
Poland night 1 WARSAW

BajaBlanca - 6-2-2021 at 03:53 PM

Well, I must tell you about our flight turns out we got the very first flight to Poland since the pandemic started. And guess what? Not one kiosk worked for check in - we arrived at LAX 4 hours before our flight thinking not a soul would be there. Joke was on usl Easily 20 families with mom dad aunt uncle and the babies were all there already!! It was crowded and chaotic.

The check in computers would simply not cooperate and they could not check anyone in. Calls were made to Poland, experts were called in, many a check in agent was getting more and more gray hair by the moment. There was even a fight in line because someone tried to jump the line.

Finally, the flight left an hour late. But it left.

Once on board, all the kids began to cry. scream. sometimes together and sometimes separately. What a zoo!

I decided to try to watch a movie and could not figure out the controls. Les was already watching something and I did not want to disturb him. I HAVE A COLLEGE DEGREE. Surely I can figure out how to get the control out of the seat in front of me? To be honest, it was really dark and one of the screaming kids was next to the lady next to me, I did not want to turn on the light (not that I had any clue how to do that either LOL)

I now have a masters in this art if anyone needs instructions.

We all clapped upon arrival, it was great to land after 12 hours on a looooooooooong flight.

This is a wall decoration, one of many all over out cute hotel here in downtown Warsaw.

and here we are about an hour ago having Polish food and beverages!!

The waiter has become our newest best friend. He stayed late to serve us, got a nice tip for doing so. His name is Darius and hopefully, we see him tomorrow.

JZ - 6-2-2021 at 04:37 PM

Sounds like a good time. Great to see the world getting back to normal. Europe must be beautiful this time of year.

Next trip download movies or shows to your laptop or tablet. Netflix and Amazon both let you do this, as well as others.

[Edited on 6-3-2021 by JZ]

BigBearRider - 6-2-2021 at 07:24 PM

I’ve flown LOT from LA to Warsaw many times. It was my preferred flight because of the 787. Until they cancelled my return flight because of corona in March of last year.

The trick with the seat back control is to take it out and turn it 90 degrees clockwise.

BigBearRider - 6-2-2021 at 07:26 PM

... I got quarantined in Warsaw this March for 10 days. The official Polish government website listed two exceptions to the quarantine that applied to me. Both in English and Polish. I checked. Turns out, there was another website that said something completely different and I sat in quarantine for 10 days. Ugh.

[Edited on 6-3-2021 by BigBearRider]

Ateo - 6-2-2021 at 07:32 PM

Nice to see you and Les. Enjoy the food! I love Polish food!

BigBearRider - 6-2-2021 at 08:01 PM

Zywiec is strong enough to make the pic flip! Na zdrowie!

BajaBlanca - 6-2-2021 at 08:35 PM

BigBearRider - what do you do here in Poland?

That aircraft is HUGE. I could not even reach the overhead bins! We were in the Boeing 787-8 which seats 248 passengers, range is over 7000 miles and it feels wide and comfy.

Now get this, amigos: Les had been hunting for deals to Poland when he says to me that there is a flight where you can only take a carry on, round trip for both of us cost us US$1100.

I repeat, round trip tickets for 2 from LAX to Warsaw only cost us $1100! What a deal!

I left clothes/shoes in the NE where Les's brother lives on our last trip so I am good to go! Anything we need, we can buy and we will obviously either pay for an extra suitcase on the way back or ship a box, should we need it.

RFClark - 6-3-2021 at 03:23 AM


Round trips to Cabo are as low as the low $200s right now! Shorter flight fewer screaming kids too! We’ll have a Pacifico in your honor! Enjoy and stay safe. Post lots of pictures!

JZ - 6-3-2021 at 07:02 AM

What airline did you guys fly?

BigBearRider - 6-3-2021 at 07:26 PM

Blanca, in Poland for family and business reasons.

JZ, it’s LOT Polish Airlines.

pacificobob - 6-5-2021 at 05:01 AM

check out LOTs safely record.

BajaBlanca - 6-5-2021 at 10:33 AM

PB All I can find seems really good ... am I missing something?

David K - 6-5-2021 at 12:41 PM

LOT is the airline name? Does that translate?