
The palm tree is going two feet under water

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mtgoat666 - 4-26-2023 at 05:51 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Quote: Originally posted by surabi  
One working solution for the homeless:

Kudos to the folks who actually take positive action instead of just b-tching about the homeless problem.

[Edited on 4-26-2023 by surabi]

Newsome has had complete govt. control for years. Promised he would fix it. Spent billions. His accomplishment? He made it much worse.

You really think these fools can solve CC if they can't solve a much easier challenge?

Solving mental health, homelessness and poverty is a much more difficult problem than solving climate change.

surabi - 4-26-2023 at 06:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Cliffy  
Can anyone tell me how much CO2 a major city gives off minus the vehicle traffic? People, pets, A/C units. Building Heaters, dry cleaners, laundromats, machine shops, paint shops and painting in general- ETC ETC They all add to the soup in one way or another,

We always seem to have people who want to pluck the low hanging fruit.

Here's a question How did some European countries solve their homeless problem?

I'm quite sure you can find such information by doing some in-depth research, but you're apparently too lazy for that and probably don't really care, which is why you ask these things on an internet forum of people who are unqualified to give factual answers. These posts of yours just present reasons you seem to think are insurmoutable so you can justify continuing to be part of the problem instead of the solutions.

I was listening to a podcast today on man-made climate change and doing all we can to mitigate it. The climate expert who was being interviewed said something applicable to many issues- "Where there is interest, there are solutions".

Cliffy - 4-26-2023 at 08:25 PM

The question was I guess to obtuse for you

Lets try again-
With all the emitters in the WORLD not including vehicles how much of an affect will spending all the money planned in the USA and EU (BTW Germany just gave up their all electric car mandate as unworkable) to limit emissions have on the TOTAL WORLD climate ?

What percentage decline in CO2 will the world see if it were to come to pass (Considering China will triple if not more their coal fired powerplants over the next 3 decades and so will India)?

Even in testimony before Congress the current administration wouldn't answer that question just this last month.

Coal and dino-juice ain't going away anytime soon in most of the world.
Get realistic instead of burying your head in the sand.
If you believe in what you say start offering solutions yourself instead of name calling. So far YOU haven't offered a thing except rhetoric.

I posed the questions I have and no one has addressed them. Answer the questions All I hear is deflection of them.
Why don't you want to address them head on yourself?

surabi - 4-26-2023 at 08:46 PM

The solutions start with accepting that if you want to be a part of the solution instead of part of the problem, that we can't continue to live the way we have been living. We need to not consume as much as we're consuming, we need to walk or bicycle the four blocks to the store instead of jumping in the car, and shop more locally. We need to rideshare, carshare, give up some of our toys. We need to eat what is produced locally in season, not indulge ourselves in thinking we are entitled to have oranges available all year in areas where oranges don't grow, that are shipped from across the planet.

The problem is humans being unwilling to sacrifice anything about their lifestyle and habits for the good of all, and the solution is to change our expectations and the way we live. That's the basic thing that needs to happen. If you want a gas powered car, because it would be "inconvenient" and boring to sit at a charging station, that makes you part of the problem. Accepting some inconvenience so you can stop consuming fossil fuels is part of the solution.

And the people like the ones here who keep idiotically pointing out that the climate has always changed, as if the world's foremost scientists and everyone else is ignorant of that fact, need to get a brain. What we are seeing now is unprecedented, the rate of climate change is unprecedented, the disasters it is causing are unprecedented, and we know damn well it's because of human activity, so stop denying that it's a problem we need to solve, just stop.

[Edited on 4-27-2023 by surabi]

RFClark - 4-26-2023 at 09:54 PM


The real problem is that there are way too many humans here. We need to spread out more. There is plenty of room and resources up there too! You don’t need to settle for less because some political Luddite with a degree in art appreciation lacks the imagination to think outside their box.

I could list many things that the “foremost scientists” knew that was dead wrong, but I’ll just restate that Yale’s “foremost climate boffins” admit that they don’t understand why the climate isn’t warming like their model says it should.

That doesn’t mean it’s not changing or we shouldn’t keep the place clean. It does mean that we should insist that everyone do the same. Starting with not burning things like coal and clearing land and fields by burning them too. Then there are wildfires and wars!

Virtue signaling by walking to the store or riding a bike will never offset even part of what the yearly wildfires contribute in CO2 so get over it and do something useful.

[Edited on 4-27-2023 by RFClark]

Cliffy - 4-27-2023 at 04:10 AM

People want to stop clearing the land and burning the forest yet are perfectly happy to clean millions and millions of acres of land, killing every living thing on that land to further solar field installations.

Just who owns that land, where does it have to be located to be useful?
The same with planting wind farms.
Just a couple of problems that the current hysteria brings about.

Riding bicycles and walking a mile won't solve the real issues upcoming.

Between the US and the EU we have about 800,000,000 people combined, Between India and China alone we have 3 BILLION, 6 times as many humans.

We go 100% no CO2 and they don't. They increase their CO2 contribution by 300%. Makes a lot of sense doesn't it?

Never said to be wasteful and pollute at will, being good stewards of the land is noble BUT a one sided emergency because of group hysteria is stupid. We can't predict El Nino 2 years out but we can predict the end of the world in a decade from now?

Cataclysmic weather events have happened throughout time since the earth has been here. To think we can change that dynamic is folly.

How much of an impact will OUR cut back accomplish?

BTW, "sacrifice for the common good" is a hall mark of Communism

SFandH - 4-27-2023 at 06:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Cliffy  

BTW, "sacrifice for the common good" is a hall mark of Communism

And a really good idea. Not communism, but generally speaking. It doesn't make any difference what socio-economic system you prefer. Contributing to the common good is a high moral principle that benefits all.

[Edited on 4-27-2023 by SFandH]

JZ - 4-27-2023 at 06:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Quote: Originally posted by Cliffy  

BTW, "sacrifice for the common good" is a hall mark of Communism

And a really good idea. Not communism, but generally speaking. It doesn't make any difference what socio-economic system you prefer. Contributing to the common good is a high moral principle that benefits all.

[Edited on 4-27-2023 by SFandH]

Yes, for sure it is good.

When the govt. controls your level of contribution it is bad.

SFandH - 4-27-2023 at 07:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Quote: Originally posted by Cliffy  

BTW, "sacrifice for the common good" is a hall mark of Communism

And a really good idea. Not communism, but generally speaking. It doesn't make any difference what socio-economic system you prefer. Contributing to the common good is a high moral principle that benefits all.

[Edited on 4-27-2023 by SFandH]

Yes, for sure it is good.

When the govt. controls your level of contribution it is bad.

I prefer contributing to the common good via taxes than contributing to building 14 new ballistic missile nuclear submarines, a new fleet of ground-based nuclear-tipped ICBMs, and new nuclear weapon-carrying strategic bombers, all of which are happening now. It doesn't seem to make the news very much though. "Beware of the military-industrial complex." - Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of Allied Forces, 5-star army general, and two-term president of the United States.

Where are people's priorities?

SFandH - 4-27-2023 at 07:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by surabi  
The solutions start with accepting that if you want to be a part of the solution instead of part of the problem, that we can't continue to live the way we have been living. We need to not consume as much as we're consuming, we need to walk or bicycle the four blocks to the store instead of jumping in the car, and shop more locally. We need to rideshare, carshare, give up some of our toys. We need to eat what is produced locally in season, not indulge ourselves in thinking we are entitled to have oranges available all year in areas where oranges don't grow, that are shipped from across the planet.

The problem is humans being unwilling to sacrifice anything about their lifestyle and habits for the good of all, and the solution is to change our expectations and the way we live. That's the basic thing that needs to happen. If you want a gas powered car, because it would be "inconvenient" and boring to sit at a charging station, that makes you part of the problem. Accepting some inconvenience so you can stop consuming fossil fuels is part of the solution.

And the people like the ones here who keep idiotically pointing out that the climate has always changed, as if the world's foremost scientists and everyone else is ignorant of that fact, need to get a brain. What we are seeing now is unprecedented, the rate of climate change is unprecedented, the disasters it is causing are unprecedented, and we know damn well it's because of human activity, so stop denying that it's a problem we need to solve, just stop.

[Edited on 4-27-2023 by surabi]

Thanks for that.

"Think globally, act locally" is a fundamental environmental principle.

[Edited on 4-27-2023 by SFandH]

RFClark - 4-27-2023 at 08:54 AM

Government should be a part of the solution, often it’s most of the problem. Mexico City has a water problem just like other big cities. Problems with governance affects the quality of people’s lives.

Cliffy - 4-27-2023 at 08:59 AM

If you really want to make a change in the worlds atmosphere put your resources where it will do the most good NOT down the drain in a self-aggrandizing effort to look at yourself in the mirror and smile that will have very little to no affect on the subject.

Work to get China and India on board and go even half way to what we have already gone in the USA in the last 40 years.
THEN you'll make a difference. A big difference.

Tossing around names and name calling only shows you have no counter to the questions I posed.

Again try answering the questions and solve the issues I presented to your path to handling global climate change.

Try to answer just 2 of them-
1) Why the change in name to Global Climate Change from Global Climate Warming?
2) How much depression of CO2 would we see in percentage in the total world atmosphere if we spend the billions of $$ needed to go completely green in the USA and EU?

RFClark - 4-27-2023 at 09:40 AM


You should include how much CO2 do wildfires and controlled burning globally contribute annually? What percentage of that is generated within North America? (Mexico, US, Canada)

surabi - 4-27-2023 at 10:46 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Cliffy  

1) Why the change in name to Global Climate Change from Global Climate Warming?

They had to dumb it down for the simple-minded who don't understand that "global warming" doesn't mean it's steadily getting hotter everywhere at the same time.

[Edited on 4-27-2023 by surabi]

SFandH - 4-27-2023 at 12:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by surabi  
Quote: Originally posted by Cliffy  

1) Why the change in name to Global Climate Change from Global Climate Warming?

They had to dumb it down for the simple-minded who don't understand that "global warming" doesn't mean it's steadily getting hotter everywhere at the same time.

[Edited on 4-27-2023 by surabi]

Heat waves are getting hotter
Cold snaps are getting colder
Droughts are getting drier
Rainfall is getting stronger
Winds are getting stronger
Hurricanes will be stronger and wetter
Floods are getting deeper and more common
Tornados are getting stronger and more prevalent
Glaciers are melting
Wildfires are getting bigger and more frequent
etc., etc, you get the picture.

Temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy of the atoms and molecules that compose the atmosphere. The more energy, the more severe (energetic) all types of weather and the more destructive the consequences.

Global warming due to the burning of fossil fuels is the cause. Climate change is the result. Burning less fossil fuel is the right thing to do.

[Edited on 4-27-2023 by SFandH]

surabi - 4-27-2023 at 01:55 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Cliffy  

BTW, "sacrifice for the common good" is a hall mark of Communism

It's a hallmark of the possibility of continuing survival of the human race and all creatures who inhabit this planet. It's a hallmark of those who care about more than themselves.

I guess by your standards, parents who make sacrifices so their children can have a better life are "Communists".

RFClark - 4-27-2023 at 04:40 PM


Do you know the Russian fable about the Collectivist and the Jinn?

The Collectivist found an ornate bottle with a stopper in it. Anticipating the prospect of a cheep drunk he removed the stopper, releasing a Jinn. The Jin being grateful offered the Collectivist a wish that the Jinn would grant.

The collectivist who was grousing because there was nothing to drink in the bottle, just a talking cloud of smoke, brightened, thought deeply and answered. “My neighbour has a cow”, he said. The Jinn with a knowing nod answered, “and you want one as well”? “No” said the Collectivist, “I want you to kill his cow”!

“For the grater good and a better life for our decedents”? Not on your terms there won’t be! Dead cows in abundance, however, their will be!

Siri didn’t know what a Jinn or Djinn was either! Jin - also an old Chinese Dynasty!

Джинн from the original Russian!

[Edited on 4-27-2023 by RFClark]

[Edited on 4-28-2023 by RFClark]

surabi - 4-27-2023 at 05:13 PM

??? Was this an exercise in showing us your poor spelling?

RFClark - 4-28-2023 at 09:22 AM


When you don’t have a good or any reply, go to spelling, punctuation and grammar!

I freely admit that I’m an indifferent speller in 3 languages!

Bon Appetite!

surabi - 4-28-2023 at 10:58 AM

Quote: Originally posted by caj13  

Was this also science?


No JZ It wasn't science - turns out it is a fake magazine cover some MAGA climate deniers fabricated up because they had n o science or fact to back their denier claims.

a 30 second google search would of told you that - instead you chose to post this complete and utter BS because you wanted to believe in it.

Facts and science JZ - not Political posturing and inventing BS

"A 2008 paper published by the American Meteorological Society called the past existence of a global-cooling consensus a “pervasive myth.” The hypothesis attracted only scant news coverage in the 1970s and was not at any point embraced by the scientific community at large. One of the most widely circulated claims involving global cooling — a purported Time Magazine cover warning of a “coming Ice Age” — is a hoax.

You notice that JZ and the rest of the man-made climate change deniers never come back to apologize for promoting fake information.

[Edited on 4-28-2023 by surabi]

SFandH - 4-28-2023 at 11:38 AM

Here's the real Time cover from 1977 in question:

time 1977.jpg - 47kB

[Edited on 4-28-2023 by SFandH]

RFClark - 4-28-2023 at 11:40 AM


The ‘70’s takeaway is still today’s takeaway from the Yale people!

We didn’t know enough to make predictions as to Climate changes and we still don’t!

Feel free to check the spelling to ignore the message!

“1972 and 1974 National Science Board
The National Science Board's Patterns and Perspectives in Environmental Science report of 1972 discussed the cyclical behavior of climate, and the understanding at the time that the planet was entering a phase of cooling after a warm period. "Judging from the record of the past interglacial ages, the present time of high temperatures should be drawing to an end, to be followed by a long period of considerably colder temperatures leading into the next glacial age some 20,000 years from now."[32] But it also continued; "However, it is possible, or even likely, that human interference has already altered the environment so much that the climatic pattern of the near future will follow a different path."[32]

The board's report of 1974, Science And The Challenges Ahead, continued on this theme. "During the last 20-30 years, world temperature has fallen, irregularly at first but more sharply over the last decade."[33] Discussion of cyclic glacial periods does not feature in this report. Instead it is the role of humans that is central to the report's analysis. "The cause of the cooling trend is not known with certainty. But there is increasing concern that man himself may be implicated, not only in the recent cooling trend but also in the warming temperatures over the last century".[33] The report did not conclude whether carbon dioxide in warming, or agricultural and industrial pollution in cooling, are factors in the recent climatic changes, noting; "Before such questions as these can be resolved, major advances must be made in understanding the chemistry and physics of the atmosphere and oceans, and in measuring and tracing particulates through the system."[34]”

“1975 National Academy of Sciences report
There also was a Report by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) entitled, "Understanding Climate Change: A Program for Action".[35]

The report stated (p. 36) that, "The average surface air temperature in the northern hemisphere increased from the 1880s until about 1940 and has been decreasing thereafter."

It also stated (p. 44) that, "If both the CO2 and particulate inputs to the atmosphere grow at equal rates in the future, the widely differing atmospheric residence times of the two pollutants means that the particulate effect will grow in importance relative to that of CO2."

The report did not predict whether the 25-year cooling trend would continue. It stated (Forward, p. v) that, "we do not have a good quantitative understanding of our climate machine and what determines its course [so] it does not seem possible to predict climate", and (p. 2) "The climates of the earth have always been changing, and they will doubtless continue to do so in the future. How large these future changes will be, and where and how rapidly they will occur, we do not know."

“The Report's "program for action" was a call for creation of a new National Climatic Research Program. It stated (p. 62), "If we are to react rationally to the inevitable climatic changes of the future, and if we are ever to predict their future course, whether they are natural or man-induced, a far greater understanding of these changes is required than we now possess. It is, moreover, important that this knowledge be acquired as soon as possible." For that reason, it stated, "the time has now come to initiate a broad and coordinated attack on the problem of climate and climatic change."”

