
Sept. 2008... one of our really great Baja times...

David K - 9-20-2020 at 05:53 PM

Covid and restrictions are really getting dull to read about... We are doing everything asked, wearing masks in public, not traveling, etc. So, this is not a trip report as it happened in 2008, it is just for Baja Nomads who need an escape from 2020!

Time for a Baja Fix!

Just remembering how much fun September is for us in Baja.. Both Baja Angel and I have birthdays in September and we always seemed to go to Baja for the long Labor Day weekend.

The place is close to being deserted (some people get freaked if it is over 90°)! The sea water is bathtub warm (day and night)... and the beer tastes especially good when kept on ice.

Labor Day Weekend, 9-08 (I was just under 51 years old back then with much more energy)

Saturday: To Shell Island via Mexicali and heavy rainfall north of San Felipe... Set up camp by noon. Enjoyed the beach.

Sunday: A beautiful day on the beach. Total relaxation! A great night campfire, too.

Monday: Had enough sun, so we pack up to head south. Off the island by 11 am, and arrive at Gonzaga Bay at 3 pm. After dinner at Alfonsina's, we continue on to have a nice stay at Baja Cactus Motel in El Rosario, arriving there at 9:20 pm.

Tuesday: Surprise birthday cake for Elizabeth is delivered to our room by Baja Cactus staff... Many thanks to Antonio! Breakfast at Tacos Mision while my truck is washed next door. Dinner at Puerto Nuevo and home before 9:30 pm.

Low Tide in the morning

High tide midday so great for swimming

Low tide, again, same day at sundown!

Shell Island earns its name!

Less than 2 miles from the Puertecitos road, the asphalt ends. Heavy duty construction continues for another few miles. A detour down to the older route is just ahead.

Surprise in our room! Elizabeth's birthday was that day.

We brought the cake down to share with the motel staff and we sang 'Happy Birthday' to "Liz". Thank you Baja Cactus for making my wife's birthday so extra special!

I took photos of Hugo Lopez' beautiful art, at Tacos Misión, El Rosario...

These photos and more at

JZ - 9-20-2020 at 08:18 PM

Not seeing much Covid out there on Shell Beach.

Unless you are in a high risk group there is no reason not travel. Airlines are open. Hotels never closed. Camp grounds have re-opened. You can avoid people to the degree you feel appropriate - for that Shell Island and the hot temps seem ideal.

Just use the same social distance sensibilities you do at home. Get tested before you go (a lot of urgent cares can give you results in 15 mins).

Do this and you have very little chance of giving it to someone or getting it unless you act recklessly.

Sitting at home doesn't help anyone.

David K - 9-21-2020 at 03:06 AM

LOL, JZ yes.
But, the point of this post was to not talk about Covid (for a change)! :light: