
Mexicali to La Paz - 16 days so far

Doug Landolfi - 12-5-2020 at 12:41 PM

Hi all. My first driving trip in Baja is going very well. Crossed at Mexicali West on Thurs 11/19 with no problems. Quick, cursory "check" of my Tacoma + Popup camper by a nice woman. Roads have all been great. Route so far - San Filipe, Gonzaga Bay, Bahia de los Angeles, San Ignatio, Mulege, Bahia de Concepcion - Coyote + El Requesón, Loreto, and now La Paz. Mostly beachfront camping in each of these locations. Many spots have been available - have not seen crowded conditions. Restaurants and hotels have been open in each of the towns listed above. Locals and visitors are following mask and hand cleansing protocols. HEADS UP # 1 - Balandra Beach is limiting daily entries. Today, Saturday, I passed by at 8:30 in the morning and capacity had already been reached. HEADS UP # 2 - The North Wind has been blowing strong 4 out of 5 days during the entire trip. Has limited access to boating activities, including trips out to the islands. I am a water sports guys, so I have learned that November (and probably through March, from what I am being told), is not my time to be on the Sea of Cortez.

Heading to Cabo Pulmo next. Hope (?) the North Wind will allow me to do some scuba diving ....

Hope the above is helpful. Doug

wilderone - 12-5-2020 at 01:06 PM

When you're in the vicinity of Cabo Pulmo, go 5 mi. south to Los Arbolitos. Very nice beach, and you can walk the cliffs south of there for more coves, etc. You can camp there too. Glad you're having a good time. PS: Glad they're capping limits of people at Balandra. There really isn't enough room for everyone who shows up and all the trash that is left (dumpsters, but inadequate).

David K - 12-5-2020 at 01:22 PM

Thanks, Doug. Keep having fun. Summer is awesome in the water, but August and September are hurricane months and some don't like the heat & humidity... Wimps! LOL

AKgringo - 12-5-2020 at 01:28 PM

I passed through Cabo Pulmo the third week of November. It was so crowded that I never got out of the car!

On the north edge of the preserve, there is fairly decent access to a rocky point that may provide some fun diving, depending on the wind. I was going to snorkel there myself several years ago, until I watched a shore fisherman lose half a roosterfish to a shark.

Whale-ista - 12-5-2020 at 05:05 PM

Thanks for the trip report- sounds like a great drive so far!

Hope the conditions allow you to go out at Pulmo. One of my more memorable snorkels took place there during June- despite clouds and windy/rough conditions early in the day, as storms came blowing in out of the south.

The sun broke thru to allow this photo:

Will you stop off to see whales on the way back?

No snorkeling allowed- but sometimes they get close enough to the pangas for underwater close-ups:

Have a safe trip!

Mother of Dragons - 12-5-2020 at 05:37 PM

Rattlesnake at Puerto Escondido

David K - 12-5-2020 at 06:11 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mother of Dragons  
Rattlesnake at Puerto Escondido

The kind of thing (like getting lost or stuck) that makes for great campfire stories on future Baja trips.

Heck, if my daughter was there, she might do a Steve Irwin for you?

2003, with a red diamondback, road to Punta San Francisquito.

Doug Landolfi - 12-5-2020 at 08:06 PM

Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. I just got back to the Maranatha RV campground, where I am "treating" myself to access to clean bathrooms and hot showers. This is a very nice spot on the western edge of La Paz right on Hwy 1. I spent the evening on the Malacon downtown - it is all lit up for Christmas, and looks very nice. La Paz is too big for me, but it does have some charm.

Doug Landolfi - 12-5-2020 at 08:12 PM

.... Oh - regarding the whales. I plan to leave the Tacoma + Popup near the San Jose del Cabo airport, and fly home to Colorado for Christmas. Then, will return in February to continue the adventure, and focus on the whales. If there is anyone who has ideas or leads regarding where I can safely store my truck + popup within a reasonable taxi ride to the airport, please let me know. Thanks!!


AKgringo - 12-5-2020 at 08:46 PM

I just left there a couple of weeks ago! I hope you discovered the cafe and bakery at the front of the camp.

By the way, there is at least one RV storage yard out by the La Paz airport. I understand they are back to being an international airport, so there may be good connections to Denver now.

