These data are a few years old, but in 2016 31 million U.S. citizens visited Mexico and 75 were killed, which puts your probability of being a victim
at 413,000 to 1 (considering all of Mexico--Baja is probably lower, though I have no data to support that).
That murder rate would be enviable in a lot of U.S. cities, which are often 40 times higher.
So, take the advice of the more reasonable people above and have a good time.
It's not a bad idea to carry an extra 5 gallons of gas if your vehicle can do that safely; pay in pesos rather than dollars, and get your pesos at a
bank ATM (see posts here for the rip-off banks). Treat people with courtesy and respect and you will nearly always get that in return.
The trouble with the police (in my experience) has been in the towns rather than on the highway (which is patrol by the federal highway police). I
don't pay bribes and I've never had a problem with that, but many people feel that paying 400 pesos is more comfortable than a polite statement about
how corruption is illegal and yada yada yada. Cops in Mexico make about $400 a month with the expectation that they will make a decent wage from
bribes. That's just the culture. |