
Baja 1,000

verichip - 11-2-2020 at 04:06 PM

Is it on?
Got a link yo the map?
What about the crowd in Ensenada?

PaulW - 11-2-2020 at 05:03 PM

The best map:
Oficaial map:

Both the SCORE and Code races were approved by the state and city governments.

Limited and restricted access in Ensenada open access along the race track.

David K - 11-2-2020 at 05:40 PM

The map was posted in the Off Roading forum here... almost a month ago:

Restricted access to the racers and no contingency, just tech inspection in a fenced compound to keep crowds from happening.

bajatrailrider - 11-2-2020 at 06:04 PM

I think maybe small turn out very few prerunners so far .

thebajarunner - 11-2-2020 at 06:17 PM

Small field means everyone wins.:):):)

I remember the good old days of BRA (Baja Racing Assoc)
I can't remember old Bill's last name, but he was the boss man.

We won a BRA race, the Laguna Salada 200 !!
OK, there were only two in the pickup class,
but hey, a win is a win,
Still have the trophy way up on a top shelf

AKgringo - 11-2-2020 at 06:31 PM

Did the other truck get a "participation trophy":wow:

thebajarunner - 11-2-2020 at 06:40 PM

I don’t think he even finished
But don’t tell anyone
A win is a win!!

Bajaboy - 11-2-2020 at 07:24 PM

Plan on watching near El Socorrito.

David K - 11-3-2020 at 09:25 AM

Quote: Originally posted by thebajarunner  
Small field means everyone wins.:):):)

I remember the good old days of BRA (Baja Racing Assoc)
I can't remember old Bill's last name, but he was the boss man.

We won a BRA race, the Laguna Salada 200 !!
OK, there were only two in the pickup class,
but hey, a win is a win,
Still have the trophy way up on a top shelf

The 1975 BRA Baja 300 at Santo Tomás was fun, the start and end was in the El Palomar campground. I went down following Class 5 racer Mark Hansen of Escondido. We did a pre run of the lap the day before the race.

One racer broke down and borrowed a rancher's horse to ride back to the start for help... with his fire suit and helmet on!

I was drove in that race

thebajarunner - 11-3-2020 at 11:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by thebajarunner  
Small field means everyone wins.:):):)

I remember the good old days of BRA (Baja Racing Assoc)
I can't remember old Bill's last name, but he was the boss man.

We won a BRA race, the Laguna Salada 200 !!
OK, there were only two in the pickup class,
but hey, a win is a win,
Still have the trophy way up on a top shelf

The 1975 BRA Baja 300 at Santo Tomás was fun, the start and end was in the El Palomar campground. I went down following Class 5 racer Mark Hansen of Escondido. We did a pre run of the lap the day before the race.

One racer broke down and borrowed a rancher's horse to ride back to the start for help... with his fire suit and helmet on!

I drove with my old partner Darold in "Old Blue" pickup.
My memory is that we made several loops out and around to the coast and back
Also how dusty the campground was at El Palomar
And how steep that hill was behind the hotel
Coming down it was a real adventure.
We found a biker that had crashed and was really banged up, close to the end of a loop
We tossed him (not the bike) in the bed of the truck and told him to hang on, safely dumped him back at start/finish.
It was his choice to hang on back there, we told him we would send help but he asked for the ride back so we cheerfully complied.
(So, what was old Bill's last name? The guy who owned BRA)

David K - 11-3-2020 at 12:40 PM

I have no idea about the management of BRA... I was 17 and there for fun... Yes, it was many 50+ mile loops to the coast and back to make 300 miles... Funny about how we were both there at the same time, 45 years ago!

Yeah, I remember you

thebajarunner - 11-3-2020 at 01:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
I have no idea about the management of BRA... I was 17 and there for fun... Yes, it was many 50+ mile loops to the coast and back to make 300 miles... Funny about how we were both there at the same time, 45 years ago!