[Edited on 12-6-2020 by AKgringo]

HeyMulegeScott - 12-5-2020 at 09:09 PM

I love to dive, snorkel, and paddle also but it can be challenging at times in the winter. You learn to watch the weather closely and go early. So much to do in Baja if the winds blow though.

Lee - 12-5-2020 at 10:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  

By the way, there is at least one RV storage yard out by the La Paz airport. I understand they are back to being an international airport, so there may be good connections to Denver now.

[Edited on 12-6-2020 by AKgringo]

Stored an RV there for years. Canadian owned at the time. Full time security, covered storage. Airport minutes down the road they will pickup and drop off. No problems.

Airport Rd. from the highway, it's on the left. Can't miss it.

RnR - 12-5-2020 at 11:02 PM

If you are still in La Paz and have a day to spare, take a drive out to La Ventana/El Sargento. (about 30 miles from your RV park).

You will see how to recreate on a windy day. There will be literally hundreds of kiteboarders and windsurfers out on the water.

Mother of Dragons - 12-6-2020 at 08:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by Mother of Dragons  
Rattlesnake at Puerto Escondido

The kind of thing (like getting lost or stuck) that makes for great campfire stories on future Baja trips.

Heck, if my daughter was there, she might do a Steve Irwin for you?

2003, with a red diamondback, road to Punta San Francisquito. thanks..I don’t mind snakes but not like that! Lol

Storage in the San Jose del Cabo area? There must be a lot?

[Edited on 12-6-2020 by Mother of Dragons]

karenintx - 12-6-2020 at 09:42 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Doug Landolfi  
.... Oh - regarding the whales. I plan to leave the Tacoma + Popup near the San Jose del Cabo airport, and fly home to Colorado for Christmas. Then, will return in February to continue the adventure, and focus on the whales. If there is anyone who has ideas or leads regarding where I can safely store my truck + popup within a reasonable taxi ride to the airport, please let me know. Thanks!!

Have used them for years. "Due to the taxi-mafia" the only legal way for storage lots to get you to/from the airport is to use a taxi. So what Anchor Storage does is "they" pay for your taxi and they ask you to tip the driver. Depending on our luggage count we tip between $3 - $10 USD. When we left last August we had only carry-on, since Covid has really hurt peoples income we handed the driver a $10 bill...the driver almost teared-up and just kept saying "Thank you".

Once you arrive @ Anchor Storage you will fill out a parking form, they will give you a copy, they call the taxi which usually takes no more than five minuets...actually they call the taxi the minuet you drive into the lot so by the time you complete your paper work the taxi is there. The taxi driver will load your luggage into their vehicle and off you go to the terminal which is no more than five minuets away.

Cost is $6 USD per day or after 10 days it goes to a monthly rate of $60 USD. You will be asked how long you expect to be gone. Since we left SJD on August 2nd we are sent a monthly bill via email which can be paid online with a credit card.

When you return all you need to do is exit the "customs door" then go outside where the taxi drivers are asking if you need a taxi. Tell them I need to go to Anchor Storage...they know the routine. They will take you to a taxi, load your luggage then drive five minuets to the lot. Anchor Storage will pay the taxi drive...again you should tip the driver.

Easy peasy!! If you call them 24 hour in advance, they will wash you car and have it ready for you. Can't remember the cost but I think it is $5-$6 USD for our Honda Pilot. My hubby has installed a "gadget" to the battery...he pops the hood then twist this gadget which prevents the battery from being drained. Sorry, I am not a mechanic but hopeful someone will know what I am talking about.

Hope this helps...good luck.
PS = Since we are gone for a longer time we leave our keys with Anchor Storage. We have never experienced a problem.

[Edited on 12-6-2020 by karenintx]

Cancamo - 12-6-2020 at 10:17 AM

Years ago all the foreign plated vehicles in the few storage locals in SJD were impounded by the federal immigration authorities. The owners were able to retrieve their wheels after paying a fine on their return.

Technically the tourist's car is on the tourists visa, and should leave the country when the tourist does.
Obviously this ruling is not being applied nowadays, tourist $ are critical. Selective enforcement of regulations is the rule here.

karenintx - 12-6-2020 at 10:46 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Cancamo  
Years ago all the foreign plated vehicles in the few storage locals in SJD were impounded by the federal immigration authorities. The owners were able to retrieve their wheels after paying a fine on their return.

