
sick expats crossing to us for med care

fruitdoc - 5-14-2020 at 11:07 AM

I read that some expats sick with covid-19 are crossing the border to be treated in the US . what is the situation on the ground concerning this ? have you heard of many expats contracting covid-19 ?

weebray - 5-14-2020 at 11:16 AM

And where did you read that? And did you check the article for facts? Let's be careful about starting rumors.

mtgoat666 - 5-14-2020 at 11:35 AM

Quote: Originally posted by weebray  
And where did you read that? And did you check the article for facts? Let's be careful about starting rumors.

these days, most mis-information about covid-19 comes from Trump. Re your question, here are some things you can read....

BajaNaranja - 5-14-2020 at 01:18 PM

This article quotes two different health care professionals who cite cross-border travellers as part of the cause for continued coronavirus transmission in San Diego - although I wish they would cite specific examples / data to support their contention a bit more...

From the end of the article:

"[Dr. Ghazala] Sharieff, who oversees clinical excellence and experience at Scripps, also pointed to the U.S.-Mexico border as a big source of new cases. San Diego’s South Bay hospitals have treated a higher volume of COVID-19 patients than elsewhere in the region leading officials to suspect people are crossing to access health care as Mexican facilities become overwhelmed. A county health official previously said those patients are largely U.S. citizens.

She said Scripps is now transporting its Chula Vista patients as far north as its facility in La Jolla.

Dr. Hai Shao at Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center also cited border traffic as a reason for new cases. Scripps and Sharp HealthCare late last month formally requested help from federal officials to identify potential cases among people crossing the border."

RocketJSquirrel - 5-14-2020 at 03:42 PM

Of course there will be few. Wouldn't you think so?

If you lived in TJ or Mexicali or Rosarito and thought you were dying with the big C and had a good MediCare policy... what would you do?

Mostly the local people here are worried about the TJ-ians and Mexicali-ese bailing to Ensenada or further south to escape the virus. AND southern Californians coming down here and coughing on us.

[Edited on 5-14-2020 by RocketJSquirrel]

BajaNaranja - 5-14-2020 at 03:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RocketJSquirrel  

Mostly the local people here are worried about the TJ-ians and Mexicali-ese bailing to Ensenada or further south to escape the virus. AND southern Californians coming down here and coughing on us.

[Edited on 5-14-2020 by RocketJSquirrel]

Right - I'd heard that this ^ was the main reason for the southbound checkpoint at the El Sauzal / San Miguel toll booth - to keep Tijuana / Mexicali COVID-19 sufferers from flooding Ensenada health care providers.

RocketJSquirrel - 5-14-2020 at 04:07 PM

Or spreading the disease.

Alm - 5-15-2020 at 11:02 PM

Big C is a different scenario, it's not contagious. Neither it is urgent, except for aggressive cancers.

I wonder what was the real reason for these questions in the OP's very first post on the forum. Rather general questions and the wording is strange.

"have you heard of many expats contracting covid-19 ?"
Duh. 45,000 cases in Mexico. It's not like being an expat gives you an immunity.

"I read that some expats sick with covid-19 are crossing the border to be treated in the US . what is the situation on the ground concerning this ? "
The situation is that the border agents quarantine everybody with Covid-19 symptoms. Or, at least, trying to. Those in need of immediate treatment are hospitalized. No kidding. It's been like this since Day 1.

RocketJSquirrel - 5-16-2020 at 05:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Alm  
Big C is a different scenario, it's not contagious. Neither it is urgent, except for aggressive cancers.

The situation is that the border agents quarantine everybody with Covid-19 symptoms. Or, at least, trying to. Those in need of immediate treatment are hospitalized. No kidding. It's been like this since Day 1.

Wink wink - by BIG C - I meant the big Corona virus. Trying to inject some humor/sarcasm. Failed apparently.

The REAL situation at the border is you never get stopped going south and going north they ask you why you are heading north almost the same as before. Substituted that question for the old, Do you have anything to declare. Symptoms? I've not had a border guard get close enough to even guess if I had symptoms. They are keeping their distance.

Alm - 5-16-2020 at 11:16 AM

Official CBP guidance is that they must perform screening. But they are not trained and ground crossings are not equipped. In airports it's a little better.

The OP asked about "expats sick with Covid" crossing the border to get treatment in the US. One of those questions....

How "sick" - tested positive and no symptoms or having symptoms and never tested? If you have no symptoms, you're required to self-isolate for 2 weeks whether you're positive or negative and CBP may ask where you're going to hole in, do you have a place - because you're an expat, somebody not living in the US. If you have severe symptoms, CBP will tell you to go to hospital or will pull you off and call an ambulance.