Weren't you the little snotnose kid that jumped out in front of my truck coming off the starting line?
Shoulda plowed your buttt
I guess I was too kind in those days

RocketJSquirrel - 11-5-2020 at 11:34 AM

From where does the 1000 start? At the compound?

The map and the schedule of activities were unclear.

RocketJSquirrel - 11-5-2020 at 12:35 PM

Looks like from up on that new road?

David K - 11-5-2020 at 01:09 PM

Yes, up on the new Libramiento de Ensenada... Only people directly connected for the race can get in close, due to the China virus.

Best to find a good location to view down the course somewhere. Since it loops around a lot, you can move a short distance to watch in multiple places... Just DO NOT drive on the course after they have passed, especially the wrong way!

Bajaboy - 11-5-2020 at 01:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Yes, up on the new Libramiento de Ensenada... Only people directly connected for the race can get in close, due to the China virus.

Best to find a good location to view down the course somewhere. Since it loops around a lot, you can move a short distance to watch in multiple places... Just DO NOT drive on the course after they have passed, especially the wrong way!

Maybe you should turn off Fox News and check out the race yourself:light: Just remember to wear a mask and social distance.

[Edited on 11-5-2020 by Bajaboy]

RocketJSquirrel - 11-5-2020 at 03:46 PM

Thank you, David.

mtgoat666 - 11-5-2020 at 08:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Yes, up on the new Libramiento de Ensenada... Only people directly connected for the race can get in close, due to the China virus.

China virus?
Trump virus!
235,000 Americans dead :fire::(:(:(

mtgoat666 - 11-5-2020 at 09:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Thank God he stopped flights from China despite the Dems all against that!!!
Since the Chinese communist party owns the Biden family, no surprise!

He only stopped Chinese citizens entering USA. After the ban, he let over 100,000 Americans enter USA from Asia, and did not quarantine them,... many came home infected and spread the trump plague....

elgatoloco - 11-6-2020 at 07:23 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  

Since the Chinese communist party owns the Biden family, no surprise!

Prove it.

chuckie - 11-6-2020 at 07:38 AM

DK is unable to prove most of his far out claims. That is why he has little or no credibility.

Bajaboy - 11-6-2020 at 08:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by elgatoloco  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  

Since the Chinese communist party owns the Biden family, no surprise!

Prove it.

He heard it from Donny Jr:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

John Harper - 11-6-2020 at 09:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
The virus is from China.

And Ebola came from Africa, Syphilis from Spain/Italy, Gonorrhea from England, Smallpox from Egypt, etc.

What's your point?


chuckie - 11-6-2020 at 10:11 AM

No one called it the "China Virus'" except Putins butt boy, Donny Trump.

mtgoat666 - 11-6-2020 at 10:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Well, it seems for some here, it isn't obvious why it was called the "China Virus", that is the point. It comes from China. Nothing more complicated than that. :light:

[Edited on 11-6-2020 by David K]

“China virus” is a racist trope. Dk knows this. Dk is trying to use a racist slur, but plead innocence of racism. He defense is pathetic.

chuckie - 11-6-2020 at 10:28 AM

His defenses are always pathetic. HE is PATHETIC!

Bajaboy - 11-6-2020 at 12:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Well, it seems for some here, it isn't obvious why it was called the "China Virus", that is the point. It comes from China. Nothing more complicated than that. :light:

[Edited on 11-6-2020 by David K]

Simpleton logic:light:

StuckSucks - 11-6-2020 at 01:22 PM

In the name of accuracy, COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2.

mtgoat666 - 11-6-2020 at 01:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
China is a place, not a race. 'China Virus' is a virus from China. Nothing at all racist, it is about geography. Do you need a map? When I was young, there was a Hong Kong Flu. Nothing racist was implied. Stop with the hate and spinning the story to appeal to CNN and MSNBC mentality viewers.