Technically the tourist's car is on the tourists visa, and should leave the country when the tourist does.
Obviously this ruling is not being applied nowadays, tourist $ are critical. Selective enforcement of regulations is the rule here.

There will be others that will join-in on this topic but I'll be the first.

The entire Baja...North & South are "free zones" which allow US plated cars to be driven. We have are R/Ps so we are legal to drive a US plated vehicle in the Baja...not the mainland!

Yes, there is are two social groups in the Los Cabos area that LOVE TO SPREAD misinformation. The Tomatoes and The Red Rooster groups love to hear themselves "practice law without a license" and continue to quote misinformation about US plated cars.

This law on applies to the mainland (expect the states of Sonora & Quintana Roo). I am not saying a dishonest City or Federal Cop may try to get you to pay a bribe but I do have a telephone number in my cell phone to a person at the Federal Police that is bilingual. In fact Inspector Sergio Cessna of the Federal Police has stated that US plated cars are legal in The Baja as long as insurance and registration is current...I guess HE SHOULD KNOW.

Please quote on the legal law...not rumors.

motoged - 12-6-2020 at 11:20 AM

Quote: Originally posted by karenintx  

The Tomatoes and The Red Rooster groups love to hear themselves "practice law without a license" and continue to quote misinformation about US plated cars.

Never heard of these groupings before ...who/what are they ?

karenintx - 12-6-2020 at 12:25 PM

Not wanting to hijack this post, I just wanted to point out misinformation of US plated cars...especially being parked in storage lots. Since I have never been asked my INM status when parking my vehicle, how would one know if I am a R/P, R/T or FMM by looking at my US plated car? I have personally been told by a The Royal Red Rooster member..."The Roosters tell us it is illegal for a R/P to drive a US plated and there are police at the SJD airport that will take your car away from you". Just saying.

Here is your answer.

The Cabo Tomatoes and The Royal Red Rooster Social Groups are run by a wife and husband team. Started off as a social networking group that meets weekly (The Roosters) and and every other Thursday (The Tomatoes).

I am not a member so I could only google info about them, this info which may or may not be current.

Cancamo - 12-6-2020 at 01:01 PM

No rumors, just a witness to what happened.

It was explained to me as an immigration issue by one of the folks affected, and in the local newspapers at the time, ie: vehicle is legal in the country but is bound to the holder of the terms of the tourist card. If the tourist entering the country via that vehicle and leaves the country, the vehicle does too.

Totally aware there are thousands of vehicles in BC that stay here when their owners are not, just bringing attention to something that did happen.

Nothing to do with federal police, a different agency, and nothing to do with the "free zone".

Never heard of Tomatoes or Red Rooster, haven't been to San Lucas in years, nothing there for me.

Doug Landolfi - 12-6-2020 at 05:05 PM

THANK YOU all. Great information and guidance. I didn't dare hope to find a convenient storage location close to the airport for $60 USD!!!

Also - spent a wonderful day at Balandra Beach. My first time. Left Maranatha RV at 6:40 AM, and was about the 35th car in line outside the entrance around 7:15 AM. They let in 220 people - a woman with a clipboard went down the line to count bodies. I made it in - they opened the entrance about 7:45. Balandra with only 220 people is a wonderful experience!! Beach was nice and clean. Water clear and warm. Outhouse had an attendant who cleaned each one after a few uses.

Baja is cool.

Mother of Dragons - 12-7-2020 at 10:30 AM of the prettiest beaches in the world imo.
Wish I was there 😉

Doug Landolfi - 1-14-2021 at 10:08 AM

Hi all. At the great suggestion of Karenintx above, I stored my truck and Pop up camper at Anchor Storage. Alma at that location is wonderful - very smart and responsible and speaks English very well. Their location is literally right across the street from the San Jose airport - VERY convenient. I flew home for the holidays, and will fly back down on Feb 28th, to begin working my way up the Pacific side, with an emphasis on the 3 lagoons with grey whales.

bajafreaks - 1-14-2021 at 10:30 AM

Definitely wind can be an issue for water sports other than kite boarding during the months of Nov-Apr. although you will always get those one or two calm days within a couple weeks span that can be awesome. Check out the wind/weather apps they always help me plan for the better beach days. Windy is the one i like.