Quote: Originally posted by Lee |
Handling money or gas pumps isn't the primary source of transmission for this virus. However, anything touched by lots of people will have stuff on
it you don't want. Including shopping carts.
Scientific studies haven't been done to rule out where the virus does and doesn't thrive.
There were some studies done and the conclusion was that the virus can survive on a paper up to 24 hours, longer on a hard surface. Or it could die
within a few hours. Many variables here, including ambient temperature, humidity, sun exposure and how dirty the surface is. Surfaces are not a
primary source of transmission. Talking to people is a higher risk, regular 50-cents masks that are not N/K95 provide only 20-30% protection. Talking
loud increases the risk and so does staying in enclosed spaces where many other people went through, like a shop or restaurant.