
Temp Vehicle Storage near Cabo San Lucas Airport

Allwaters - 1-25-2021 at 12:26 PM

Hi all, may have an opportunity to fly out of Cabo to visit a friend on Mainland Mexico... does anyone know of a secure vehicle storage near the Airport or do peeps just leave vehicles in airport parking? My vehicle has everything I own and could not afford to have it broken into... already lost my wallet. Any insight would be awesome and thanx in advance...

El Jefe - 1-25-2021 at 12:30 PM

Anchor Storage. Right by the San Jose del Cabo (los Cabos) airport. We have used them many times for short term or monthly. Call ahead to assure space. We have never found them unable to take our car however. Google them.

If you are flying a small plane over to the mainland out of the regional Cabo San Lucas airport, I can't help you with parking information.

[Edited on 1-26-2021 by El Jefe]

BigBearRider - 1-25-2021 at 04:00 PM

The question was about the Cabo San Lucas airport, and not San José del Cabo, but maybe it was imperfectly asked? I believe the answer was about the latter?

(Edited to fix fat fingers writing “I perfectly” instead of “imperfectly”)

[Edited on 1-27-2021 by BigBearRider]

El Jefe - 1-26-2021 at 11:37 AM

The Cabo San Lucas regional airport is about 3 miles north of downtown CSL. We explored flying out of there to Mazatlan a few times and didn't go through with it because of our inability to find a parking solution. I will be interested to see if anybody here has there.

BigBearRider - 1-26-2021 at 08:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by El Jefe  

If you are flying a small plane over to the mainland out of the regional Cabo San Lucas airport, I can't help you with parking information.

[Edited on 1-26-2021 by El Jefe]

It isn’t just small planes flying out of Cabo San Lucas. There is regular commercial jet traffic to the mainland. Calafia maybe?

And it is an international airport. Although, I don’t believe there are scheduled international commercial flights.

I’ve been to the CSL airport. I wasn’t looking then, but it didn’t seem like there was a lot of parking there.