Stop being a closeted racist. Be who you are. If you say racists things, then deny it, you are a coward. Own it. Be a man, not weasel.

matthew_mangus - 11-6-2020 at 04:16 PM

The childish bickering is why I spend very little time in Baja Nomads. I came into this thread interested to learn about spectating the B1K. A need to be down in Baja for work happens to coincide with the race and I'd like to find a cool spot or two to catch the action (likely towards the San Felipe side as I'll be camping on the beach over there somewhere).

Bajazly - 11-6-2020 at 04:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by matthew_mangus  
The childish bickering is why I spend very little time in Baja Nomads. I came into this thread interested to learn about spectating the B1K. A need to be down in Baja for work happens to coincide with the race and I'd like to find a cool spot or two to catch the action (likely towards the San Felipe side as I'll be camping on the beach over there somewhere).

Unfortunately it will be middle of the night viewing here in San Felipe but that can be cool too. Plenty of places to camp out on the course here.

If you need some suggestions where or anything let me know, I'm always around

bajatrailrider - 11-6-2020 at 07:46 PM

Can we get back to off road forget the virus. Forget political crap .

matthew_mangus - 11-7-2020 at 01:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bajazly  
Quote: Originally posted by matthew_mangus  
The childish bickering is why I spend very little time in Baja Nomads. I came into this thread interested to learn about spectating the B1K. A need to be down in Baja for work happens to coincide with the race and I'd like to find a cool spot or two to catch the action (likely towards the San Felipe side as I'll be camping on the beach over there somewhere).

Unfortunately it will be middle of the night viewing here in San Felipe but that can be cool too. Plenty of places to camp out on the course here.

If you need some suggestions where or anything let me know, I'm always around

Much appreciated. I'll have a few days to kill between arriving in Mexicali on the 16th and the race itself. I'm thinking about possible heading over to Guadalupe Canyon for a couple of nights, but its been crowded the last couple of times I've been there. I'm open to suggestions. Do you use Whatsapp?

Bajazly - 11-7-2020 at 08:08 AM

U2 sent matthew.

TMW - 11-7-2020 at 04:39 PM

Usually the loop races for the 1000 are harder and slower than the ones to La Paz or Cabo. 50 mph average is not out of the question for this race. The bikes start at 4 am the cars and trucks at 10 am. The exit at Matomi Wash is race mile 600 so the first bike should be there at 4 pm and the first car/truck at 10 pm. You will get a better feel listening to the race radios and/or following it on SCORE's web site.

BajaMama - 11-8-2020 at 09:10 AM

Is the winner of last year's 1,000 on this forum?

KasloKid - 11-8-2020 at 11:12 AM

There is no one "winner" as there are 50 some odd classes of race vehicles, each having a winner.
The overall winner is the one with the fastest time to finish, doesn't matter what class they're registered in. Always a "peeing" contest between cage and motos.

The latest Baja 500 results here:

Classes explained here:

One site you can check out that has lots of info:

[Edited on 11-8-2020 by KasloKid]

TMW - 11-8-2020 at 11:24 AM

Alan Ampudia won the 2019 Bala 1000 overall in the Trophy Truck class.
He is in this year as the #10 Trophy Truck.

Justin Morgan won the motorcycle overall class on Bike 1x. He is not listed as an entry so far this year. Only 2 entries in Pro MC unlimited class so far.

TecateRay - 11-8-2020 at 11:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
Alan Ampudia won the 2019 Bala 1000 overall in the Trophy Truck class.
He is in this year as the #10 Trophy Truck.

Justin Morgan won the motorcycle overall class on Bike 1x. He is not listed as an entry so far this year. Only 2 entries in Pro MC unlimited class so far.

Justin is racing as part of the 1X SLR Team. Samuels is the rider of record this year, Justin was rider of record last year.

mtgoat666 - 11-9-2020 at 12:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by StuckSucks  
In the name of accuracy, COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2.

2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by virus named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

Some people think it is nothing to worry about, eh?