
My college kids checked in today!

BajaBlanca - 11-22-2020 at 07:21 PM

I thought I would share the great kids we have in college!

This is Alondra. She is in her LAST SEMESTER!! Graduating in Industrial Engineering. How proud I am of this kid. Her grandmother, whom she was very close to passed away 4 years ago. A couple years later, her dad passed away. Her two brothers had trouble holding down jobs, both had kids and one got into drugs. Quite a lot for her to handle. She struggled but she is ready to graduate Jan 2021!

She is also the one whom I have chosen to take my place should illness or death come to greet me. You will not be rid of me LOL Bless you all for putting up with me over so many years. All I can say is that i am forever grateful and thankful this Thanksgiving!

This is Cristina, who is majoring in Oceanography in Tijuana. Her family moved while she was in high school, a tough time as her parents divorced and her only younger brother began to slack off at school. He was one of my very favorite middle school kids. Always came on clean ups with me. Very outspoken and got involved with Wild Coast when they came to town.

At any rate, Cristina so wanted to move out on her own but I had such other pressing needs that I never found the courage to ask on her behalf. The bottom line is, although it takes her 2 hours to get to school, she has a roof over her head and her Mom covers all their expenses. She has a year to go. So mature, so good, this kid is going places!

This is Alberto. He will be graduating in 2021 in Renewable Resources from Santa Rosalia. He thinks he has an in to work with the National Electric company here in Mexico. It would be GREAT!

Javier is the joker in the class! Javier makes everyone laugh and is so loved by all. He sent this photo from his internship, ergo the mask. He will be graduating in Civil Engineering from La Paz. He is working on his resume for me ....all the 7 upcoming graduates are.

Here is Javier's roommate, Ramiro, in La Paz. Ramiro is about to graduate in architecture. He is so smart, very quiet with a smile on 24/7! I have been meaning to post his photo for a while. We bought him these glasses recently! He was getting headaches, went for an eye exam and voila!

Martha is also about to graduate! We have helped her so much and how I love this kid! Her dad is a cop in Punta Abreojos. Her Mom is a housewife and takes care of the younger sister. Martha is majoring in Business Administration and has already started a mini business making food out of seaweed as part of a school project but her main aim is to get a job at SAPA in Santa Rosalia where she is studying It would meet all my requirements for job hunting: salaried position, health insurance benefits, paid vacation and retirement package. In fact, SAPA is a lifetime placement so let's send positive thoughts her way!

Today Julian came to visit! He graduated over 2 years ago and works at IMSS. We are so close, I feel as close as I do to my own sons with Julian because his Mom died on the operating table when he was in high school. Some of you may remember his story? His dad remarried within 2 months. They pushed Julian and his sister out of the house. We took dad to court asking for child support. it was AWFUL. We got the money, got Julian into college, and one day the dad wanted to apologize. Julian was unsure what to do but i recommended he forgive his dad. Nowadays they are great friends and Julian is 100% independant. and engaged to a doctor!!! Whoooohooooo I cannot wait for grandkids hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa

Today in our driveway:

I actually put on a hoodie backwards and covered my face with the hood to be able to hug him. I saw someone do this with plastic on Brazilian TV and I thought it was brilliant.

Here is a photo from a couple years ago of Julian, his now fiancee Griselda and I in La Paz.

I am a super happy woman every day but even more so today. Julian is in town!!!!

So, I have two students who have lost their sponsors! Pandemic pandemonium.

One is Lizeth. She is in her first year of college, majoring in Business Management in Santa Rosalia. She had a sponsor from Guadalajara who simply cannot continue since her own kid and grandkid moved back home. Lizeth is finishing up her 2nd semester so she has 3 and a half years to go and needs $85 a month. This covers her rent, food and monthly needs. 12 months a year - big commitment. Can anyone help?

The next student is Roger. He is majoring in Acuaculture in La Paz and hopes to get a job in the lab in Abreojos when he finishes. He is also finishing up his first year so he has 3.5 years to go and needs a sponsor. His sponsor has simply vanished, no news for 2 months now. Roger needs $100 a month to cover rent, transportation, pays his aunt to make some meals.

Another big commitment, but only 10 months a year since he lives with an aunt. No payment in January and none in July.

If his sponsor were to reappear, I would let you know immediately.

Thanks all and Happy Thanksgiving coming up soon! Count your blessings and stay safe. Stay healthy.

[Edited on 11-23-2020 by BajaBlanca]

shari - 11-23-2020 at 08:20 AM

Blanca....what wonderful students you have and it shows that you are very proud of them..thanks for bringing their stories to life here. You have made a huge difference in their lives...BRAVO!

BajaBlanca - 11-23-2020 at 10:57 AM

Sponsor found for Roger! 10 months covered. Blessings or bendiciones, everyone!

RocketJSquirrel - 11-23-2020 at 02:26 PM

Thank YOU for what you do, Blanca. Your influence will help shape futures for a long time to come.

BajaBlanca - 11-23-2020 at 05:46 PM

Thanks Shari and RJSquirrel!