
Headiing to Baja via Hwy 1- Road reports Please

Russ - 5-3-2020 at 01:40 PM

I have some friends that are coming down in the next two weeks and would like to know of any problems that you may have encountered. They have a home here and have perminente (sp) visas but are concerned about any restrictions.

[Edited on 5-3-2020 by Russ]

chippy - 5-3-2020 at 02:02 PM

My brother drove down thurs. to his house south of San Felipe. No problem. Bring a comprabante de domicilio and all is good.

David K - 5-3-2020 at 02:12 PM

On the South of San Felipe various pages there is mention of mandatory 14 day self quarantined. The locals don't want foreigners bringing the virus down with them.

From Puertecitos area:

Yesterday at 10:53 AM ยท
Baja is closed for tourism.
There is a government mandated stay at home order-- shelter in place from March 30 - May 30. Only essential businesses like grocery stores and gas stations are allowed to be open. If anyone needs to go out, a mask and self-distancing of 6 feet is required. The town of San Felipe and its beaches, north and south of town are closed. Only residents, including foreigners holding a permanent residency card, are allowed to be in San Felipe.

Check points are randomly located to ensure this is enforced. This has nothing to do with political beliefs or anyone's opinion about the virus. We should not avoid the government orders. Please respect the Mexican government's laws. The communities are working together to help get through this. We all look forward to this being in the rear-view mirror, but for now, business is shut down! . 20 vehicles were turned around at the military checkpoint north of San Felipe yesterday.

[Edited on 5-4-2020 by David K]

elskel - 5-3-2020 at 03:15 PM

Have them take the 5.

Alm - 5-7-2020 at 05:09 PM

My understanding has been that main restriction is that non-essential cross-border travelers are not allowed except for returning citizens. Your friends are looking to break the law. But, given notably unpredictable Mexican enforcement, they just might succeed. Sorry, no real report.

BigWooo - 5-8-2020 at 06:07 AM

About 10 days ago a friend of mine's daughter was trying to travel to Southern Baja. She was turned around at Guerrero Negro. She is a Mexican citizen, but with residency in Northern Baja.