[Edited on 4-28-2023 by RFClark]

David K - 4-28-2023 at 11:53 AM

Folks, it was Newsweek, not Time. On this day (April 28) in 1975:

Cliffy - 4-28-2023 at 12:00 PM

I'm willing to bet that no one will read the entire speech by
Sen Inhofe in the Congressional Record from 2006
It sets the record straight and settles the arguments here but alas none of the climate alarmists will read it and learn how far off base they really are.

Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I rise to speak today about the most
media-hyped environmental issue of all time. It is the word that gets
everybody upset when you say it and the word or the phrase that many
politicians are afraid to say, and that is ``global warming.'' I have
spoken more about global warming than any other politician in
Washington today. My speech will be a bit different from the previous
seven floor speeches I have made on this subject, as I focus not only
on the science, as I have many times before, but on the media's
coverage of climate change.
Global warming--just the term--evokes many Members in this Chamber,
the media, Hollywood elites, and our pop culture to nod their heads and
fret about an impending climate disaster. As the Senator who has spent
more time educating about the actual facts about global warming, I will
address some of the recent media coverage of global warming and
Hollywood's involvement in this issue. And, of course, I will also
discuss former Vice President Al Gore's movie, ``An Inconvenient
Let's keep in mind, I do chair the committee in the Senate called
Environment and Public Works, the committee that has jurisdiction. I
recall so well when I first became chairman of this committee, almost 4
years ago, I was actually a believer that because I had heard it so
many times there must be something to this thing, until I started
looking at the science. But I have talked about that before.
Since 1895, the media has alternated between global cooling and
global warming scares during four separate

[[Page 19155]]

and sometimes overlapping time periods. From 1895 until the 1930s, the
media peddled a coming ice age. From the late 1920s until the 1960s,
they warned of global warming. From the 1950s until the 1970s, they
warned us again of a coming ice age. This makes modern global warming
the fourth estate's fourth attempt to promote opposing climate change
fears during the last 100 years--4 times during the last 100 years--and
every time just as hysterical as the time before.
Recently, advocates of alarmism have grown increasingly desperate to
try to convince the public that global warming is the greatest moral
issue of our generation. Just last week, the vice president of London's
Royal Society sent a chilling letter to the media encouraging them to
stifle the voices of scientists skeptical of climate alarmism.
During the past year, the American people have been served up an
unprecedented parade of environmental alarmism by the media and
entertainment industry, which links every possible weather event to
global warming. The year 2006 saw many major organs of the media
dismiss any pretense of balance and objectivity on climate change
coverage and instead crossed squarely on into global warming advocacy.
First, I will summarize some of the recent developments in the
controversy over whether humans have created a climate catastrophe. One
of the key aspects the United Nations, environmental groups, and the
media have promoted as the ``smoking gun'' of proof of catastrophic
global warming is the so-called hockey stick temperature graph by
climate scientist Michael Mann from Virginia and some of his liberal
This graph purported to show that temperatures in the northern
hemisphere remained relatively stable over 900 years, and then spiked
upward as we moved into the 20th century. And that spike would be the
``blade'' on the hockey stick. They say this was due to human activity.
Mann, who also copublishes a global warming propaganda blog--reportedly
set up with the help of an environmental group--had his hockey stick
come under severe scrutiny.
The hockey stick was completely and thoroughly broken once and for
all in 2006. Several years ago, two Canadian researchers tore apart the
statistical foundation for the hockey stick. In 2006, both the National
Academy of Sciences and an independent researcher further refuted the
foundation of the hockey stick.
The National Academy of Sciences report reaffirmed the existence of
the Medieval Warming Period. That was from about 900 AD to 1300 AD, and
the Little Ice Age from about 1500 to approximately 1850. Both of these
periods occurred long before the invention of the SUV or human
industrial activity and it could not have possibly impacted the Earth's
climate. In fact, scientists believe the Earth was warmer than today
during the Medieval Warming Period, when the Vikings grew crops in
Greenland. We all remember reading about that. That was a period of
time when the Vikings, all of a sudden, because it became warmer back
around 1000 AD, started inhabiting Greenland. They flourished up there,
until the Little Ice Age came along in 1500, and most of them died at
that time. Now the climate alarmists have attempted to erase the
inconvenient Medieval Warming Period from the Earth's climate history
for at least a decade.
David Demming, an assistant professor at the University of Oklahoma's
College of Geosciences, can testify firsthand about this effort. Dr.
Demming was welcomed into the close-knit group of global warming
believers after he published a paper in 1995 that noted some warming in
the 20th century. He says he was subsequently contacted by a prominent
global warming alarmist and told point blank:

We have to get rid of the medieval warming period.

When the ``hockey stick'' first appeared in 1998, it did exactly
that. This guy, Michael Mann, turned around and ignored the fact that
we had this medieval warming period and then went into the little ice
age, which changed it.
The media has missed big pieces of the puzzle when it comes to the
Earth's temperatures and mankind's carbon dioxide, CO2,
emissions. It is very simplistic to feign horror and say the 1-degree
Fahrenheit temperature increase in the 20th century means we are all
doomed. First of all, the 1-degree Fahrenheit rise coincided with the
greatest advancement in living standards, life expectancy, food
production, and human health in the history of our planet. So it is
hard to argue that the global warming we experienced in the 20th
century was somehow negative or part of a catastrophic trend.
Here on the chart you can see during this period of time, when things
were flourishing and they went down, it was far more prosperous during
the medieval part.
Second, what the climate alarmists and their advocates in the media
have continued to ignore is the fact that the little ice age, which
resulted in harsh winters which froze New York Harbor and caused untold
deaths, ended about 1850. So trying to prove manmade global warming by
comparing the well-known fact that today's temperatures are warmer than
during the little ice age is like comparing summer to winter to show a
catastrophic temperature trend.
In addition, something that the media almost never addresses are the
holes in the theory that CO2 has been the driving force in
global warming.
The alarmists fail to adequately explain why temperatures began
warming at the end of the little ice age in about 1850, long before
manmade CO2 emissions could have impacted the climate. Then
in about 1940, just as manmade CO2 emissions rose sharply--
about 80 percent, with the largest increase in the middle of the
1940s--the temperatures began a decline, and that lasted until about
the 1970s, prompting the media and many scientists to fear a coming ice
I am saying that this increase in CO2 emissions did not
precipitate a warming period; it precipitated a cooling period.
If CO2 is the driving force of the global climate change,
why do so many in the media ignore the many skeptical scientists who
cite these rather obvious inconvenient truths?
My skeptical views on manmade catastrophic global warming have only
strengthened as new science comes in. There have been recent findings
in peer-reviewed literature over the past few years showing that the
Antarctic is getting colder, and ice is growing. And a new study in
Geophysical Research Letters found that the Sun was responsible for 50
percent of the 20th century warming. Now, that is shocking: the Sun is
responsible for warmth.
Recently, many scientists, including a leading member of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, predicted long-term global cooling may be on the
horizon due to a projected decrease in the Sun's output. It is going to
start getting cooler again.
A letter that was sent to the Canadian Prime Minister on April 6 of
this year by 60 prominent scientists who question the basis for climate
alarmism, clearly explains the current state of the scientific
knowledge on global warming. Keep in mind, these 60 scientists were the
ones who recommended back in the 1990s that Canada sign onto the Kyoto
Treaty. They wrote this to Prime Minister Harper:

If, back in the mid-1990s, we knew what we know today about
climate, Kyoto would almost certainly not exist, because we
would have concluded that it was not necessary.

The letter also noted:

``Climate change is real'' is a meaningless phase used
repeatedly by activists to convince the public that a climate
catastrophe is looming and humanity is the cause. Neither of
these fears is justified. Global climate changes occur all
the time due to natural causes, and the human impact still
remains impossible to distinguish from the natural ``noise.''

These are scientists talking. People realize that these cycles go on.
God is still up there, and we have the cycles every 1,500 years or so.
Every time this happens, alarmists get this out and say we are all
going to die.
One of the ways alarmists have pounded the mantra of a ``consensus''

[[Page 19156]]

on global warming into our pop culture is through the use of computer
models that project future calamity. But the science is not there to
place so much faith in scary computer model scenarios which extrapolate
the current and projected buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
and conclude that the planet faces certain doom.
Dr. Vincent Gray, a research scientist and a 2001 reviewer with the
U.N. Intergovernmental Panel--they started like most bad things do,
with the U.N. Back in the 1990s they came out with the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and Dr. Gray said:

The effects of aerosols, and their uncertainties, are such
as to nullify completely the reliability of any of the
climate models.

Earlier this year, the director of the International Arctic Research
Center in Fairbanks, AK, testified to Congress that highly publicized
climate models showing a disappearing Arctic were nothing more than
``science fiction.''
That is not Senator Inhofe talking. That is the director of the
International Arctic Research Center in Fairbanks, who ought to know a
little bit about the Arctic.
In fact, after years of hearing about the computer-generated scary
scenarios about the future of our planet, I now believe that the
greatest climate threat we face may be coming from alarmist computer
This threat is originating from the software installed on hard drives
of the publicity-seeking climate modelers. It is long past time for us
to separate climate change fact from hysteria.
One final point--and there are many. We have made seven talks,
averaging about an hour apiece, about the flawed science. One final
point about the science: I am approached by many in the media and
others who ask: What if you are wrong, Inhofe, to doubt the dire global
warming predictions? Will you be able to live with yourself for
opposing the Kyoto Protocol?
My answer is blunt. The history of the modern environmental movement
is chock full of predictions of doom that never came true. We have all
heard the dire predictions about the threat of overpopulation, resource
scarcity, mass starvation, and the projected death of our oceans. None
of them came true. Yet it never stopped the doomsayers from predicting
a dire environmental future.
The more the eco-doomsayers' predictions fail, the more the eco-
doomsayers predict. These failed predictions are just one reason I
respect the serious scientists out there today debunking the latest
scare mongering on climate change: scientists such as MIT's Richard
Lindzen; former Colorado State climatologist, Roger Pielke, Sr.; the
University of Alabama's Roy Spencer and John Christy; Virginia State
climatologist Patrick Michaels; Colorado State University's William
Gray; atmospheric physicist, S. Fred Singer; Willie Soon of the
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; Oregon State climatologist
George Taylor; astrophysicist Sallie Baliunas, to name a few.
You never hear about these well-established scientists.
More important, it is the global warming alarmists who should ask the
question: What if they are correct about manmade catastrophic global
warming? They have come up with no meaningful solution to their
supposed climate crisis in the two decades they have been hyping this
If the alarmists truly believe that manmade greenhouse gas emissions
are dooming the planet, then they must face up to the fact that
symbolism does not solve a supposed climate crisis.
It is long past time for them to separate symbolism from fact. Let me
show you this. This is a chart I used on the floor before. A very
prominent Senator from the Northeast who bought into this hoax called
global warming--after he researched this chart, found it was true. This
chart says in the event that everything is true that they have said
about global warming, and if all of the countries--I am talking about
the developing nations, as well as the developed nations--adhere to or
achieve Kyoto goals, this is the difference it would make by 2050. It
is not even measurable.
A final point on the science of climate change. Again, I am
approached by many in the media and others who ask what if you are
wrong? I think the answer is that they have been wrong all along.
The alarmists freely concede that the Kyoto Protocol, even if fully
ratified and complied with, would not have any meaningful impact on
global temperatures. Keep in mind that Kyoto is not even close to being
complied with by many of the ratifying nations. Fifteen European
nations ratified the Kyoto Protocol, and 13 have not made their goals.
So they are not going to be able to do it.
Many of the nations that ratified Kyoto are now realizing what I have
been saying all along: The Kyoto Protocol is a lot of economic pain for
no climate gain.
Legislation that has been proposed in this Chamber would have even
less of a temperature effect than Kyoto's undetectable impact. And more
recently, global warming alarmists and the media have been praising
California for taking action to limit CO2. But here again
this costly, feel-good, California measure, which is actually far less
severe than Kyoto, will have no impact on the climate, only the
Symbolism does not solve a climate crisis.
In addition, we now have many environmentalists and Hollywood
celebrities, such as Laurie David, who have been advocating measures
like changing standard light bulbs in your home to fluorescents to help
avert global warming. Changing to more energy-efficient light bulbs is
fine, but to somehow imply that we can avert a climate disaster by
these actions is absurd.
Once again, symbolism does not solve a climate crisis. But this
symbolism may be hiding a dark side. While greenhouse gas limiting
proposals may cost the industrialized West trillions of dollars, it is
the effect on the developing world's poor that is being lost in this
The Kyoto Protocol's post-2012 agenda, which mandates that the
developing world be subjected to restrictions on greenhouse gases,
could have the potential to severely restrict development in regions
such as Africa, Asia, and South America, where some of the Earth's most
energy-deprived people currently reside.
Expanding basic necessities like running water and electricity in the
developing world are seen by many in the Green Movement as a threat to
the planet's health that must be avoided.
Energy poverty equals a life of back-breaking poverty and premature
If we allow scientifically unfounded fears of global warming to
influence policymakers to restrict future energy production and the
creation of basic infrastructure in the developing world, billions of
people will continue to suffer.
Last week, my committee heard testimony from Danish statistician
Bjorn Lomborg, who was once a committed leftwing environmentalist until
he realized that so much of what that the movement preached was based
on bad science. Lomborg wrote a book called ``The Skeptical
Environmentalist'' and has organized some of the world's top Nobel
laureates to form the 2004 ``Copenhagen Consensus,'' which ranked the
world's most pressing problems.
Guess what. They place global warming at the bottom of the list in
terms of our planet's priorities. The ``Copenhagen Consensus'' found
that the most important priorities for our planet include combating
disease, stopping malaria, securing clean water, and building
infrastructure to help lift the developing nations out of poverty.
I have made a lot of trips to Africa. A lot of people know I have had
a mission there for well over 10 years now. Once you see the
devastating poverty--we think we have poverty in this country. Well, if
you saw their poverty and the kids running through the junk piles and
rats biting at the heels of their bloody feet, you would realize that
these fears about global warming are severely misguided.
I firmly believe that when the history of our era is written, future
generations will look back with puzzlement and wonder why we spent so

[[Page 19157]]

much time and effort on global warming fears and pointless solutions,
such as the Kyoto protocol.
One of your favorite Frenchmen, Mr. President, Jacques Chirac, the
French President, provided the key clue as to why so many in the
international community still revere the Kyoto Protocol, when in 2000
he said Kyoto represents not climate change but represents ``the first
component of an authentic global governance.''
Furthermore, if your goal is to limit CO2 emissions, the
only effective way to go about it is the use of cleaner, more effective
technologies that will meet the energy demands of this century and
The Bush administration and my Environment and Public Works
Committee--the committee I chair--have been engaged in these efforts as
we work to expand nuclear power and promote the Asian-Pacific
Partnership. This partnership stresses the sharing of new technology
among member nations, including three of the world's top 10 emitters--
China, India, and Korea--all of whom are exempt from Kyoto.
Keep in mind, even if all these charts were true and everyone is
going to comply with this, we passed in this Chamber just a very short
while ago, by a unanimous vote, 96 to 0, legislation that said if you
come back with any kind of treaty where we are going to treat
developing nations differently from developed nations, we are going to
oppose it. So it is unanimously opposed.
Many in the media, as I noted earlier, have taken it upon themselves
to drop all pretense of balance on global warming and have instead
become committed advocates for the issue.
Here is a quote from Newsweek. You have to listen to this, Mr.
President. This is very important. I am going to quiz you later. This
is a quote from Newsweek magazine:

There are numerous signs that the Earth's weather patterns
have begun to change dramatically and that these changes may
portend a drastic decline in food production--with serious
political implications for just about every nation on Earth.

