Here is a response by Luis Enrique Lucero when the issue was contested in Los Barilles, suggesting, the initial suspension comes from the Secreteria
de Salud and was enforced by API, though, states that articulo 50 de la Ley de Navigacion, requires a notification of departure and return to port
captain, and Secrateria de Salud requires solo dos personas a bordo panga, solo era pescar autoconsumo, previo cumplimiento de los requisitos.
Consider public manifestation, with face masks and social distance to engage dialogue for resolution to use the Loreto launch ramp in a calm, rational
manner focused on reduced risk, while serving the essential needs of Nationals and extranjeros.
Teléfono: (55) 50904200 ext. 4716
Atención a la ciudadanía: (55) 50904200 ext. 4716
FONATUR Operadora Portuaria
Contactanos (612) 175-11-00
Typically, requests for departure are made in advance, by a few days, to include:
Name of the boat
Registration number
Gross tonnage
Crew names
If no formal requests were made, then none were denied? First make a formal request for departure conforming to the requirements and then use the
denial or lack of response as part of the negotiation
[Edited on 8-18-2020 by gnukid] |