Stores in Loreto requiring masks. Most gringoes not masked in public though it’s mandatory in BCS. SW of Aqua Amarga to Insurgentes tule
type fog lucky to be behind a large truck going down the hill.
Ciudad had a Guardia N. End of town. La Paz had a Guardia N. Of Centenario searching a young Mx’s car. Waved though the Estatal checkpoint
S. End of La Paz.
Todos was bustling lots of unmasked tourists around Hotel California (last Tuesday), more cars then I remember. Wife disagreed. Road S. Of
town being repaved from ice factory to Hgwy 19 go-around. Guardia at N. End of Pescadero.
Most cafes restaurants seemed open in Pescadero. Less masks noticed by everyone. Lots of construction along Las Playas.