
Land Border @ Mexicali open or restricted?

sohailcoelho - 2-15-2021 at 10:01 AM

Hi All:

I'm an American intending to drive down Baja to Cabo but seeing that the land border is restricted to "essential travel." Is that just for entering the US or does that apply to entering Mexico as well?

I'm kinda confused. Seems open to go to Mexico. Seems restricted to enter the US (unless you're an American).

is that true?

Thanks all.

David K - 2-15-2021 at 10:23 AM

People are going both directions and write about it here and other Internet places. Mexicali has been the most restrictive going south, asking for proof that you have property in Mexico (thus are 'essential').

In your case, perhaps the letter stating you have a job in Cabo that you are going to should be it. You can cross at Tecate for maybe a less problematic trip... and head east on Hwy. 2-D to Hwy. 5 south.

Alm - 2-15-2021 at 03:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by sohailcoelho  
Seems open to go to Mexico [for non-essential].

Not legally.

RnR - 2-15-2021 at 09:44 PM

We went south thru Mexicali West today, 2/15.

Time was about 12 noon and there were NO other vehicles at the crossing.

We were the only vehicle and there was one Mexican customs official. Just deserted! But we did manage to get the red light. Maybe he was bored and wanted something to do.

A few questions about what we were bringing, (alcohol, guns, cigars, etc.), where we were going, how long, etc. Then a cursory inspection of the back of the truck.

The Mex official did have a dog with him but when his dog noticed our dog, he put his dog in a kennel that was sitting on one of the concrete islands in the inspection bay.

Maybe three minutes total and we were on our way. No problems,

[Edited on 2-16-2021 by RnR]

RFClark - 2-15-2021 at 10:37 PM

We’ve crossed twice at the West crossing in the late afternoon recently. Most recently last Tuesday. Traffic was reasonable heavy we got a green light so no stop and no questions! We were in our 4X4 with a load of stuff for the house. We have SD plates so they must think we’re locals!

We’ve been going back Saturday afternoons, the wait at the West crossing has been under an hour with no questions out of the ordinary!

GeraldoS - 2-16-2021 at 10:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
People are going both directions and write about it here and other Internet places. Mexicali has been the most restrictive going south, asking for proof that you have property in Mexico (thus are 'essential').

In your case, perhaps the letter stating you have a job in Cabo that you are going to should be it. You can cross at Tecate for maybe a less problematic trip... and head east on Hwy. 2-D to Hwy. 5 south.

Your statement is incorrect. Mexicans with only a B1/B2 visa are not being allowed to cross into the US at land border crossings. Only if you have a Green Card or US passport. I have not been allowed to cross to go shopping for 10 months.

David K - 2-16-2021 at 11:23 AM

I said "people" without classifying it. The Original Poster ('sohailcoelho') said he was an American, so I was replying to him.
So sorry...
Maybe better to say "American people and others with the correct visa/ Green Card"?
Thanks for the correction!

PaulW - 2-16-2021 at 11:23 AM

You are an American (usa resident) so you will not have any issue returning to the USA
Mexicans have issues. Do not worry about them.
Going South is seems to be pretty lax. Customs may ask for your papers - like resident card.

[Edited on 2-16-2021 by PaulW]

Lee - 2-16-2021 at 11:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by GeraldoS  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
People are going both directions and write about it here and other Internet places. Mexicali has been the most restrictive going south, asking for proof that you have property in Mexico (thus are 'essential').

In your case, perhaps the letter stating you have a job in Cabo that you are going to should be it. You can cross at Tecate for maybe a less problematic trip... and head east on Hwy. 2-D to Hwy. 5 south.

Your statement is incorrect. Mexicans with only a B1/B2 visa are not being allowed to cross into the US at land border crossings. Only if you have a Green Card or US passport. I have not been allowed to cross to go shopping for 10 months.

Think David meant gringos are going both directions. And writing about it.

Haven’t checked lately on state dept. guidelines but think it’s still ESSENTIAL people going S. Only. On going debates here about what this means. There seems to be a Rule of Law that some nomads think doesn’t apply to them.

Personally don’t give a hoot about who goes S. Don’t know who’s spreading the virus here or there. I’d advise to lay low and do local stuff. Err on conservative side. Don’t believe this means hunkering in a bunker either.

Live your life but stay the F out of Baja.... unless you have biz there.

sohailcoelho - 2-18-2021 at 08:48 AM

This is all super useful, thank you friends.