A headline in the New York Times reads:

Climate Changes Endanger World's Food Output.

Here is another quote from Time magazine:

As they review the bizarre and unpredictable weather
pattern of the past several years, a growing number of
scientists are beginning to suspect that many seemingly
contradictory meteorological fluctuations are actually part
of a global climate upheaval.

All this sounds very ominous. That is until one realizes that the
three quotes I just read are from articles in 1975 editions of Newsweek
magazine and the New York Times, and Time magazine in 1974. They were
not referring to global warming; they were warning of a coming ice age.
The same people who were hysterical back then are using the same words
to describe what is happening today.
Let me repeat: All three of those quotes were published in the 1970s
warning of a coming ice age. An ice age is coming; we are all going to
In addition to global cooling fears, Time magazine has also reported
on global warming. Here is an example:

[Those] who claim that winters were harder when they were
boys are quite right . . . weathermen have no doubt that the
world at least for the time being is growing warmer.

Before one thinks that this is just another example of the media
promoting former Vice President Gore's movie, one needs to know that
the quote I just read is from Time magazine and not a recent quote. It
is from January 22, 1939. Yes, in 1939--9 years before former Vice
President Gore was born and over three decades before Time magazine
began hyping a coming ice age, and almost five decades before they
returned to hyping global warming.
Time magazine, in 1951, pointed to receding permafrost in Russia as
proof that the planet was warming.
In 1952, the New York Times noted that the ``trump card'' of global
warming ``has been the melting glaciers.''
But the media could not decide between warming or cooling scares.
There are many more examples of the media and scientists flip-flopping
between warming and cooling scares. They don't really care. They just
want to scare you. They want to make sure you are scared, and then they
are satisfied.
Here is a quote from the New York Times on fears of an approaching
ice age:

Geologists Think the World May be Frozen Up Again.

That sentence appeared over 100 years ago in the February 24, 1895,
edition of the New York Times. Let me repeat, 1895, not 1995.
A front-page article in the October 7, 1912, New York Times, just a
few months after the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank, declared that
a prominent professor ``Warns Us of an Encroaching Ice Age.''
The very same day in 1912, the Los Angeles Times ran an article
warning that the ``human race will have to fight for its existence
against the cold.''
An August 10, 1923, Washington Post article declared:

Ice Age Coming Here.

By the 1930s, the media took a break from reporting on the coming ice
age and instead switched gears to promoting global warming. This is the

America in Longest Warm Spell Since 1776; Temperature Line
Records a 25-year Rise.

That was in an article in the New York Times on March 27, 1933.
The media of yesteryear was also not above injecting large amounts of
fear and alarmism into their climate articles.
An August 9, 1923, front-page article in the Chicago Tribune

Scientist Says Arctic Ice Will Wipe Out Canada.

The article quoted a Yale University professor who predicted that
large parts of Europe and Asia would be ``wiped out'' and Switzerland
would be ``entirely obliterated.''
A December 29, 1974, New York Times article on global cooling
reported that climatologists believed ``the facts of the present
climate change are such that the most optimistic experts would assign
near certainty to major crop failure in a decade.''
The article also warned that unless Government officials reacted to
the coming catastrophe ``mass deaths by starvation and probably in
anarchy and violence'' would result. In 1975, the New York Times
reported that ``a major cooling [was] widely considered to be
These past predictions of doom have a familiar ring, don't they? They
sound strikingly similar to our modern media promotion of the former
Vice President's brand of climate alarmism, an alarmism he believes
will put him back in the White House.
After more than a century of alternating between global cooling and
warming, one would think that this media history would serve a
cautionary tale for today's voices in the media and scientific
community who are promoting yet another round of eco-doom.
Much of the 100-year media history on climate change that I have
documented today can be found in a publication entitled ``Fire and
Ice'' from the Business and Media Institute.
Which raises the question: How has this embarrassing 100-year
documented legacy of coverage on what turned out to be trendy climate
science theories made the media more skeptical of today's sensational
promoters of global warming? You be the judge.
On February 19 of this year, CBS News's ``60 Minutes'' produced a
segment on the North Pole. The segment was a completely one-sided
report alleging rapid and unprecedented melting at the polar cap. It
even featured correspondent Scott Pelley claiming that the ice in
Greenland was melting so fast that he barely got off an iceberg before
it collapsed into the water.
Mr. President, ``60 Minutes'' failed to inform its viewers that a
2005 study by a scientist named Ola Johannessen and his colleagues
showed that the interior of Greenland is gaining ice mass and that,
according to scientists, the Arctic was warmer in the 1930s than it is
today. If you see this film, they will say it is the warmest it has
ever been. It is just not true.
By the way, around the edges of ice caps there is a phenomenon known

[[Page 19158]]

calving. So when it becomes thicker in the middle, it melts a little on
the outside, but the overall volume density increases.
On March 19 of this year, ``60 Minutes'' profiled NASA scientists and
alarmist James Hansen who was once again making allegations of being
censored by the Bush administration. In this segment, objectivity and
balance were again tossed aside in favor of a one-sided glowing profile
of Hansen.
The ``60 Minutes'' segment made no mention of Hansen's partisan ties
to former Democratic Vice President Al Gore or Hansen's receiving of a
grant of a quarter of a million dollars from the leftwing Heinz
Foundation run by Teresa Heinz Kerry. I guess she is Teresa Heinz now.
There was also no mention of Hansen's subsequent endorsement of her
husband John Kerry for the presidency in 2004. He is a political
activist. This was never mentioned in the ``60 Minutes'' segment.
Many in the media dwell on any industry support given to so-called
climate skeptics, but the same media completely failed to note Hansen's
huge grant from the leftwing Heinz Foundation.
The foundation's money originated from the Heinz family ketchup
fortune. So it appears that the media makes a distinction between oil
money and ketchup money.
Mr. President, ``60 Minutes'' also did not inform viewers that Hansen
appeared to concede in a 2003 issue of ``Natural Science'' that the use
of ``extreme scenarios'' to dramatize climate change ``may have been
appropriate one time'' to drive the public's attention on the issue. In
other words, it is all right to lie in order to drive the public's
attention to an issue that you want them to have and to that opinion.
Why would ``60 Minutes'' ignore the basic tenets of journalism that
call for objectivity and balance in sourcing and do such one-sided
The answer was provided by correspondent Scott Pelley. Pelley told
the CBS News Web site that he justified excluding scientists skeptical
of global warming alarmism from his segments because he considers
skeptics to be the equivalent of ``Holocaust deniers.''
This year also saw a New York Times reporter write a children's book
entitled ``The North Pole Was Here.'' The author of the book, New York
Times reporter Andrew Revkin, wrote that it may someday be ``easier to
sail to than stand on'' the North Pole in summer. So here we have a
very prominent environmental reporter for the New York Times who is
promoting the aspect of global warming alarmism in a book aimed at our
In April of this year, Time magazine devoted an issue to global
warming alarmism entitled ``Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid.'' This is the
same Time magazine which first warned of a coming ice age in the 1920s
before it switched to warning about global warming in the 1930s, before
it switched again to promoting the 1970s coming ice age scare. The
April 3, 2006, global warming special report of Time magazine was a
prime example of the media's shortcomings, as the magazine cited
partisan leftwing environmental groups with a vested financial interest
in hyping alarmism.
Headlines blared: ``More and More Land is Being Devastated by
``Earth is at the Tipping Point.''
``The Climate is Crashing.''
Time magazine did not make the slightest attempt to balance its
reporting with any views of scientists skeptical of this alleged
climate disaster.
I don't have journalism training, but I daresay calling a bunch of
environmental groups with an obvious fundraising agenda and asking them
to make wild speculations on how bad global warming might become is
nothing more than advocacy for leftwing causes. It is a violation of
basic journalistic standards.
To his credit, New York Times reporter Revkin saw fit to criticize
Time magazine for its embarrassing coverage of climate science.
So in the end, Time's cover story title of ``Be Worried, Be Very
Worried'' appears to have been apt. The American people should be
worried--they should be very worried--of such shoddy journalism.
As to Al Gore's inconvenient truth, in May, our Nation was exposed to
perhaps one of the slickest science propaganda films of all time.
Former Vice President Gore's ``An Inconvenient Truth,'' in addition to
having the backing of Paramount Pictures to market this film, had the
full backing of the media, and leading the cheerleading charge was none
other than the Associated Press, and of course they had the elitists,
from Hollywood.
On June 27, the Associated Press ran an article by Seth Borenstein
that boldly declared:

``Scientists give two thumbs up to Gore's movie.''

The article quoted only five scientists--two thumbs up, five
scientists. They were praising Gore's science, despite the Associated
Press having contacted over 100 scientists.
The fact that over 80 percent of the scientists contacted by the AP
had not even seen the movie or that many scientists have harshly
criticized the science presented by Gore did not dissuade the news
outlet one bit from its mission to promote Gore's brand of climate
Let's keep in mind, they said it is thumbs up, 100 percent of the
scientists, and it was only 5 out of the 100.
I am almost at a loss as to how to begin to address the series of
errors, misleading science, and unfounded speculation that appear in
the former Vice President's film and in his book of the same name.
Here is what Richard Lindzen, a meteorologist from MIT, has written
about ``An Inconvenient Truth.'' He is talking about Al Gore and his
movie. This is a scientist, Richard Lindzen, a meteorologist from MIT:

A general characteristic of Mr. Gore's approach is to
ignore the fact that the Earth and its climate are dynamic;
they are always changing even without any external forcing.
To treat all change as something to fear is bad enough; to do
so in order to exploit that fear is much worse.

That is exactly what Al Gore is doing.
What follows is a brief summary of the science the former Vice
President promotes in either a wrong or misleading way:
He promoted the now debunked ``hockey stick'' temperature chart in an
attempt to prove man's overwhelming impact on the climate.
He attempted to minimize the significance of the medieval warm period
and the little ice age.
He insists on a link between increased hurricane activity and global
warming that most scientists believe does not exist.
He asserted that today's Arctic is experiencing unprecedented warmth
while ignoring that temperatures in the 1930s were as warm or warmer
than they are today.
He claimed the Antarctic is warming and losing ice but failed to note
that is only true of a small region and the vast bulk has been cooling
and gaining ice. This is the Antarctic.
He hyped unfounded fears that Greenland's ice is in danger of
He erroneously claimed that the icecap on Mount Kilimanjaro is
disappearing because of global warming, even while the region cools and
researchers blame ice loss on local land-use practices. What they are
talking about here is they had deforested the area down below. That was
the reason. It had nothing to do with CO2, obviously.
He made assertions of massive future sea level rise that is way
outside of any supposed scientific consensus and is not supported in
even the most alarmist literature.
He incorrectly implied that a Peruvian glacier's retreat is due to
global warming, while ignoring the fact that the region has been
cooling since the 1930s and other glaciers in South America are
He blamed global warming for water loss in Africa's Lake Chad despite
NASA scientists concluding that local population and grazing factors
are the more likely culprits.
He inaccurately claimed polar bears are drowning in significant
numbers due to melting ice when in fact they are thriving.

[[Page 19159]]

He completely failed to inform viewers that the 48 scientists who
accused President Bush of distorting science were part of a political
advocacy group set up to support the Democratic Presidential candidate
John Kerry in 2004.
That was just a brief sampling of some of the errors presented in
``An Inconvenient Truth.'' Imagine how long the list would have been if
I had actually seen the movie. There wouldn't be enough time to deliver
the speech today.
So along comes Tom Brokaw. Following the promotion of ``An
Inconvenient Truth,'' the press did not miss a beat in their role as
advocates for global warming fears.
ABC News put forth its best effort to secure its standing as an
advocate for climate alarmism when the network put out a call for
people to submit their anecdotal global warming horror stories in June
for use in a future news segment.
In July, the Discovery Channel presented a documentary on global
warming narrated by former NBC anchor Tom Brokaw. The program presented
only those views of scientists promoting the idea that humans are
destroying the Earth's climate. You don't have to take my word for the
program's overwhelming bias. A Bloomberg TV news review noted: ``You'll
find more dissent at a North Korean political rally than in this
program'' because of its lack of scientific objectivity.
Brokaw also presented climate alarmist James Hansen to viewers as
unbiased, failing to note his quarter-million-dollar grant from the
partisan Heinz Foundation or his endorsement of Democratic Presidential
nominee John Kerry in 2004 and his role promoting former Vice President
Gore's Hollywood movie. Brokaw, however, did find time to impugn the
motives of scientists skeptical of climate alarmism when he featured
paid environmental partisan Michael Oppenhimer, of the group
Environmental Defense, accusing skeptics of being bought out by fossil
fuel interests.
The fact remains that political campaign funding by environmental
groups to promote climate and environmental alarmism dwarfs spending by
the fossil fuel industry by 3 to 1. Environmental special interests,
through their 527s, spent over $19 million compared to $7 million spent
by the oil and gas industry through political action committees in the
2004 election cycle.
I am reminded of a question the media often asks me about how much I
have received in campaign contributions from the fossil fuel industry.
My unapologetic answer is always: Not enough, especially when you
consider the millions partisan environmental groups pour into political
Continuing with our media analysis: On July 24, 2006, the Los Angeles
Times featured an op-ed by Naomi Oreskes, a social scientist at the
University of California, San Diego, and the author of a 2004 Science
magazine study. Oreskes insisted that a review of 928 scientific papers
showed there was 100 percent consensus that global warming was not
caused by natural climate variations. This study was also featured in
former Vice President Al Gore's ``An Inconvenient Truth.''
However, the analysis in Science magazine excluded nearly 11,000
studies or more than 90 percent of the papers dealing with global
warming, according to a critique by British social scientist Benny
Peiser. Peiser also pointed out that less than 2 percent of the climate
studies in the survey actually endorsed the so-called ``consensus
view'' that human activity is driving global warming and some of the
studies actually opposed that view. Oreskes called 2 percent, 100
percent. But despite this manufactured ``consensus,'' the media
continued to ignore any attempt to question the orthodoxy of climate
As the dog days of August rolled in, the American people were once
again hit with more hot hype regarding global warming, this time from
the New York Times op-ed pages. A columnist penned an August 3 column
filled with so many inaccuracies it is a wonder the editor of the Times
saw fit to publish it. For instance, Bob Herbert's column made dubious
claims about polar bears, the snows of Kilimanjaro, and he attempted to
link this past summer's heat wave in the United States to global
warming--something even the alarmist James Hansen does not support.
Finally, a September 15, 2006, Reuters News article claimed that
polar bears in the Arctic are threatened with extinction by global
warming. The article by correspondent Alister Doyle quoted a visitor to
the Arctic--now listen to this, Mr. President--a visitor to the Arctic
who claimed he saw two distressed polar bears. According to the Reuters
article, the man noted that one of the polar bears looked to be dead
and the other one looked to be exhausted. The article did not state the
bears were actually dead or exhausted, they merely looked that way.
Have we really arrived at the point where major news outlets in the
United States are reduced to analyzing whether polar bears in the
Arctic appear restful? How reporting such as this gets approved for
publication by the editors at Reuters, I don't know. What happened to
covering the hard science in this issue?
What was missing from the Reuters News article was the fact that
according to biologists who study animals, polar bears are doing quite
well. Biologist Dr. Mitchell Taylor from the Arctic government of
Nunavut, which is a territory of Canada, refuted these claims in May
when he noted that--this is a quote. Keep in mind I am quoting the
biologist Dr. Mitchell Taylor from the Arctic government. He said:

Of the 13 populations of polar bears in Canada, 11 are
stable or increasing in number. They are not going extinct,
or even appear to be affected at present.

