San Felipe, Shell Island, Gonzaga Bay, Coco's Corner, Calamajué, San Borja, Montevideo, L.A. Bay, Las Flores, Pancho's San Rafael, Mesa el Carmen
giant painted cave, Pozo Aleman ghost town, San Ignacio, Mulegé, Bahía Concepcion (far side), Bahía Asunción (Shari's place), Mission San
Fernando, Las Pintas Fossil Grotto, El Rosario, Ron's 'Baja Gringo' at San Quintín... It was Extreme!
Please check it out for a blast from the recent past:
Form the pictures David extreme is good title. Thank you
"Extreme / epic" was the Lewis and Clark expedition. These California folks with multiple backup vehicles and satellite communicators to bail them
out of the least minor discomfort?
Give me a break!
If you got an air conditioned vehicle full of food and beverages, and spend all day wearing flip flops, it is the opposite of extreme.
“Extreme” is walking, hiking, climbing, bicycling,... air conditioned 4wd, driven by driver in flip flops, and full of food, iced beverages,
kitchen equipment, and air mattress beds is “cushy”
P.s. Lewis and Clark did not have toilet papermotoged - 4-30-2021 at 09:48 AM