @ Wells Fargo, it was an account that came with an email. The account number did not work. I called Valeria, she is the 624 number and talked to her. They also responded back to my email I sent them. A buddy of mine paid his at the Bannorte branch in Todos Santos.; the transfer
receipt, phone number (624)

Also in the same boat here in Loreto. Emails sent to the two contacts you gave but no reply as yet. Payment due middle of May, hope I can get to someone who can help. Thanks for the leads.

BigWooo - 4-23-2020 at 05:37 AM

Hey Joel,

We have one of our fidecomisos with Banorte. As far as paying your annual fees, in my opinion, Banorte is one of the most dysfunctional banks in Mexico. We, over the years, have only had success paying in person at the bank. Once we used a guy in Todos Santos that pays bills for people (I will look up his info and get back to you). He was a bit expensive but successful. Wire transfers, bank transfers have never been successful. We pay in the Banorte branch just off the malecon in La Paz. Communicating with them is extremely frustrating. We'e so frustrated with them we've actually thought about paying to re-do our fideicomiso with someone else. Pretty extreme but almost worth it.

[Edited on 4-23-2020 by BigWooo]

joel - 4-23-2020 at 08:08 AM

I got an email back finally, but they gave me only options to pay in Mexico (not likely I can go down soon) and the same Wells bank account number that didn't work previously. Frustrating....

8knots - 4-23-2020 at 11:02 AM

We have the same problems/challenges with Monex Fido. Super frustrating. We are in the midst of selling a piece of our property and Money informed our lawyer that we had never paid our Fido fees. We were able to retrieve all the receipts proving we had paid over the last four years. Still no work from them but I hate this not being able to easily pay and confidently know it has been put in your account. Where the heck does that money go when you pay and they don't acknowledge. Very poor business model, at least for us.

ncampion - 4-23-2020 at 11:45 AM

Success today! Using the email addresses provided by elskel (thank you) I received a reply from Banorte with detailed instructions for payment. Provided payment instructions for paying in: Cash, Mex, Cash, US, Check, US, or on line using a service called uLink which is what I will use. He provided reference and account numbers, the amount due and the date due. I'm happy now, we'll see how the payment goes. He said I could share his email address:

pacificobob - 4-23-2020 at 12:28 PM

which bank has taken the fidu-what? accounts?

ncampion - 4-23-2020 at 12:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by pacificobob  
which bank has taken the fidu-what? accounts?

We originally establiished the Fido through Fidu-what and it was with Interacciones. Don't know if they used other banks as well. Banorte apparently bought Interacciones.

pacificobob - 4-23-2020 at 02:19 PM


ncampion - 4-24-2020 at 01:04 PM

Well, successfully paid my fido on my phone using the uLink app that Banorte recommended. Easy and perfect accountability. Now I can go back to worring about viruses.

pacificobob - 4-24-2020 at 04:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by ncampion  
Well, successfully paid my fido on my phone using the uLink app that Banorte recommended. Easy and perfect accountability. Now I can go back to worring about viruses.

Did you get use PayPal, or your credit card? Sounds like i need to check it out. Thanks

submarine_dbk - 4-24-2020 at 05:08 PM

@ncampion - glad it all worked for you. I used the info you sent and set up an account, easy peasy. Once my bank gets added, I can debit from it rather than using a CC. Thanks again for pointing my to the uLink app.

ncampion - 4-30-2020 at 11:15 AM

Update on my Fido payment to Banorte using the uLink app on my phone. Just got an official receipt from Banorte (pdf) for the recent of payment. Very fast and professional. Good to Go! Never got a receipt before from Interacciones, just a cashed check weeks later.