
"Request for items" forum?

aburruss - 11-17-2020 at 07:25 PM

There are a few of us that live in the states who have offered to transport items to people in Baja when we travel south of the border.

What is the thought about having a separate forum for such requests. Here are the types of things that couple be in this forum:

1) Request from a Nomad in Baja: I need a widget brought down, please let me know if anyone is coming to my town/city.

2) A person who is traveling to some point south of the border, and willing to stop along the way and pick something up for transport, OR, to have something shipped to them (via amazon, or some other US-based method), and then transport the item to the Nomad.

Each person would need to judge the legality, risk, customs implications, etc. on their own.

Thoughts? Worthwhile?

Do we just post such a thing in General Baja Discussion?

AKgringo - 11-17-2020 at 07:34 PM

I think that most people are set up so that this site opens up to "Today's Posts", so a request would show up no matter what forum it is posted in. Since a request would be time sensitive, there would not be much benefit to searching the archives for a connection.

aburruss - 11-17-2020 at 07:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
I think that most people are set up so that this site opens up to "Today's Posts", so a request would show up no matter what forum it is posted in. Since a request would be time sensitive, there would not be much benefit to searching the archives for a connection.

I certainly agree. Still helps to have things categorized nicely? Should such a post just be in "General Baja Discussion"?

AKgringo - 11-17-2020 at 07:46 PM

I would think it should be in the questions and answers forum, or possibly one of the special interest forums, depending on what the items are.

JZ - 11-17-2020 at 08:13 PM

Sounds like a great idea op.

BajaNomad - 11-18-2020 at 03:25 AM

pacificobob - 11-18-2020 at 07:30 AM

there are freight forwarders in san diego. we have stuff from the states delivered to our door every Tuesday. [think amazon] there is a fee involved...but likely similar to what you would feel like tipping a nomad for the effort.

larryC - 11-18-2020 at 07:57 AM

I like the idea. There have been many occasions where I have needed something brought down to BoLA but haven't been able to find anyone coming down when I needed it. I would think setting it by location ie La Paz, Cabo, BoLA, Gonzaga etc would be a good way to organize the service.

BajaBlanca - 11-18-2020 at 11:31 AM

Oh my gosh! i am probably the queen of asking for stuff to be brought down hahahaha

Most frequent requests for Les: his Irish cheddar cheese!

Me, school material for the kids.

aburruss - 11-18-2020 at 11:42 AM

I'll post such requests in the "Baja Shared Travel, Ride-Alongs, Convoys" forum for now. :)

Chup - 11-18-2020 at 05:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaNomad

It appears you are trying to pigeon hole this very request to something that you have already created, but it really isn't relatable. "Convoy"?. I don't see the DIRECT connection especially since it a child of "ride alongs"...

The people of the forum have asked for a "specialized" sub forum to specific asks..This is very valuable feedback. This site serves the people. It has been good to them, and they have been good to you.

Why not create a new sub?

Time to evolve...

[Edited on 11-19-2020 by Chup]

David K - 11-18-2020 at 05:17 PM

It just makes another place for Doug to have to move a post to.
Too often people don't look at the many forums and pick one they think fits or just post to the forum they happen to be reading.

The saving grace to see all the forums with changing to those forums is the feature called Today's Post (link at the top of the page) which lets us viewers see new activity in any of the forums, combined on one place. You can adjust it to be more days than just 'Today', if you don't come to Nomad daily.

aburruss - 11-18-2020 at 06:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
It just makes another place for Doug to have to move a post to.
Too often people don't look at the many forums and pick one they think fits or just post to the forum they happen to be reading.

Then why have multiple forums at all? Let's just have one big long thread of posts.. This is basically what "today" does, but posts still get moved all the time from one forum to another... Why does it matter where they get posted if using the "today's posts" link is the preferred way to use the forum?

AKgringo - 11-18-2020 at 06:34 PM

It is damned handy to have the multiple forums when you do a search for information that might be in old posts!

Chup - 11-18-2020 at 07:22 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
It just makes another place for Doug to have to move a post to.
Too often people don't look at the many forums and pick one they think fits or just post to the forum they happen to be reading.

The purpose of a sub-forum specifically for this request actually is to mitigate against Doug having to move threads.

Think holistically..

Mother of Dragons - 11-19-2020 at 09:02 AM

Didn’t mean to cause a problem here. Was just being friendly.

David K - 11-19-2020 at 09:10 AM

Everything is fine!
Doug controls all but says very little...
Some of us just like to throw ideas out there that we hope will keep this forum going a bit longer!
This forum began in 2002, so we are nearing 20 years!

Mother of Dragons - 11-19-2020 at 09:11 AM

Thanks David. I’m going to messenger you.

Reverse flow transportation?

AKgringo - 11-19-2020 at 03:23 PM

Ok, I am headed north from just west of La Paz tomorrow morning. Anything legal (or anybody) that needs to get back NOB?

I am headed to Bahia Asuncion for a couple of days, then plan to take MX 5 north. I am flexible on routes north from Calexico, as long as it is on the east side of the Sierras, and not snowed in too bad!

BajaNomad - 11-20-2020 at 04:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Chup  

The people of the forum have asked for a "specialized" sub forum to specific asks..

Why not create a new sub?

Time to evolve...

I've started new sub-forums in the past from participant feedback. I believe the requested forum is inappropriate to create a sub-forum for - for the same reasons the OP places disclaimers on his offer to assist others. The suggested forum has been used for such requests/offers historically. Packages, mail, etc. are ride-alongs.

The big picture for this site going forward would be to evolve the software platform, and perhaps add additional focus on informational resources for travelers to the peninsula.

"We must go back if we live, and we don't know why." - Steinbeck

Thank you for sharing your input.
