Quote: Originally posted by BajaTed | The Notario records your Fideocomiso number in their log books.
You don't get sent a formal land deed with a record number because the Fideocomiso document is only a lease.
A fideicomiso is not a lease. The following explains the difference:
Is a Fideicomiso like a lease agreement?
No. A Fideicomiso grants the beneficiary (buyer) all the rights of ownership: the rights to buy, sell, lease, use, bequeath, improve, transfer, and
encumber. A lease grants only the right to use. If a lessee makes improvements (such as building a house) on the property, that house belongs to the
landlord. Nor can the lessee sell the property or borrow money on it. Before 1971, the bank trust was not available, and leasing was the only option
for Americans and other foreign Buyers.
https://www.buyplaya.com/What_is_a_Fideicomiso/page_2491617.... |