Sadly, it appears that reporting anecdotes and hearsay is now fast
replacing the tenets of journalism for many media outlets.
It is an inconvenient truth that so far 2006 has been a year in which
most major segments of the media have given up on any quest for
journalistic balance, fairness, and objectivity when it comes to
climate change. The global warming alarmists and their friends in the
media have attempted to smear scientists who dare to question the
premise of manmade catastrophic global warming, and as a result some
scientists have seen their reputations and their research funding dry
The media has so relentlessly promoted global warming fears that a
British group called the Institute For Public Policy Research--and this
from a left-leaning group--issued a report in 2006 accusing media
outlets of engaging in what they termed ``climate porn'' in order to
attract the public's attention. Bob Carter, a paleoclimate geologist
from James Cook University in Australia, has described how the media
promotes this kind of fear:

Each such alarmist article is larded with words such as
``if,'' ``might,'' ``could,'' ``probably,'' ``perhaps,''
``expected,'' ``projected,'' or ``modeled,'' and many involve
such deep dreaming, or ignorance of scientific facts or
principles, that they are akin to nonsense.

He concluded this in an op-ed in April of this year.
Another example of this relentless hype is the reporting on the
seemingly endless number of global warming impact studies which do not
even address whether global warming is going to happen. They merely
project the impact of potential temperature increases.
The media endlessly hypes studies that purportedly show that global
warming could increase mosquito populations, malaria, West Nile virus,
heat waves and hurricanes, threaten the oceans, damage coral reefs,
boost poison ivy growth, damage vineyards and global food crops, to
name just a few of the global warming-linked calamities. Oddly,
according to the media reports, warmer temperatures almost never seem
to have any positive effects on plant or animal life or food
Fortunately, the media's addiction to so-called ``climate porn'' has
failed to seduce many Americans. According to a July Pew Research
Center poll, the American public is split about evenly between those
who say global warming is due to human activity versus those who
believe it is from natural factors or not happening at all. This is
significantly down from the previous polls. In

[[Page 19160]]

addition, an August Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll found that most
Americans do not attribute the cause of recent severe weather events to
global warming, and the portion of Americans who believe global warming
is naturally occurring is on the rise. It is nothing short of a miracle
and amazing that the American people are not buying this alarmism. It
is all they see on TV. It is all they hear about. I would rather
believe the American people know when their intelligence is being
insulted and they know when they are being used and when they are being
duped by the hysterical left.
The American people deserve much better from our fourth estate. We
have a right to expect accuracy and objectivity on climate change
coverage. We have a right to expect balance in sourcing and fair
analysis from reporters who cover the issue. Above all, the media must
roll back this mantra that there is scientific ``consensus'' of
impending climatic doom as an excuse to ignore recent science. I used
to get this all the time from the left. They say: Well, the consensus
is already there; we don't want to talk about science. No wonder they
don't--because most of the science since 1999 has refuted everything
they are asserting. After all, there was a so-called scientific
consensus that there were nine planets in our solar system until Pluto
was recently demoted.
I am a realist. I want to challenge the news media to reverse course
and report on the objective science of climate change, stop ignoring
legitimate voices in this scientific debate, and stop being used by the
hysterical left. Breaking the cycles of media hysteria will not be easy
since hysteria sells and it is very profitable, but I really believe
the issue is getting worn out. They have not been able to come up with
anything to support their side. And as Winston Churchill said:

The truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it,
ignorance may deride it, malice may destroy it, but there it
is. And it will be there, and we will understand.

Mr. President, I yield the floor and suggest the absence of a quorum.
The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Coleman). The clerk will call the roll.
The bill clerk proceeded to call the roll.
Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order
for the quorum call be rescinded.
The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Coleman). Without objection, it is so
Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. President, I ask that I be recognized to speak as in
morning business for up to 20 minutes.
The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered.


mtgoat666 - 4-28-2023 at 12:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Cliffy  
I'm willing to bet that no one will read the entire speech by
Sen Inhofe in the Congressional Record from 2006
It sets the record straight and settles the arguments here but alas none of the climate alarmists will read it and learn how far off base they really are.

Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I rise to speak today about the most
media-hyped environmental issue of all time. It is the word that gets
everybody upset when you say it and the word or the phrase that many
politicians are afraid to say, and that is ``global warming.'' I have
spoken more about global warming than any other politician in
Washington today. My speech will be a bit different from the previous
seven floor speeches I have made on this subject, as I focus not only
on the science, as I have many times before, but on the media's
coverage of climate change.
Global warming--just the term--evokes many Members in this Chamber,
the media, Hollywood elites, and our pop culture to nod their heads and
fret about an impending climate disaster. As the Senator who has spent
more time educating about the actual facts about global warming, I will
address some of the recent media coverage of global warming and
Hollywood's involvement in this issue. And, of course, I will also
discuss former Vice President Al Gore's movie, ``An Inconvenient
Let's keep in mind, I do chair the committee in the Senate called
Environment and Public Works, the committee that has jurisdiction. I
recall so well when I first became chairman of this committee, almost 4
years ago, I was actually a believer that because I had heard it so
many times there must be something to this thing, until I started
looking at the science. But I have talked about that before.
Since 1895, the media has alternated between global cooling and
global warming scares during four separate

[[Page 19155]]

and sometimes overlapping time periods. From 1895 until the 1930s, the
media peddled a coming ice age. From the late 1920s until the 1960s,
they warned of global warming. From the 1950s until the 1970s, they
warned us again of a coming ice age. This makes modern global warming
the fourth estate's fourth attempt to promote opposing climate change
fears during the last 100 years--4 times during the last 100 years--and
every time just as hysterical as the time before.
Recently, advocates of alarmism have grown increasingly desperate to
try to convince the public that global warming is the greatest moral
issue of our generation. Just last week, the vice president of London's
Royal Society sent a chilling letter to the media encouraging them to
stifle the voices of scientists skeptical of climate alarmism.
During the past year, the American people have been served up an
unprecedented parade of environmental alarmism by the media and
entertainment industry, which links every possible weather event to
global warming. The year 2006 saw many major organs of the media
dismiss any pretense of balance and objectivity on climate change
coverage and instead crossed squarely on into global warming advocacy.
First, I will summarize some of the recent developments in the
controversy over whether humans have created a climate catastrophe. One
of the key aspects the United Nations, environmental groups, and the
media have promoted as the ``smoking gun'' of proof of catastrophic
global warming is the so-called hockey stick temperature graph by
climate scientist Michael Mann from Virginia and some of his liberal
This graph purported to show that temperatures in the northern
hemisphere remained relatively stable over 900 years, and then spiked
upward as we moved into the 20th century. And that spike would be the
``blade'' on the hockey stick. They say this was due to human activity.
Mann, who also copublishes a global warming propaganda blog--reportedly
set up with the help of an environmental group--had his hockey stick
come under severe scrutiny.
The hockey stick was completely and thoroughly broken once and for
all in 2006. Several years ago, two Canadian researchers tore apart the
statistical foundation for the hockey stick. In 2006, both the National
Academy of Sciences and an independent researcher further refuted the
foundation of the hockey stick.
The National Academy of Sciences report reaffirmed the existence of
the Medieval Warming Period. That was from about 900 AD to 1300 AD, and
the Little Ice Age from about 1500 to approximately 1850. Both of these
periods occurred long before the invention of the SUV or human
industrial activity and it could not have possibly impacted the Earth's
climate. In fact, scientists believe the Earth was warmer than today
during the Medieval Warming Period, when the Vikings grew crops in
Greenland. We all remember reading about that. That was a period of
time when the Vikings, all of a sudden, because it became warmer back
around 1000 AD, started inhabiting Greenland. They flourished up there,
until the Little Ice Age came along in 1500, and most of them died at
that time. Now the climate alarmists have attempted to erase the
inconvenient Medieval Warming Period from the Earth's climate history
for at least a decade.
David Demming, an assistant professor at the University of Oklahoma's
College of Geosciences, can testify firsthand about this effort. Dr.
Demming was welcomed into the close-knit group of global warming
believers after he published a paper in 1995 that noted some warming in
the 20th century. He says he was subsequently contacted by a prominent
global warming alarmist and told point blank:

We have to get rid of the medieval warming period.

When the ``hockey stick'' first appeared in 1998, it did exactly
that. This guy, Michael Mann, turned around and ignored the fact that
we had this medieval warming period and then went into the little ice
age, which changed it.
The media has missed big pieces of the puzzle when it comes to the
Earth's temperatures and mankind's carbon dioxide, CO2,
emissions. It is very simplistic to feign horror and say the 1-degree
Fahrenheit temperature increase in the 20th century means we are all
doomed. First of all, the 1-degree Fahrenheit rise coincided with the
greatest advancement in living standards, life expectancy, food
production, and human health in the history of our planet. So it is
hard to argue that the global warming we experienced in the 20th
century was somehow negative or part of a catastrophic trend.
Here on the chart you can see during this period of time, when things
were flourishing and they went down, it was far more prosperous during
the medieval part.
Second, what the climate alarmists and their advocates in the media
have continued to ignore is the fact that the little ice age, which
resulted in harsh winters which froze New York Harbor and caused untold
deaths, ended about 1850. So trying to prove manmade global warming by
comparing the well-known fact that today's temperatures are warmer than
during the little ice age is like comparing summer to winter to show a
catastrophic temperature trend.
In addition, something that the media almost never addresses are the
holes in the theory that CO2 has been the driving force in
global warming.
The alarmists fail to adequately explain why temperatures began
warming at the end of the little ice age in about 1850, long before
manmade CO2 emissions could have impacted the climate. Then
in about 1940, just as manmade CO2 emissions rose sharply--
about 80 percent, with the largest increase in the middle of the
1940s--the temperatures began a decline, and that lasted until about
the 1970s, prompting the media and many scientists to fear a coming ice
I am saying that this increase in CO2 emissions did not
precipitate a warming period; it precipitated a cooling period.
If CO2 is the driving force of the global climate change,
why do so many in the media ignore the many skeptical scientists who
cite these rather obvious inconvenient truths?
My skeptical views on manmade catastrophic global warming have only
strengthened as new science comes in. There have been recent findings
in peer-reviewed literature over the past few years showing that the
Antarctic is getting colder, and ice is growing. And a new study in
Geophysical Research Letters found that the Sun was responsible for 50
percent of the 20th century warming. Now, that is shocking: the Sun is
responsible for warmth.
Recently, many scientists, including a leading member of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, predicted long-term global cooling may be on the
horizon due to a projected decrease in the Sun's output. It is going to
start getting cooler again.
A letter that was sent to the Canadian Prime Minister on April 6 of
this year by 60 prominent scientists who question the basis for climate
alarmism, clearly explains the current state of the scientific
knowledge on global warming. Keep in mind, these 60 scientists were the
ones who recommended back in the 1990s that Canada sign onto the Kyoto
Treaty. They wrote this to Prime Minister Harper:

If, back in the mid-1990s, we knew what we know today about
climate, Kyoto would almost certainly not exist, because we
would have concluded that it was not necessary.

The letter also noted:

``Climate change is real'' is a meaningless phase used
repeatedly by activists to convince the public that a climate
catastrophe is looming and humanity is the cause. Neither of
these fears is justified. Global climate changes occur all
the time due to natural causes, and the human impact still
remains impossible to distinguish from the natural ``noise.''

These are scientists talking. People realize that these cycles go on.
God is still up there, and we have the cycles every 1,500 years or so.
Every time this happens, alarmists get this out and say we are all
going to die.
One of the ways alarmists have pounded the mantra of a ``consensus''

[[Page 19156]]

on global warming into our pop culture is through the use of computer
models that project future calamity. But the science is not there to
place so much faith in scary computer model scenarios which extrapolate
the current and projected buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
and conclude that the planet faces certain doom.
Dr. Vincent Gray, a research scientist and a 2001 reviewer with the
U.N. Intergovernmental Panel--they started like most bad things do,
with the U.N. Back in the 1990s they came out with the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and Dr. Gray said:

The effects of aerosols, and their uncertainties, are such
as to nullify completely the reliability of any of the
climate models.

Earlier this year, the director of the International Arctic Research
Center in Fairbanks, AK, testified to Congress that highly publicized
climate models showing a disappearing Arctic were nothing more than
``science fiction.''
That is not Senator Inhofe talking. That is the director of the
International Arctic Research Center in Fairbanks, who ought to know a
little bit about the Arctic.
In fact, after years of hearing about the computer-generated scary
scenarios about the future of our planet, I now believe that the
greatest climate threat we face may be coming from alarmist computer
This threat is originating from the software installed on hard drives
of the publicity-seeking climate modelers. It is long past time for us
to separate climate change fact from hysteria.
One final point--and there are many. We have made seven talks,
averaging about an hour apiece, about the flawed science. One final
point about the science: I am approached by many in the media and
others who ask: What if you are wrong, Inhofe, to doubt the dire global
warming predictions? Will you be able to live with yourself for
opposing the Kyoto Protocol?
My answer is blunt. The history of the modern environmental movement
is chock full of predictions of doom that never came true. We have all
heard the dire predictions about the threat of overpopulation, resource
scarcity, mass starvation, and the projected death of our oceans. None
of them came true. Yet it never stopped the doomsayers from predicting
a dire environmental future.
The more the eco-doomsayers' predictions fail, the more the eco-
doomsayers predict. These failed predictions are just one reason I
respect the serious scientists out there today debunking the latest
scare mongering on climate change: scientists such as MIT's Richard
Lindzen; former Colorado State climatologist, Roger Pielke, Sr.; the
University of Alabama's Roy Spencer and John Christy; Virginia State
climatologist Patrick Michaels; Colorado State University's William
Gray; atmospheric physicist, S. Fred Singer; Willie Soon of the
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; Oregon State climatologist
George Taylor; astrophysicist Sallie Baliunas, to name a few.
You never hear about these well-established scientists.
More important, it is the global warming alarmists who should ask the
question: What if they are correct about manmade catastrophic global
warming? They have come up with no meaningful solution to their
supposed climate crisis in the two decades they have been hyping this
If the alarmists truly believe that manmade greenhouse gas emissions
are dooming the planet, then they must face up to the fact that
symbolism does not solve a supposed climate crisis.
It is long past time for them to separate symbolism from fact. Let me
show you this. This is a chart I used on the floor before. A very
prominent Senator from the Northeast who bought into this hoax called
global warming--after he researched this chart, found it was true. This
chart says in the event that everything is true that they have said
about global warming, and if all of the countries--I am talking about
the developing nations, as well as the developed nations--adhere to or
achieve Kyoto goals, this is the difference it would make by 2050. It
is not even measurable.
A final point on the science of climate change. Again, I am
approached by many in the media and others who ask what if you are
wrong? I think the answer is that they have been wrong all along.
The alarmists freely concede that the Kyoto Protocol, even if fully
ratified and complied with, would not have any meaningful impact on
global temperatures. Keep in mind that Kyoto is not even close to being
complied with by many of the ratifying nations. Fifteen European
nations ratified the Kyoto Protocol, and 13 have not made their goals.
So they are not going to be able to do it.
Many of the nations that ratified Kyoto are now realizing what I have
been saying all along: The Kyoto Protocol is a lot of economic pain for
no climate gain.
Legislation that has been proposed in this Chamber would have even
less of a temperature effect than Kyoto's undetectable impact. And more
recently, global warming alarmists and the media have been praising
California for taking action to limit CO2. But here again
this costly, feel-good, California measure, which is actually far less
severe than Kyoto, will have no impact on the climate, only the
Symbolism does not solve a climate crisis.
In addition, we now have many environmentalists and Hollywood
celebrities, such as Laurie David, who have been advocating measures
like changing standard light bulbs in your home to fluorescents to help
avert global warming. Changing to more energy-efficient light bulbs is
fine, but to somehow imply that we can avert a climate disaster by
these actions is absurd.
Once again, symbolism does not solve a climate crisis. But this
symbolism may be hiding a dark side. While greenhouse gas limiting
proposals may cost the industrialized West trillions of dollars, it is
the effect on the developing world's poor that is being lost in this
The Kyoto Protocol's post-2012 agenda, which mandates that the
developing world be subjected to restrictions on greenhouse gases,
could have the potential to severely restrict development in regions
such as Africa, Asia, and South America, where some of the Earth's most
energy-deprived people currently reside.
Expanding basic necessities like running water and electricity in the
developing world are seen by many in the Green Movement as a threat to
the planet's health that must be avoided.
Energy poverty equals a life of back-breaking poverty and premature
If we allow scientifically unfounded fears of global warming to
influence policymakers to restrict future energy production and the
creation of basic infrastructure in the developing world, billions of
people will continue to suffer.
Last week, my committee heard testimony from Danish statistician
Bjorn Lomborg, who was once a committed leftwing environmentalist until
he realized that so much of what that the movement preached was based
on bad science. Lomborg wrote a book called ``The Skeptical
Environmentalist'' and has organized some of the world's top Nobel
laureates to form the 2004 ``Copenhagen Consensus,'' which ranked the
world's most pressing problems.
Guess what. They place global warming at the bottom of the list in
terms of our planet's priorities. The ``Copenhagen Consensus'' found
that the most important priorities for our planet include combating
disease, stopping malaria, securing clean water, and building
infrastructure to help lift the developing nations out of poverty.
I have made a lot of trips to Africa. A lot of people know I have had
a mission there for well over 10 years now. Once you see the
devastating poverty--we think we have poverty in this country. Well, if
you saw their poverty and the kids running through the junk piles and
rats biting at the heels of their bloody feet, you would realize that
these fears about global warming are severely misguided.
I firmly believe that when the history of our era is written, future
generations will look back with puzzlement and wonder why we spent so

