
Fall Report from beautiful Bahia Asuncion

shari - 11-23-2020 at 02:02 PM

The big news around town is the female humpback whale that washed up on Pig Beach the first week of November. Pretty much the whole town came out to see it, many of whom had never seen a whale close up before. Lucky for me it is far enough away I cant smell it but the air is ripe a few blocks away. The king tides placed it up by the arch so picnicking there is out of the question these days.

Fishing has been good and the yellowtail are putting on the pounds now with lots of fish in the 30-40lb range. But the kazillion bonita everywhere & the hungry sea lions make it a tough go some days. The ladies have been catching the biguns.....

No covid cases here that I know of and most are social distancing and wearing masks in stores. We have had a steady flow of guests visit Asuncion to surf & fish & had no problems at all getting here.
Most had tests before they came down and social distance on their own patios at the Inn.

Our guests are respectful and get their temps taken, gel treatment, footmats & offered masks.

my daughter Sirena & Baja Gyspsy have been feeding our guests at La Bufadora Inn so they dont have to go out to eat. Naturally lobster is on the menu as well as melt in your mouth pulpo in cream of chipotle sauce, shrimp salads, gourmet pizza etc. Guests are also enjoying massages & facials by our amiga Topacio.

Cruising season had begun so we are getting sailors on their way south who stop in to Bahia Asuncion to rest, get some shore time in, fuel up, provision and have a meal & beverages on our patio! They have some great stories to share!

It's lobster season so the village is prospering and tourism is leaving some much needed economic boost too. Come on down, spread some pesos around....the waters fine.....Life is good in paradise!

[Edited on 11-23-2020 by BajaNomad]

David K - 11-23-2020 at 04:44 PM

Great photo story, Shari!

[Edited on 11-24-2020 by David K]

BajaBlanca - 11-23-2020 at 04:49 PM

Beautiful photos sure make one want to show up RIGHT NOW lol!

The weather is great, no wind to speak of, ocean beyond beautiful and it looks like Sirena is cooking up a storm! Good fishing to boot? and no covid.

JZ - 11-23-2020 at 04:57 PM

Awesome to see ppl having fun in Baja.

I've never made it to your area yet. It's definitely on the itinerary for 2021.

Skipjack Joe - 11-23-2020 at 06:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBlanca  
Beautiful photos sure make one want to show up RIGHT NOW lol!

That's the whole point.

eguillermo - 11-24-2020 at 01:52 PM

Looking lively in B. A.!

Are the bonita too small to be any fun? A few years back I remember picking up some pretty big ones just outside the island.

If they are the kind with teeth, which my friends call "sashimi bonito," they are definitely good eating.

BornFisher - 11-24-2020 at 02:31 PM

Lots to be thankful for down yonder. Thanks for the report and pics!

wilderone - 11-24-2020 at 06:52 PM

shari, you're killin' me so WIWT

Cliffy - 11-25-2020 at 07:52 AM

On my bucket list
If I wasn't "on the beach" with shoulder surgery right now I'd be going down there after reading this!!!!!!
Very much looking fwd to meeting you Shari

shari - 11-25-2020 at 08:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by eguillermo  
Looking lively in B. A.!

Are the bonita too small to be any fun? A few years back I remember picking up some pretty big ones just outside the island.

there are huge bonito....great for sashimi, tuna salad and of course smoking.
Anglers are having a tough time some days as they reel in a few bonita for every yellowtail.f

HeyMulegeScott - 11-26-2020 at 08:55 AM

Sorry, we had to miss your spot. Will get out there someday.

shari - 11-26-2020 at 02:06 PM

the shore fishing is every cast on the rising tide and surf when your your arms get tired of reeling in fish!

they also did some skateboarding at the cancha and got massages here at the Inn...happy guests

mtgoat666 - 11-26-2020 at 02:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by shari  

my daughter Sirena & Baja Gyspsy have been feeding our guests at La Bufadora Inn so they dont have to go out to eat.

Highly recommend those cooks and waitresses mask up!

What to do with the whale?

AKgringo - 11-28-2020 at 11:57 AM

Shari, thanks for the hospitality and letting me pick your brain about Bahia Asuncion last week!

By the way, that whale was so ripe, that the onshore breeze carried the odor as far as your campground (Campo Sirena) Sunday night! It wasn't very strong that far away, but since I had been over by the carcass earlier, I could recognize the smell.

Here is how they handled the problem in Oregon once upon a time;

[Edited on 11-28-2020 by AKgringo]

shari - 11-28-2020 at 12:02 PM

It was nice to have you here again....always a pleasure.
I feel lucky that the eau de ballena hasnt wafted over to La Bufadora!