David K - 7-27-2020 at 10:28 AM
Max Kurillo is still going strong on his passion for teaching us about the missions, Camino Real, and the famous bells. Turning 90 this year, Max and
I have been business partners since 2012 when we co-authored our first book together.
This arrived in my email from Sunbelt today...
Explore the Old Missions of the Californias with Max Kurillo
Max Kurillo has been researching, writing, and lecturing about the California missions for many decades and has published several books, articles, and
booklets about the missions. He worked with and appeared with Huell Howser on the California Gold production of “The Bells of El Camino Real."
Kurillo has visited all the 48 missions in Baja and Alta California.
His latest book is Old Missions of the Californias, co-authored with David Kier. All 48 of the California missions are detailed in the order of their
founding and not based on a border that didn’t exist when the missions were built. Maps and photos from past and present provide a look at the
missions from yesterday and today. Also Included are chapters on the founding Catholic Orders, on the mission road, El Camino Real, and a complete
reference list of additional mission history sources. This comprehensive yet compact work belongs in your glovebox, backpack, and home library to
enrich your travel and mission history experiences.
Last week, we invited Max over to Sunbelt for a SB Live Chat about the old missions. If you were not able to catch the live broadcast, check out the
on demand replay below. Our entire selection of Kurillo's books have been put on special in conjunction with this talk. The sale runs through July
31st, so be sure to order soon!
Max's Video Podcast from Sunbelt Publications: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW3CO43bHCM&feature=yout...
Old Missions of the Californias
Max Kurillo, David Kier
Retail: $20.95
Sale price: $18.95
California’s El Camino Real and Its Historic Bells
Max Kurillo
Retail: $22.95
Sale Price: $18.25
Coloring California Missions
Max Kurillo
Retail: $9.95
Sale Price: $7.95
Quick Guide to California Missions
Max Kurillo
Retail: $8.95
Sale Price: $7.25