[[Page 19157]]

much time and effort on global warming fears and pointless solutions,
such as the Kyoto protocol.
One of your favorite Frenchmen, Mr. President, Jacques Chirac, the
French President, provided the key clue as to why so many in the
international community still revere the Kyoto Protocol, when in 2000
he said Kyoto represents not climate change but represents ``the first
component of an authentic global governance.''
Furthermore, if your goal is to limit CO2 emissions, the
only effective way to go about it is the use of cleaner, more effective
technologies that will meet the energy demands of this century and
The Bush administration and my Environment and Public Works
Committee--the committee I chair--have been engaged in these efforts as
we work to expand nuclear power and promote the Asian-Pacific
Partnership. This partnership stresses the sharing of new technology
among member nations, including three of the world's top 10 emitters--
China, India, and Korea--all of whom are exempt from Kyoto.
Keep in mind, even if all these charts were true and everyone is
going to comply with this, we passed in this Chamber just a very short
while ago, by a unanimous vote, 96 to 0, legislation that said if you
come back with any kind of treaty where we are going to treat
developing nations differently from developed nations, we are going to
oppose it. So it is unanimously opposed.
Many in the media, as I noted earlier, have taken it upon themselves
to drop all pretense of balance on global warming and have instead
become committed advocates for the issue.
Here is a quote from Newsweek. You have to listen to this, Mr.
President. This is very important. I am going to quiz you later. This
is a quote from Newsweek magazine:

There are numerous signs that the Earth's weather patterns
have begun to change dramatically and that these changes may
portend a drastic decline in food production--with serious
political implications for just about every nation on Earth.

A headline in the New York Times reads:

Climate Changes Endanger World's Food Output.

Here is another quote from Time magazine:

As they review the bizarre and unpredictable weather
pattern of the past several years, a growing number of
scientists are beginning to suspect that many seemingly
contradictory meteorological fluctuations are actually part
of a global climate upheaval.

All this sounds very ominous. That is until one realizes that the
three quotes I just read are from articles in 1975 editions of Newsweek
magazine and the New York Times, and Time magazine in 1974. They were
not referring to global warming; they were warning of a coming ice age.
The same people who were hysterical back then are using the same words
to describe what is happening today.
Let me repeat: All three of those quotes were published in the 1970s
warning of a coming ice age. An ice age is coming; we are all going to
In addition to global cooling fears, Time magazine has also reported
on global warming. Here is an example:

[Those] who claim that winters were harder when they were
boys are quite right . . . weathermen have no doubt that the
world at least for the time being is growing warmer.

Before one thinks that this is just another example of the media
promoting former Vice President Gore's movie, one needs to know that
the quote I just read is from Time magazine and not a recent quote. It
is from January 22, 1939. Yes, in 1939--9 years before former Vice
President Gore was born and over three decades before Time magazine
began hyping a coming ice age, and almost five decades before they
returned to hyping global warming.
Time magazine, in 1951, pointed to receding permafrost in Russia as
proof that the planet was warming.
In 1952, the New York Times noted that the ``trump card'' of global
warming ``has been the melting glaciers.''
But the media could not decide between warming or cooling scares.
There are many more examples of the media and scientists flip-flopping
between warming and cooling scares. They don't really care. They just
want to scare you. They want to make sure you are scared, and then they
are satisfied.
Here is a quote from the New York Times on fears of an approaching
ice age:

Geologists Think the World May be Frozen Up Again.

That sentence appeared over 100 years ago in the February 24, 1895,
edition of the New York Times. Let me repeat, 1895, not 1995.
A front-page article in the October 7, 1912, New York Times, just a
few months after the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank, declared that
a prominent professor ``Warns Us of an Encroaching Ice Age.''
The very same day in 1912, the Los Angeles Times ran an article
warning that the ``human race will have to fight for its existence
against the cold.''
An August 10, 1923, Washington Post article declared:

Ice Age Coming Here.

By the 1930s, the media took a break from reporting on the coming ice
age and instead switched gears to promoting global warming. This is the

America in Longest Warm Spell Since 1776; Temperature Line
Records a 25-year Rise.

That was in an article in the New York Times on March 27, 1933.
The media of yesteryear was also not above injecting large amounts of
fear and alarmism into their climate articles.
An August 9, 1923, front-page article in the Chicago Tribune

Scientist Says Arctic Ice Will Wipe Out Canada.

The article quoted a Yale University professor who predicted that
large parts of Europe and Asia would be ``wiped out'' and Switzerland
would be ``entirely obliterated.''
A December 29, 1974, New York Times article on global cooling
reported that climatologists believed ``the facts of the present
climate change are such that the most optimistic experts would assign
near certainty to major crop failure in a decade.''
The article also warned that unless Government officials reacted to
the coming catastrophe ``mass deaths by starvation and probably in
anarchy and violence'' would result. In 1975, the New York Times
reported that ``a major cooling [was] widely considered to be
These past predictions of doom have a familiar ring, don't they? They
sound strikingly similar to our modern media promotion of the former
Vice President's brand of climate alarmism, an alarmism he believes
will put him back in the White House.
After more than a century of alternating between global cooling and
warming, one would think that this media history would serve a
cautionary tale for today's voices in the media and scientific
community who are promoting yet another round of eco-doom.
Much of the 100-year media history on climate change that I have
documented today can be found in a publication entitled ``Fire and
Ice'' from the Business and Media Institute.
Which raises the question: How has this embarrassing 100-year
documented legacy of coverage on what turned out to be trendy climate
science theories made the media more skeptical of today's sensational
promoters of global warming? You be the judge.
On February 19 of this year, CBS News's ``60 Minutes'' produced a
segment on the North Pole. The segment was a completely one-sided
report alleging rapid and unprecedented melting at the polar cap. It
even featured correspondent Scott Pelley claiming that the ice in
Greenland was melting so fast that he barely got off an iceberg before
it collapsed into the water.
Mr. President, ``60 Minutes'' failed to inform its viewers that a
2005 study by a scientist named Ola Johannessen and his colleagues
showed that the interior of Greenland is gaining ice mass and that,
according to scientists, the Arctic was warmer in the 1930s than it is
today. If you see this film, they will say it is the warmest it has
ever been. It is just not true.
By the way, around the edges of ice caps there is a phenomenon known

[[Page 19158]]

calving. So when it becomes thicker in the middle, it melts a little on
the outside, but the overall volume density increases.
On March 19 of this year, ``60 Minutes'' profiled NASA scientists and
alarmist James Hansen who was once again making allegations of being
censored by the Bush administration. In this segment, objectivity and
balance were again tossed aside in favor of a one-sided glowing profile
of Hansen.
The ``60 Minutes'' segment made no mention of Hansen's partisan ties
to former Democratic Vice President Al Gore or Hansen's receiving of a
grant of a quarter of a million dollars from the leftwing Heinz
Foundation run by Teresa Heinz Kerry. I guess she is Teresa Heinz now.
There was also no mention of Hansen's subsequent endorsement of her
husband John Kerry for the presidency in 2004. He is a political
activist. This was never mentioned in the ``60 Minutes'' segment.
Many in the media dwell on any industry support given to so-called
climate skeptics, but the same media completely failed to note Hansen's
huge grant from the leftwing Heinz Foundation.
The foundation's money originated from the Heinz family ketchup
fortune. So it appears that the media makes a distinction between oil
money and ketchup money.
Mr. President, ``60 Minutes'' also did not inform viewers that Hansen
appeared to concede in a 2003 issue of ``Natural Science'' that the use
of ``extreme scenarios'' to dramatize climate change ``may have been
appropriate one time'' to drive the public's attention on the issue. In
other words, it is all right to lie in order to drive the public's
attention to an issue that you want them to have and to that opinion.
Why would ``60 Minutes'' ignore the basic tenets of journalism that
call for objectivity and balance in sourcing and do such one-sided
The answer was provided by correspondent Scott Pelley. Pelley told
the CBS News Web site that he justified excluding scientists skeptical
of global warming alarmism from his segments because he considers
skeptics to be the equivalent of ``Holocaust deniers.''
This year also saw a New York Times reporter write a children's book
entitled ``The North Pole Was Here.'' The author of the book, New York
Times reporter Andrew Revkin, wrote that it may someday be ``easier to
sail to than stand on'' the North Pole in summer. So here we have a
very prominent environmental reporter for the New York Times who is
promoting the aspect of global warming alarmism in a book aimed at our
In April of this year, Time magazine devoted an issue to global
warming alarmism entitled ``Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid.'' This is the
same Time magazine which first warned of a coming ice age in the 1920s
before it switched to warning about global warming in the 1930s, before
it switched again to promoting the 1970s coming ice age scare. The
April 3, 2006, global warming special report of Time magazine was a
prime example of the media's shortcomings, as the magazine cited
partisan leftwing environmental groups with a vested financial interest
in hyping alarmism.
Headlines blared: ``More and More Land is Being Devastated by
``Earth is at the Tipping Point.''
``The Climate is Crashing.''
Time magazine did not make the slightest attempt to balance its
reporting with any views of scientists skeptical of this alleged
climate disaster.
I don't have journalism training, but I daresay calling a bunch of
environmental groups with an obvious fundraising agenda and asking them
to make wild speculations on how bad global warming might become is
nothing more than advocacy for leftwing causes. It is a violation of
basic journalistic standards.
To his credit, New York Times reporter Revkin saw fit to criticize
Time magazine for its embarrassing coverage of climate science.
So in the end, Time's cover story title of ``Be Worried, Be Very
Worried'' appears to have been apt. The American people should be
worried--they should be very worried--of such shoddy journalism.
As to Al Gore's inconvenient truth, in May, our Nation was exposed to
perhaps one of the slickest science propaganda films of all time.
Former Vice President Gore's ``An Inconvenient Truth,'' in addition to
having the backing of Paramount Pictures to market this film, had the
full backing of the media, and leading the cheerleading charge was none
other than the Associated Press, and of course they had the elitists,
from Hollywood.
On June 27, the Associated Press ran an article by Seth Borenstein
that boldly declared:

``Scientists give two thumbs up to Gore's movie.''

The article quoted only five scientists--two thumbs up, five
scientists. They were praising Gore's science, despite the Associated
Press having contacted over 100 scientists.
The fact that over 80 percent of the scientists contacted by the AP
had not even seen the movie or that many scientists have harshly
criticized the science presented by Gore did not dissuade the news
outlet one bit from its mission to promote Gore's brand of climate
Let's keep in mind, they said it is thumbs up, 100 percent of the
scientists, and it was only 5 out of the 100.
I am almost at a loss as to how to begin to address the series of
errors, misleading science, and unfounded speculation that appear in
the former Vice President's film and in his book of the same name.
Here is what Richard Lindzen, a meteorologist from MIT, has written
about ``An Inconvenient Truth.'' He is talking about Al Gore and his
movie. This is a scientist, Richard Lindzen, a meteorologist from MIT:

A general characteristic of Mr. Gore's approach is to
ignore the fact that the Earth and its climate are dynamic;
they are always changing even without any external forcing.
To treat all change as something to fear is bad enough; to do
so in order to exploit that fear is much worse.

That is exactly what Al Gore is doing.
What follows is a brief summary of the science the former Vice
President promotes in either a wrong or misleading way:
He promoted the now debunked ``hockey stick'' temperature chart in an
attempt to prove man's overwhelming impact on the climate.
He attempted to minimize the significance of the medieval warm period
and the little ice age.
He insists on a link between increased hurricane activity and global
warming that most scientists believe does not exist.
He asserted that today's Arctic is experiencing unprecedented warmth
while ignoring that temperatures in the 1930s were as warm or warmer
than they are today.
He claimed the Antarctic is warming and losing ice but failed to note
that is only true of a small region and the vast bulk has been cooling
and gaining ice. This is the Antarctic.
He hyped unfounded fears that Greenland's ice is in danger of
He erroneously claimed that the icecap on Mount Kilimanjaro is
disappearing because of global warming, even while the region cools and
researchers blame ice loss on local land-use practices. What they are
talking about here is they had deforested the area down below. That was
the reason. It had nothing to do with CO2, obviously.
He made assertions of massive future sea level rise that is way
outside of any supposed scientific consensus and is not supported in
even the most alarmist literature.
He incorrectly implied that a Peruvian glacier's retreat is due to
global warming, while ignoring the fact that the region has been
cooling since the 1930s and other glaciers in South America are
He blamed global warming for water loss in Africa's Lake Chad despite
NASA scientists concluding that local population and grazing factors
are the more likely culprits.
He inaccurately claimed polar bears are drowning in significant
numbers due to melting ice when in fact they are thriving.

