I photoed this excerpt form Ben Hunters book "The Baja Feeling"
David K - 7-2-2020 at 12:10 PM
In 1966, I remember kids were selling big, juicy mangos for a peso (8 cents then).
The Hawaii of Baja, one book said. Mother of Dragons - 7-2-2020 at 05:23 PM
I like Mulege!
AKgringo - 7-2-2020 at 07:05 PM
My first visit there was in 1986, and it is one of my favorite towns on Baja, or the mainland! It seems to have changed much less than any place else
we visited then.
We attracted quite a bit of attention then, a family of five in and old Suburban pulling an even older boat. The Alaska plates, and studded tires
rattling on cobblestone streets helped start more than a couple of conversations.mtgoat666 - 7-2-2020 at 07:22 PM
Are there still snook in the river? AKgringo - 7-2-2020 at 07:59 PM
I did not fish the river when I stayed there a couple of years ago, but I walked my dog along the bank just downstream from the highway bridge a
couple of times.
There were fish breaking the surface quite often! I don't know for sure what they were (looked kind of like mullet) but they could have been small
snook, or fish fleeing from a large snook!freediverbrian - 7-2-2020 at 09:00 PM
The first time there was in 1972 after four days on the unpaved Mex 1 it was a magnificent sight with the trees and the river, unforgettable.