[[Page 19159]]

He completely failed to inform viewers that the 48 scientists who
accused President Bush of distorting science were part of a political
advocacy group set up to support the Democratic Presidential candidate
John Kerry in 2004.
That was just a brief sampling of some of the errors presented in
``An Inconvenient Truth.'' Imagine how long the list would have been if
I had actually seen the movie. There wouldn't be enough time to deliver
the speech today.
So along comes Tom Brokaw. Following the promotion of ``An
Inconvenient Truth,'' the press did not miss a beat in their role as
advocates for global warming fears.
ABC News put forth its best effort to secure its standing as an
advocate for climate alarmism when the network put out a call for
people to submit their anecdotal global warming horror stories in June
for use in a future news segment.
In July, the Discovery Channel presented a documentary on global
warming narrated by former NBC anchor Tom Brokaw. The program presented
only those views of scientists promoting the idea that humans are
destroying the Earth's climate. You don't have to take my word for the
program's overwhelming bias. A Bloomberg TV news review noted: ``You'll
find more dissent at a North Korean political rally than in this
program'' because of its lack of scientific objectivity.
Brokaw also presented climate alarmist James Hansen to viewers as
unbiased, failing to note his quarter-million-dollar grant from the
partisan Heinz Foundation or his endorsement of Democratic Presidential
nominee John Kerry in 2004 and his role promoting former Vice President
Gore's Hollywood movie. Brokaw, however, did find time to impugn the
motives of scientists skeptical of climate alarmism when he featured
paid environmental partisan Michael Oppenhimer, of the group
Environmental Defense, accusing skeptics of being bought out by fossil
fuel interests.
The fact remains that political campaign funding by environmental
groups to promote climate and environmental alarmism dwarfs spending by
the fossil fuel industry by 3 to 1. Environmental special interests,
through their 527s, spent over $19 million compared to $7 million spent
by the oil and gas industry through political action committees in the
2004 election cycle.
I am reminded of a question the media often asks me about how much I
have received in campaign contributions from the fossil fuel industry.
My unapologetic answer is always: Not enough, especially when you
consider the millions partisan environmental groups pour into political
Continuing with our media analysis: On July 24, 2006, the Los Angeles
Times featured an op-ed by Naomi Oreskes, a social scientist at the
University of California, San Diego, and the author of a 2004 Science
magazine study. Oreskes insisted that a review of 928 scientific papers
showed there was 100 percent consensus that global warming was not
caused by natural climate variations. This study was also featured in
former Vice President Al Gore's ``An Inconvenient Truth.''
However, the analysis in Science magazine excluded nearly 11,000
studies or more than 90 percent of the papers dealing with global
warming, according to a critique by British social scientist Benny
Peiser. Peiser also pointed out that less than 2 percent of the climate
studies in the survey actually endorsed the so-called ``consensus
view'' that human activity is driving global warming and some of the
studies actually opposed that view. Oreskes called 2 percent, 100
percent. But despite this manufactured ``consensus,'' the media
continued to ignore any attempt to question the orthodoxy of climate
As the dog days of August rolled in, the American people were once
again hit with more hot hype regarding global warming, this time from
the New York Times op-ed pages. A columnist penned an August 3 column
filled with so many inaccuracies it is a wonder the editor of the Times
saw fit to publish it. For instance, Bob Herbert's column made dubious
claims about polar bears, the snows of Kilimanjaro, and he attempted to
link this past summer's heat wave in the United States to global
warming--something even the alarmist James Hansen does not support.
Finally, a September 15, 2006, Reuters News article claimed that
polar bears in the Arctic are threatened with extinction by global
warming. The article by correspondent Alister Doyle quoted a visitor to
the Arctic--now listen to this, Mr. President--a visitor to the Arctic
who claimed he saw two distressed polar bears. According to the Reuters
article, the man noted that one of the polar bears looked to be dead
and the other one looked to be exhausted. The article did not state the
bears were actually dead or exhausted, they merely looked that way.
Have we really arrived at the point where major news outlets in the
United States are reduced to analyzing whether polar bears in the
Arctic appear restful? How reporting such as this gets approved for
publication by the editors at Reuters, I don't know. What happened to
covering the hard science in this issue?
What was missing from the Reuters News article was the fact that
according to biologists who study animals, polar bears are doing quite
well. Biologist Dr. Mitchell Taylor from the Arctic government of
Nunavut, which is a territory of Canada, refuted these claims in May
when he noted that--this is a quote. Keep in mind I am quoting the
biologist Dr. Mitchell Taylor from the Arctic government. He said:

Of the 13 populations of polar bears in Canada, 11 are
stable or increasing in number. They are not going extinct,
or even appear to be affected at present.

Sadly, it appears that reporting anecdotes and hearsay is now fast
replacing the tenets of journalism for many media outlets.
It is an inconvenient truth that so far 2006 has been a year in which
most major segments of the media have given up on any quest for
journalistic balance, fairness, and objectivity when it comes to
climate change. The global warming alarmists and their friends in the
media have attempted to smear scientists who dare to question the
premise of manmade catastrophic global warming, and as a result some
scientists have seen their reputations and their research funding dry
The media has so relentlessly promoted global warming fears that a
British group called the Institute For Public Policy Research--and this
from a left-leaning group--issued a report in 2006 accusing media
outlets of engaging in what they termed ``climate porn'' in order to
attract the public's attention. Bob Carter, a paleoclimate geologist
from James Cook University in Australia, has described how the media
promotes this kind of fear:

Each such alarmist article is larded with words such as
``if,'' ``might,'' ``could,'' ``probably,'' ``perhaps,''
``expected,'' ``projected,'' or ``modeled,'' and many involve
such deep dreaming, or ignorance of scientific facts or
principles, that they are akin to nonsense.

He concluded this in an op-ed in April of this year.
Another example of this relentless hype is the reporting on the
seemingly endless number of global warming impact studies which do not
even address whether global warming is going to happen. They merely
project the impact of potential temperature increases.
The media endlessly hypes studies that purportedly show that global
warming could increase mosquito populations, malaria, West Nile virus,
heat waves and hurricanes, threaten the oceans, damage coral reefs,
boost poison ivy growth, damage vineyards and global food crops, to
name just a few of the global warming-linked calamities. Oddly,
according to the media reports, warmer temperatures almost never seem
to have any positive effects on plant or animal life or food
Fortunately, the media's addiction to so-called ``climate porn'' has
failed to seduce many Americans. According to a July Pew Research
Center poll, the American public is split about evenly between those
who say global warming is due to human activity versus those who
believe it is from natural factors or not happening at all. This is
significantly down from the previous polls. In

[[Page 19160]]

addition, an August Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll found that most
Americans do not attribute the cause of recent severe weather events to
global warming, and the portion of Americans who believe global warming
is naturally occurring is on the rise. It is nothing short of a miracle
and amazing that the American people are not buying this alarmism. It
is all they see on TV. It is all they hear about. I would rather
believe the American people know when their intelligence is being
insulted and they know when they are being used and when they are being
duped by the hysterical left.
The American people deserve much better from our fourth estate. We
have a right to expect accuracy and objectivity on climate change
coverage. We have a right to expect balance in sourcing and fair
analysis from reporters who cover the issue. Above all, the media must
roll back this mantra that there is scientific ``consensus'' of
impending climatic doom as an excuse to ignore recent science. I used
to get this all the time from the left. They say: Well, the consensus
is already there; we don't want to talk about science. No wonder they
don't--because most of the science since 1999 has refuted everything
they are asserting. After all, there was a so-called scientific
consensus that there were nine planets in our solar system until Pluto
was recently demoted.
I am a realist. I want to challenge the news media to reverse course
and report on the objective science of climate change, stop ignoring
legitimate voices in this scientific debate, and stop being used by the
hysterical left. Breaking the cycles of media hysteria will not be easy
since hysteria sells and it is very profitable, but I really believe
the issue is getting worn out. They have not been able to come up with
anything to support their side. And as Winston Churchill said:

The truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it,
ignorance may deride it, malice may destroy it, but there it
is. And it will be there, and we will understand.

Mr. President, I yield the floor and suggest the absence of a quorum.
The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Coleman). The clerk will call the roll.
The bill clerk proceeded to call the roll.
Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order
for the quorum call be rescinded.
The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Coleman). Without objection, it is so
Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. President, I ask that I be recognized to speak as in
morning business for up to 20 minutes.
The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered.


I would never read inhofe, he was chief climate denier for gop until he retired due to long-covid.

SFandH - 4-28-2023 at 12:33 PM


Hey, I just posted proof that the magazine cover was fake after surabi's post showed the fake.

It certainly brought the few deniers left out of the woodwork.

Calm down, guys. And stop burning so much fossil fuel. ;)

caj13 - 4-28-2023 at 02:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Cliffy  
I'm willing to bet that no one

Cliffy posts a giagantiic amount of useless drivel by a senator - with NO climate experience, no climate background - no scientific background as his Climate hero! way to go cliffy - good luck with picking your baker to do your next open heart surgery! I'm sure his level of expertise is suitable for you! _

In the mean time - its data - its more data - its even more data - and more - every day - every month - every year - and on and on and on - and all of it says the same thing - sorry you climate deniers - the science is clear - and your on the wrong side of it.

Too bad science isn't a political game where you just make crap up to fit your agenda - science tells you whats going on - and whats going to happen - deal with reality, instead of living in fantasy land where you still believe in santa claus

RFClark - 4-28-2023 at 02:12 PM

CA13, Goat,

Too bad you can’t read and just check spelling! Read the Yale article and comment on that!

I’m not denying anything. I’m saying that doing what you demand won’t solve the problem. The reason is that it doesn’t address the major sources of human and preventable natural pollution worldwide. The major source of CO2 is burning stuff not driving your car or running your AC.

Both man and nature burn stuff. Nature has burned the wild lands for so long it has become a part of the natural renewal cycle.

If the money spent on less important reductions was spent on technology and equipment to control unwanted fires and education about the environmental damage they cause much more would be accomplished.

You could photo-op the celebs clearing brush rather than flying in jets to conferences about restricting the sale or use of stuff!

[Edited on 4-28-2023 by RFClark]

RFClark - 4-28-2023 at 02:38 PM


That’s just plain rude and demeaning! Also lacks class!

JZ - 4-28-2023 at 03:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  

Hey, I just posted proof that the magazine cover was fake after surabi's post showed the fake.

It certainly brought the few deniers left out of the woodwork.

Calm down, guys. And stop burning so much fossil fuel. ;)

Stop trying to redirect from the main point. What the meme purports to tell us, is that Lib's have been making utterly false predictions for 60 years and have in fact made 100% contradictory predictions.

JZ - 4-28-2023 at 03:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RFClark  
CA13, Goat,

Too bad you can’t read and just check spelling! Read the Yale article and comment on that!

I’m not denying anything. I’m saying that doing what you demand won’t solve the problem. The reason is that it doesn’t address the major sources of human and preventable natural pollution worldwide. The major source of CO2 is burning stuff not driving your car or running your AC.

Both man and nature burn stuff. Nature has burned the wild lands for so long it has become a part of the natural renewal cycle.

If the money spent on less important reductions was spent on technology and equipment to control unwanted fires and education about the environmental damage they cause much more would be accomplished.

You could photo-op the celebs clearing brush rather than flying in jets to conferences about restricting the sale or use of stuff!

[Edited on 4-28-2023 by RFClark]

Studies have said that 2 years of California forest fires in 2020/21 eliminated all the gains California had made over 2 decades.

This climate crazies don't like to deal with facts.

All they say is the climate is change. Yes, it is, move tot he next point. They can't admit all the reasons why. And they won't admit that they cannot do anything about it.

Lee - 4-28-2023 at 03:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  

Hey, I just posted proof that the magazine cover was fake after surabi's post showed the fake.

It certainly brought the few deniers left out of the woodwork.

Calm down, guys. And stop burning so much fossil fuel. ;)

Stop trying to redirect from the main point. What the meme purports to tell us, is that Lib's have been making utterly false predictions for 60 years and have in fact made 100% contradictory predictions.

And you lose sleep over this BS don't ya, J (Don't say Gay) Z?

For sake of argument, let's say the above is true. Now what? Are you disappointed now? Blame libs for other things too -- that upset you? Oh my.

Two words. Stop whining.

caj13 - 4-28-2023 at 04:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RFClark  
CA13, Goat,

Too bad you can’t read and just check spelling! Read the Yale article and comment on that!

I’m not denying anything. I’m saying that doing what you demand won’t solve the problem. The reason is that it doesn’t address the major sources of human and preventable natural pollution worldwide. The major source of CO2 is burning stuff not driving your car or running your AC.

Both man and nature burn stuff. Nature has burned the wild lands for so long it has become a part of the natural renewal cycle.

If the money spent on less important reductions was spent on technology and equipment to control unwanted fires and education about the environmental damage they cause much more would be accomplished.

You could photo-op the celebs clearing brush rather than flying in jets to conferences about restricting the sale or use of stuff!

[Edited on 4-28-2023 by RFClark]

First of all I did read it - I assume you want me to take Yale boys saying we just don't know for sure yet 50 years ago as your science?

So we can't do anything about it - but we need to stop celebrities from flying around the world? why? according to you, we can't do anything about it.

its all about the carbon cycle - I hate to get a sciencey on you - but there are actually 2 carbon cycles - a long and a short one - its the long one that we as scientists are particularly "worried about" Carbon that's been taken out of the atmosphere and environment 200 - 600 million years ago - locked up - is now dug up and released.

as for burning - its the rate of release and the huge amount - those man made releases are far and above the natural burning and cycling that was done prior to modern man - and the rate of CO2 being released has skyrocketed. and yes - its a long ago proven greenhouse gas - and BTW scientists were predicting global warning in the early 1900s = based on the burning of the industrial revolution. so how's that for forsight?

yeah - guess what - evs - help, LEDs help, Fuel efficiencies help - wind power, solar power , all of that stuff makes a difference, we just need to speed up our progress . and guess what - individuals taking some of those steps actually are seeing significant savings , and new technologies are becoming new businesses.

You keep spouting long ago disproven Crap from deniers like its fact - its not - its BS - cherry picked partial truths. educate yourself!

as for my spelling - when it really matters i have an editor that does that. If you want to correct my spelling, just google up any of my published papers - I'm sure you can find spelling errors there!

Cliffy - 4-28-2023 at 04:25 PM

I guess its easier to just not even look at any of the backup data Inhofe shows or the many numbers of highly qualified scientists in that speech that provide a different point of view than it is too actually widen your knowledge base in an effort to LEARN things.

Its easier to close ones mind than to look at the other side of the mirror. Deny any and all counter voices is the mantra of the Left and has been for a century. Close down debate - don't look at or listen to other qualified voices

There is another valid side to the argument.
I've looked at both sides and made my own determination which side has the most "science" to back up its hypothesis.

As I noted in my opening- the climate alarmists won't even read anything that doesn't support their hysterical attitudes on climate.

All the hysteria comes from only "prediction models" (IIRC 13) and only one of which actually follows what's happened in the last 20 years.
Many noted scientists have been in opposition to the predictions of the climate alarmists but as the Left is want to do -those scientists have been shouted down with animas instead of debate. .

We don't have a climate emergency but we do have climate change.
The world is not going to die in the next century let alone the next 10 years.

surabi - 4-28-2023 at 05:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Folks, it was Newsweek, not Time.

We were talking about the fake TIME cover that JZ presented as real. Try to keep up, David. I know that's hard for you.

surabi - 4-28-2023 at 05:33 PM

"I'm willing to bet that no one will read the entire speech by
Sen Inhofe in the Congressional Record from 2006
It sets the record straight..."

Cliffy- When someone starts out and peppers their supposedly scientific report with right-wing dog whistles, they instantly lose all credibility.

"Global warming--just the term--evokes many Members in this Chamber,
the media, Hollywood elites, and our pop culture... "

" climate scientist Michael Mann from Virginia and some of his liberal colleagues."

"Mann, who also copublishes a global warming propaganda blog--reportedly
set up with the help of an environmental group--"

RFClark - 4-28-2023 at 06:50 PM


Like I said, you didn’t read my post that started this chain of insults.

Not 50 years ago when they didn’t know enough to make predictions. Now when they sill don’t know enough to make accurate predictions.

The issue past that is that you aren’t even addressing the major cause of CO2 increases!

JDCanuck - 4-30-2023 at 06:55 AM

Interesting report pointing out the massive CO2 reductions from power producers in the past 2 decades. Time to point the finger elsewhere, don't you think?

"Emissions of CO2 in the electric power sector had been growing until about 2005 but have since declined by about 35 percent. Reductions of energy-related CO2 occurred in each of three broad sectors—electric power, transportation, and a composite of the industrial, residential, and commercial sectors. But the electric power sector alone accounted for more than 75 percent of the overall decrease.
The downward trend in emissions related to energy is largely attributable to a shift away from coal-fired generation to natural gas–fired generation in the electric power sector. About two-thirds of the decline in CO2 emissions in that sector has occurred because of the switch from coal to natural gas"

Restricted access to natural gas during 2021, however, led to much higher natural gas prices and a forced move to burn more coal by utilities and an increase of coal fired generation. Yet another move we can thank the politicians for as they seek to satisfy the uninformed.

[Edited on 4-30-2023 by JDCanuck]

JDCanuck - 4-30-2023 at 07:47 AM

Here's another interesting one from MIT:

"How does CCS work?

Today, CCS projects are storing almost 45 million tons of CO2 every year, which is about the amount of CO2 emissions created by 10 million passenger cars. Capture generally takes place at large stationary sources of CO2, like power plants or industrial plants that make cement, steel, and chemicals. "

Cliffy - 4-30-2023 at 11:01 AM

There is currently a pilot plant in the mid-west totally closed loop as far as CO2 emissions is concerned, that uses waste methane (now just flared in the open air from refineries) as power to produce hydrogen. The carbon stripped form the process is restored back underground where it came from.

The biggest problem with making hydrogen for fuel IS the carbon stripping and what to do with it. This plant seems to have solved that issue. The operation is scalable just about anywhere oil is produced.

Toyota is going big time into hydrogen power. Cummings is redesigning its diesels to use hydrogen.

Hydrogen power will be as big if not bigger than battery power in vehicles in 10-15 years.
Fuel distribution is the only hurdle and repower (fill up) with hydrogen will be done in ways other than the delivery of liquid hydrogen.

elgatoloco - 4-30-2023 at 11:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Cliffy  
I'm willing to bet that no one will read the entire speech by
Sen Inhofe in the Congressional Record from 2006
It sets the record straight and settles the arguments here but alas none of the climate alarmists will read it and learn how far off base they really are.

Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I rise to speak today about the most
media-hyped environmental issue of all time. It is the word that gets
everybody upset when you say it and the word or the phrase that many
politicians are afraid to say, and that is ``global warming.'' I have
spoken more about global warming than any other politician in
Washington today. My speech will be a bit different from the previous
seven floor speeches I have made on this subject, as I focus not only
on the science, as I have many times before, but on the media's
coverage of climate change.
Global warming--just the term--evokes many Members in this Chamber,
the media, Hollywood elites, and our pop culture to nod their heads and
fret about an impending climate disaster. As the Senator who has spent
more time educating about the actual facts about global warming, I will
address some of the recent media coverage of global warming and
Hollywood's involvement in this issue. And, of course, I will also
discuss former Vice President Al Gore's movie, ``An Inconvenient
Let's keep in mind, I do chair the committee in the Senate called
Environment and Public Works, the committee that has jurisdiction. I
recall so well when I first became chairman of this committee, almost 4
years ago, I was actually a believer that because I had heard it so
many times there must be something to this thing, until I started
looking at the science. But I have talked about that before.
Since 1895, the media has alternated between global cooling and
global warming scares during four separate

[[Page 19155]]

and sometimes overlapping time periods. From 1895 until the 1930s, the
media peddled a coming ice age. From the late 1920s until the 1960s,
they warned of global warming. From the 1950s until the 1970s, they
warned us again of a coming ice age. This makes modern global warming
the fourth estate's fourth attempt to promote opposing climate change
fears during the last 100 years--4 times during the last 100 years--and
every time just as hysterical as the time before.
Recently, advocates of alarmism have grown increasingly desperate to
try to convince the public that global warming is the greatest moral
issue of our generation. Just last week, the vice president of London's
Royal Society sent a chilling letter to the media encouraging them to
stifle the voices of scientists skeptical of climate alarmism.
During the past year, the American people have been served up an
unprecedented parade of environmental alarmism by the media and
entertainment industry, which links every possible weather event to
global warming. The year 2006 saw many major organs of the media
dismiss any pretense of balance and objectivity on climate change
coverage and instead crossed squarely on into global warming advocacy.
First, I will summarize some of the recent developments in the
controversy over whether humans have created a climate catastrophe. One
of the key aspects the United Nations, environmental groups, and the
media have promoted as the ``smoking gun'' of proof of catastrophic
global warming is the so-called hockey stick temperature graph by
climate scientist Michael Mann from Virginia and some of his liberal
This graph purported to show that temperatures in the northern
hemisphere remained relatively stable over 900 years, and then spiked
upward as we moved into the 20th century. And that spike would be the
``blade'' on the hockey stick. They say this was due to human activity.
Mann, who also copublishes a global warming propaganda blog--reportedly
set up with the help of an environmental group--had his hockey stick
come under severe scrutiny.
The hockey stick was completely and thoroughly broken once and for
all in 2006. Several years ago, two Canadian researchers tore apart the
statistical foundation for the hockey stick. In 2006, both the National
Academy of Sciences and an independent researcher further refuted the
foundation of the hockey stick.
The National Academy of Sciences report reaffirmed the existence of
the Medieval Warming Period. That was from about 900 AD to 1300 AD, and
the Little Ice Age from about 1500 to approximately 1850. Both of these
periods occurred long before the invention of the SUV or human
industrial activity and it could not have possibly impacted the Earth's
climate. In fact, scientists believe the Earth was warmer than today
during the Medieval Warming Period, when the Vikings grew crops in
Greenland. We all remember reading about that. That was a period of
time when the Vikings, all of a sudden, because it became warmer back
around 1000 AD, started inhabiting Greenland. They flourished up there,
until the Little Ice Age came along in 1500, and most of them died at
that time. Now the climate alarmists have attempted to erase the
inconvenient Medieval Warming Period from the Earth's climate history
for at least a decade.
David Demming, an assistant professor at the University of Oklahoma's
College of Geosciences, can testify firsthand about this effort. Dr.
Demming was welcomed into the close-knit group of global warming
believers after he published a paper in 1995 that noted some warming in
the 20th century. He says he was subsequently contacted by a prominent
global warming alarmist and told point blank:

We have to get rid of the medieval warming period.

When the ``hockey stick'' first appeared in 1998, it did exactly
that. This guy, Michael Mann, turned around and ignored the fact that
we had this medieval warming period and then went into the little ice
age, which changed it.
The media has missed big pieces of the puzzle when it comes to the
Earth's temperatures and mankind's carbon dioxide, CO2,
emissions. It is very simplistic to feign horror and say the 1-degree
Fahrenheit temperature increase in the 20th century means we are all
doomed. First of all, the 1-degree Fahrenheit rise coincided with the
greatest advancement in living standards, life expectancy, food
production, and human health in the history of our planet. So it is
hard to argue that the global warming we experienced in the 20th
century was somehow negative or part of a catastrophic trend.
Here on the chart you can see during this period of time, when things
were flourishing and they went down, it was far more prosperous during
the medieval part.
Second, what the climate alarmists and their advocates in the media
have continued to ignore is the fact that the little ice age, which
resulted in harsh winters which froze New York Harbor and caused untold
deaths, ended about 1850. So trying to prove manmade global warming by
comparing the well-known fact that today's temperatures are warmer than
during the little ice age is like comparing summer to winter to show a
catastrophic temperature trend.
In addition, something that the media almost never addresses are the
holes in the theory that CO2 has been the driving force in
global warming.
The alarmists fail to adequately explain why temperatures began
warming at the end of the little ice age in about 1850, long before
manmade CO2 emissions could have impacted the climate. Then
in about 1940, just as manmade CO2 emissions rose sharply--
about 80 percent, with the largest increase in the middle of the
1940s--the temperatures began a decline, and that lasted until about
the 1970s, prompting the media and many scientists to fear a coming ice
I am saying that this increase in CO2 emissions did not
precipitate a warming period; it precipitated a cooling period.
If CO2 is the driving force of the global climate change,
why do so many in the media ignore the many skeptical scientists who
cite these rather obvious inconvenient truths?
My skeptical views on manmade catastrophic global warming have only
strengthened as new science comes in. There have been recent findings
in peer-reviewed literature over the past few years showing that the
Antarctic is getting colder, and ice is growing. And a new study in
Geophysical Research Letters found that the Sun was responsible for 50
percent of the 20th century warming. Now, that is shocking: the Sun is
responsible for warmth.
Recently, many scientists, including a leading member of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, predicted long-term global cooling may be on the
horizon due to a projected decrease in the Sun's output. It is going to
start getting cooler again.
A letter that was sent to the Canadian Prime Minister on April 6 of
this year by 60 prominent scientists who question the basis for climate
alarmism, clearly explains the current state of the scientific
knowledge on global warming. Keep in mind, these 60 scientists were the
ones who recommended back in the 1990s that Canada sign onto the Kyoto
Treaty. They wrote this to Prime Minister Harper:

If, back in the mid-1990s, we knew what we know today about
climate, Kyoto would almost certainly not exist, because we
would have concluded that it was not necessary.

The letter also noted:

``Climate change is real'' is a meaningless phase used
repeatedly by activists to convince the public that a climate
catastrophe is looming and humanity is the cause. Neither of
these fears is justified. Global climate changes occur all
the time due to natural causes, and the human impact still
remains impossible to distinguish from the natural ``noise.''

These are scientists talking. People realize that these cycles go on.
God is still up there, and we have the cycles every 1,500 years or so.
Every time this happens, alarmists get this out and say we are all
going to die.
One of the ways alarmists have pounded the mantra of a ``consensus''

[[Page 19156]]

on global warming into our pop culture is through the use of computer
models that project future calamity. But the science is not there to
place so much faith in scary computer model scenarios which extrapolate
the current and projected buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
and conclude that the planet faces certain doom.
Dr. Vincent Gray, a research scientist and a 2001 reviewer with the
U.N. Intergovernmental Panel--they started like most bad things do,
with the U.N. Back in the 1990s they came out with the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and Dr. Gray said:

The effects of aerosols, and their uncertainties, are such
as to nullify completely the reliability of any of the
climate models.

Earlier this year, the director of the International Arctic Research
Center in Fairbanks, AK, testified to Congress that highly publicized
climate models showing a disappearing Arctic were nothing more than
``science fiction.''
That is not Senator Inhofe talking. That is the director of the
International Arctic Research Center in Fairbanks, who ought to know a
little bit about the Arctic.
In fact, after years of hearing about the computer-generated scary
scenarios about the future of our planet, I now believe that the
greatest climate threat we face may be coming from alarmist computer
This threat is originating from the software installed on hard drives
of the publicity-seeking climate modelers. It is long past time for us
to separate climate change fact from hysteria.
One final point--and there are many. We have made seven talks,
averaging about an hour apiece, about the flawed science. One final
point about the science: I am approached by many in the media and
others who ask: What if you are wrong, Inhofe, to doubt the dire global
warming predictions? Will you be able to live with yourself for
opposing the Kyoto Protocol?
My answer is blunt. The history of the modern environmental movement
is chock full of predictions of doom that never came true. We have all
heard the dire predictions about the threat of overpopulation, resource
scarcity, mass starvation, and the projected death of our oceans. None
of them came true. Yet it never stopped the doomsayers from predicting
a dire environmental future.
The more the eco-doomsayers' predictions fail, the more the eco-
doomsayers predict. These failed predictions are just one reason I
respect the serious scientists out there today debunking the latest
scare mongering on climate change: scientists such as MIT's Richard
Lindzen; former Colorado State climatologist, Roger Pielke, Sr.; the
University of Alabama's Roy Spencer and John Christy; Virginia State
climatologist Patrick Michaels; Colorado State University's William
Gray; atmospheric physicist, S. Fred Singer; Willie Soon of the
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; Oregon State climatologist
George Taylor; astrophysicist Sallie Baliunas, to name a few.
You never hear about these well-established scientists.
More important, it is the global warming alarmists who should ask the
question: What if they are correct about manmade catastrophic global
warming? They have come up with no meaningful solution to their
supposed climate crisis in the two decades they have been hyping this
If the alarmists truly believe that manmade greenhouse gas emissions
are dooming the planet, then they must face up to the fact that
symbolism does not solve a supposed climate crisis.
It is long past time for them to separate symbolism from fact. Let me
show you this. This is a chart I used on the floor before. A very
prominent Senator from the Northeast who bought into this hoax called
global warming--after he researched this chart, found it was true. This
chart says in the event that everything is true that they have said
about global warming, and if all of the countries--I am talking about
the developing nations, as well as the developed nations--adhere to or
achieve Kyoto goals, this is the difference it would make by 2050. It
is not even measurable.
A final point on the science of climate change. Again, I am
approached by many in the media and others who ask what if you are
wrong? I think the answer is that they have been wrong all along.
The alarmists freely concede that the Kyoto Protocol, even if fully
ratified and complied with, would not have any meaningful impact on
global temperatures. Keep in mind that Kyoto is not even close to being
complied with by many of the ratifying nations. Fifteen European
nations ratified the Kyoto Protocol, and 13 have not made their goals.
So they are not going to be able to do it.
Many of the nations that ratified Kyoto are now realizing what I have
been saying all along: The Kyoto Protocol is a lot of economic pain for
no climate gain.
Legislation that has been proposed in this Chamber would have even
less of a temperature effect than Kyoto's undetectable impact. And more
recently, global warming alarmists and the media have been praising
California for taking action to limit CO2. But here again
this costly, feel-good, California measure, which is actually far less
severe than Kyoto, will have no impact on the climate, only the
Symbolism does not solve a climate crisis.
In addition, we now have many environmentalists and Hollywood
celebrities, such as Laurie David, who have been advocating measures
like changing standard light bulbs in your home to fluorescents to help
avert global warming. Changing to more energy-efficient light bulbs is
fine, but to somehow imply that we can avert a climate disaster by
these actions is absurd.
Once again, symbolism does not solve a climate crisis. But this
symbolism may be hiding a dark side. While greenhouse gas limiting
proposals may cost the industrialized West trillions of dollars, it is
the effect on the developing world's poor that is being lost in this
The Kyoto Protocol's post-2012 agenda, which mandates that the
developing world be subjected to restrictions on greenhouse gases,
could have the potential to severely restrict development in regions
such as Africa, Asia, and South America, where some of the Earth's most
energy-deprived people currently reside.
Expanding basic necessities like running water and electricity in the
developing world are seen by many in the Green Movement as a threat to
the planet's health that must be avoided.
Energy poverty equals a life of back-breaking poverty and premature
If we allow scientifically unfounded fears of global warming to
influence policymakers to restrict future energy production and the
creation of basic infrastructure in the developing world, billions of
people will continue to suffer.
Last week, my committee heard testimony from Danish statistician
Bjorn Lomborg, who was once a committed leftwing environmentalist until
he realized that so much of what that the movement preached was based
on bad science. Lomborg wrote a book called ``The Skeptical
Environmentalist'' and has organized some of the world's top Nobel
laureates to form the 2004 ``Copenhagen Consensus,'' which ranked the
world's most pressing problems.
Guess what. They place global warming at the bottom of the list in
terms of our planet's priorities. The ``Copenhagen Consensus'' found
that the most important priorities for our planet include combating
disease, stopping malaria, securing clean water, and building
infrastructure to help lift the developing nations out of poverty.
I have made a lot of trips to Africa. A lot of people know I have had
a mission there for well over 10 years now. Once you see the
devastating poverty--we think we have poverty in this country. Well, if
you saw their poverty and the kids running through the junk piles and
rats biting at the heels of their bloody feet, you would realize that
these fears about global warming are severely misguided.
I firmly believe that when the history of our era is written, future
generations will look back with puzzlement and wonder why we spent so

[[Page 19157]]

much time and effort on global warming fears and pointless solutions,
such as the Kyoto protocol.
One of your favorite Frenchmen, Mr. President, Jacques Chirac, the
French President, provided the key clue as to why so many in the
international community still revere the Kyoto Protocol, when in 2000
he said Kyoto represents not climate change but represents ``the first
component of an authentic global governance.''
Furthermore, if your goal is to limit CO2 emissions, the
only effective way to go about it is the use of cleaner, more effective
technologies that will meet the energy demands of this century and
The Bush administration and my Environment and Public Works
Committee--the committee I chair--have been engaged in these efforts as
we work to expand nuclear power and promote the Asian-Pacific
Partnership. This partnership stresses the sharing of new technology
among member nations, including three of the world's top 10 emitters--
China, India, and Korea--all of whom are exempt from Kyoto.
Keep in mind, even if all these charts were true and everyone is
going to comply with this, we passed in this Chamber just a very short
while ago, by a unanimous vote, 96 to 0, legislation that said if you
come back with any kind of treaty where we are going to treat
developing nations differently from developed nations, we are going to
oppose it. So it is unanimously opposed.
Many in the media, as I noted earlier, have taken it upon themselves
to drop all pretense of balance on global warming and have instead
become committed advocates for the issue.
Here is a quote from Newsweek. You have to listen to this, Mr.
President. This is very important. I am going to quiz you later. This
is a quote from Newsweek magazine:

There are numerous signs that the Earth's weather patterns
have begun to change dramatically and that these changes may
portend a drastic decline in food production--with serious
political implications for just about every nation on Earth.

A headline in the New York Times reads:

Climate Changes Endanger World's Food Output.

Here is another quote from Time magazine:

As they review the bizarre and unpredictable weather
pattern of the past several years, a growing number of
scientists are beginning to suspect that many seemingly
contradictory meteorological fluctuations are actually part
of a global climate upheaval.

All this sounds very ominous. That is until one realizes that the
three quotes I just read are from articles in 1975 editions of Newsweek
magazine and the New York Times, and Time magazine in 1974. They were
not referring to global warming; they were warning of a coming ice age.
The same people who were hysterical back then are using the same words
to describe what is happening today.
Let me repeat: All three of those quotes were published in the 1970s
warning of a coming ice age. An ice age is coming; we are all going to
In addition to global cooling fears, Time magazine has also reported
on global warming. Here is an example:

[Those] who claim that winters were harder when they were
boys are quite right . . . weathermen have no doubt that the
world at least for the time being is growing warmer.

Before one thinks that this is just another example of the media
promoting former Vice President Gore's movie, one needs to know that
the quote I just read is from Time magazine and not a recent quote. It
is from January 22, 1939. Yes, in 1939--9 years before former Vice
President Gore was born and over three decades before Time magazine
began hyping a coming ice age, and almost five decades before they
returned to hyping global warming.
Time magazine, in 1951, pointed to receding permafrost in Russia as
proof that the planet was warming.
In 1952, the New York Times noted that the ``trump card'' of global
warming ``has been the melting glaciers.''
But the media could not decide between warming or cooling scares.
There are many more examples of the media and scientists flip-flopping
between warming and cooling scares. They don't really care. They just
want to scare you. They want to make sure you are scared, and then they
are satisfied.
Here is a quote from the New York Times on fears of an approaching
ice age:

Geologists Think the World May be Frozen Up Again.

That sentence appeared over 100 years ago in the February 24, 1895,
edition of the New York Times. Let me repeat, 1895, not 1995.
A front-page article in the October 7, 1912, New York Times, just a
few months after the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank, declared that
a prominent professor ``Warns Us of an Encroaching Ice Age.''
The very same day in 1912, the Los Angeles Times ran an article
warning that the ``human race will have to fight for its existence
against the cold.''
An August 10, 1923, Washington Post article declared:

Ice Age Coming Here.

By the 1930s, the media took a break from reporting on the coming ice
age and instead switched gears to promoting global warming. This is the

America in Longest Warm Spell Since 1776; Temperature Line
Records a 25-year Rise.

That was in an article in the New York Times on March 27, 1933.
The media of yesteryear was also not above injecting large amounts of
fear and alarmism into their climate articles.
An August 9, 1923, front-page article in the Chicago Tribune

Scientist Says Arctic Ice Will Wipe Out Canada.

The article quoted a Yale University professor who predicted that
large parts of Europe and Asia would be ``wiped out'' and Switzerland
would be ``entirely obliterated.''
A December 29, 1974, New York Times article on global cooling
reported that climatologists believed ``the facts of the present
climate change are such that the most optimistic experts would assign
near certainty to major crop failure in a decade.''
The article also warned that unless Government officials reacted to
the coming catastrophe ``mass deaths by starvation and probably in
anarchy and violence'' would result. In 1975, the New York Times
reported that ``a major cooling [was] widely considered to be
These past predictions of doom have a familiar ring, don't they? They
sound strikingly similar to our modern media promotion of the former
Vice President's brand of climate alarmism, an alarmism he believes
will put him back in the White House.
After more than a century of alternating between global cooling and
warming, one would think that this media history would serve a
cautionary tale for today's voices in the media and scientific
community who are promoting yet another round of eco-doom.
Much of the 100-year media history on climate change that I have
documented today can be found in a publication entitled ``Fire and
Ice'' from the Business and Media Institute.
Which raises the question: How has this embarrassing 100-year
documented legacy of coverage on what turned out to be trendy climate
science theories made the media more skeptical of today's sensational
promoters of global warming? You be the judge.
On February 19 of this year, CBS News's ``60 Minutes'' produced a
segment on the North Pole. The segment was a completely one-sided
report alleging rapid and unprecedented melting at the polar cap. It
even featured correspondent Scott Pelley claiming that the ice in
Greenland was melting so fast that he barely got off an iceberg before
it collapsed into the water.
Mr. President, ``60 Minutes'' failed to inform its viewers that a
2005 study by a scientist named Ola Johannessen and his colleagues
showed that the interior of Greenland is gaining ice mass and that,
according to scientists, the Arctic was warmer in the 1930s than it is
today. If you see this film, they will say it is the warmest it has
ever been. It is just not true.
By the way, around the edges of ice caps there is a phenomenon known

[[Page 19158]]

calving. So when it becomes thicker in the middle, it melts a little on
the outside, but the overall volume density increases.
On March 19 of this year, ``60 Minutes'' profiled NASA scientists and
alarmist James Hansen who was once again making allegations of being
censored by the Bush administration. In this segment, objectivity and
balance were again tossed aside in favor of a one-sided glowing profile
of Hansen.
The ``60 Minutes'' segment made no mention of Hansen's partisan ties
to former Democratic Vice President Al Gore or Hansen's receiving of a
grant of a quarter of a million dollars from the leftwing Heinz
Foundation run by Teresa Heinz Kerry. I guess she is Teresa Heinz now.
There was also no mention of Hansen's subsequent endorsement of her
husband John Kerry for the presidency in 2004. He is a political
activist. This was never mentioned in the ``60 Minutes'' segment.
Many in the media dwell on any industry support given to so-called
climate skeptics, but the same media completely failed to note Hansen's
huge grant from the leftwing Heinz Foundation.
The foundation's money originated from the Heinz family ketchup
fortune. So it appears that the media makes a distinction between oil
money and ketchup money.
Mr. President, ``60 Minutes'' also did not inform viewers that Hansen
appeared to concede in a 2003 issue of ``Natural Science'' that the use
of ``extreme scenarios'' to dramatize climate change ``may have been
appropriate one time'' to drive the public's attention on the issue. In
other words, it is all right to lie in order to drive the public's
attention to an issue that you want them to have and to that opinion.
Why would ``60 Minutes'' ignore the basic tenets of journalism that
call for objectivity and balance in sourcing and do such one-sided
The answer was provided by correspondent Scott Pelley. Pelley told
the CBS News Web site that he justified excluding scientists skeptical
of global warming alarmism from his segments because he considers
skeptics to be the equivalent of ``Holocaust deniers.''
This year also saw a New York Times reporter write a children's book
entitled ``The North Pole Was Here.'' The author of the book, New York
Times reporter Andrew Revkin, wrote that it may someday be ``easier to
sail to than stand on'' the North Pole in summer. So here we have a
very prominent environmental reporter for the New York Times who is
promoting the aspect of global warming alarmism in a book aimed at our
In April of this year, Time magazine devoted an issue to global
warming alarmism entitled ``Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid.'' This is the
same Time magazine which first warned of a coming ice age in the 1920s
before it switched to warning about global warming in the 1930s, before
it switched again to promoting the 1970s coming ice age scare. The
April 3, 2006, global warming special report of Time magazine was a
prime example of the media's shortcomings, as the magazine cited
partisan leftwing environmental groups with a vested financial interest
in hyping alarmism.
Headlines blared: ``More and More Land is Being Devastated by
``Earth is at the Tipping Point.''
``The Climate is Crashing.''
Time magazine did not make the slightest attempt to balance its
reporting with any views of scientists skeptical of this alleged
climate disaster.
I don't have journalism training, but I daresay calling a bunch of
environmental groups with an obvious fundraising agenda and asking them
to make wild speculations on how bad global warming might become is
nothing more than advocacy for leftwing causes. It is a violation of
basic journalistic standards.
To his credit, New York Times reporter Revkin saw fit to criticize
Time magazine for its embarrassing coverage of climate science.
So in the end, Time's cover story title of ``Be Worried, Be Very
Worried'' appears to have been apt. The American people should be
worried--they should be very worried--of such shoddy journalism.
As to Al Gore's inconvenient truth, in May, our Nation was exposed to
perhaps one of the slickest science propaganda films of all time.
Former Vice President Gore's ``An Inconvenient Truth,'' in addition to
having the backing of Paramount Pictures to market this film, had the
full backing of the media, and leading the cheerleading charge was none
other than the Associated Press, and of course they had the elitists,
from Hollywood.
On June 27, the Associated Press ran an article by Seth Borenstein
that boldly declared:

``Scientists give two thumbs up to Gore's movie.''

The article quoted only five scientists--two thumbs up, five
scientists. They were praising Gore's science, despite the Associated
Press having contacted over 100 scientists.
The fact that over 80 percent of the scientists contacted by the AP
had not even seen the movie or that many scientists have harshly
criticized the science presented by Gore did not dissuade the news
outlet one bit from its mission to promote Gore's brand of climate
Let's keep in mind, they said it is thumbs up, 100 percent of the
scientists, and it was only 5 out of the 100.
I am almost at a loss as to how to begin to address the series of
errors, misleading science, and unfounded speculation that appear in
the former Vice President's film and in his book of the same name.
Here is what Richard Lindzen, a meteorologist from MIT, has written
about ``An Inconvenient Truth.'' He is talking about Al Gore and his
movie. This is a scientist, Richard Lindzen, a meteorologist from MIT:

A general characteristic of Mr. Gore's approach is to
ignore the fact that the Earth and its climate are dynamic;
they are always changing even without any external forcing.
To treat all change as something to fear is bad enough; to do
so in order to exploit that fear is much worse.

That is exactly what Al Gore is doing.
What follows is a brief summary of the science the former Vice
President promotes in either a wrong or misleading way:
He promoted the now debunked ``hockey stick'' temperature chart in an
attempt to prove man's overwhelming impact on the climate.
He attempted to minimize the significance of the medieval warm period
and the little ice age.
He insists on a link between increased hurricane activity and global
warming that most scientists believe does not exist.
He asserted that today's Arctic is experiencing unprecedented warmth
while ignoring that temperatures in the 1930s were as warm or warmer
than they are today.
He claimed the Antarctic is warming and losing ice but failed to note
that is only true of a small region and the vast bulk has been cooling
and gaining ice. This is the Antarctic.
He hyped unfounded fears that Greenland's ice is in danger of
He erroneously claimed that the icecap on Mount Kilimanjaro is
disappearing because of global warming, even while the region cools and
researchers blame ice loss on local land-use practices. What they are
talking about here is they had deforested the area down below. That was
the reason. It had nothing to do with CO2, obviously.
He made assertions of massive future sea level rise that is way
outside of any supposed scientific consensus and is not supported in
even the most alarmist literature.
He incorrectly implied that a Peruvian glacier's retreat is due to
global warming, while ignoring the fact that the region has been
cooling since the 1930s and other glaciers in South America are
He blamed global warming for water loss in Africa's Lake Chad despite
NASA scientists concluding that local population and grazing factors
are the more likely culprits.
He inaccurately claimed polar bears are drowning in significant
numbers due to melting ice when in fact they are thriving.

[[Page 19159]]

He completely failed to inform viewers that the 48 scientists who
accused President Bush of distorting science were part of a political
advocacy group set up to support the Democratic Presidential candidate
John Kerry in 2004.
That was just a brief sampling of some of the errors presented in
``An Inconvenient Truth.'' Imagine how long the list would have been if
I had actually seen the movie. There wouldn't be enough time to deliver
the speech today.
So along comes Tom Brokaw. Following the promotion of ``An
Inconvenient Truth,'' the press did not miss a beat in their role as
advocates for global warming fears.
ABC News put forth its best effort to secure its standing as an
advocate for climate alarmism when the network put out a call for
people to submit their anecdotal global warming horror stories in June
for use in a future news segment.
In July, the Discovery Channel presented a documentary on global
warming narrated by former NBC anchor Tom Brokaw. The program presented
only those views of scientists promoting the idea that humans are
destroying the Earth's climate. You don't have to take my word for the
program's overwhelming bias. A Bloomberg TV news review noted: ``You'll
find more dissent at a North Korean political rally than in this
program'' because of its lack of scientific objectivity.
Brokaw also presented climate alarmist James Hansen to viewers as
unbiased, failing to note his quarter-million-dollar grant from the
partisan Heinz Foundation or his endorsement of Democratic Presidential
nominee John Kerry in 2004 and his role promoting former Vice President
Gore's Hollywood movie. Brokaw, however, did find time to impugn the
motives of scientists skeptical of climate alarmism when he featured
paid environmental partisan Michael Oppenhimer, of the group
Environmental Defense, accusing skeptics of being bought out by fossil
fuel interests.
The fact remains that political campaign funding by environmental
groups to promote climate and environmental alarmism dwarfs spending by
the fossil fuel industry by 3 to 1. Environmental special interests,
through their 527s, spent over $19 million compared to $7 million spent
by the oil and gas industry through political action committees in the
2004 election cycle.
I am reminded of a question the media often asks me about how much I
have received in campaign contributions from the fossil fuel industry.
My unapologetic answer is always: Not enough, especially when you
consider the millions partisan environmental groups pour into political
Continuing with our media analysis: On July 24, 2006, the Los Angeles
Times featured an op-ed by Naomi Oreskes, a social scientist at the
University of California, San Diego, and the author of a 2004 Science
magazine study. Oreskes insisted that a review of 928 scientific papers
showed there was 100 percent consensus that global warming was not
caused by natural climate variations. This study was also featured in
former Vice President Al Gore's ``An Inconvenient Truth.''
However, the analysis in Science magazine excluded nearly 11,000
studies or more than 90 percent of the papers dealing with global
warming, according to a critique by British social scientist Benny
Peiser. Peiser also pointed out that less than 2 percent of the climate
studies in the survey actually endorsed the so-called ``consensus
view'' that human activity is driving global warming and some of the
studies actually opposed that view. Oreskes called 2 percent, 100
percent. But despite this manufactured ``consensus,'' the media
continued to ignore any attempt to question the orthodoxy of climate
As the dog days of August rolled in, the American people were once
again hit with more hot hype regarding global warming, this time from
the New York Times op-ed pages. A columnist penned an August 3 column
filled with so many inaccuracies it is a wonder the editor of the Times
saw fit to publish it. For instance, Bob Herbert's column made dubious
claims about polar bears, the snows of Kilimanjaro, and he attempted to
link this past summer's heat wave in the United States to global
warming--something even the alarmist James Hansen does not support.
Finally, a September 15, 2006, Reuters News article claimed that
polar bears in the Arctic are threatened with extinction by global
warming. The article by correspondent Alister Doyle quoted a visitor to
the Arctic--now listen to this, Mr. President--a visitor to the Arctic
who claimed he saw two distressed polar bears. According to the Reuters
article, the man noted that one of the polar bears looked to be dead
and the other one looked to be exhausted. The article did not state the
bears were actually dead or exhausted, they merely looked that way.
Have we really arrived at the point where major news outlets in the
United States are reduced to analyzing whether polar bears in the
Arctic appear restful? How reporting such as this gets approved for
publication by the editors at Reuters, I don't know. What happened to
covering the hard science in this issue?
What was missing from the Reuters News article was the fact that
according to biologists who study animals, polar bears are doing quite
well. Biologist Dr. Mitchell Taylor from the Arctic government of
Nunavut, which is a territory of Canada, refuted these claims in May
when he noted that--this is a quote. Keep in mind I am quoting the
biologist Dr. Mitchell Taylor from the Arctic government. He said:

Of the 13 populations of polar bears in Canada, 11 are
stable or increasing in number. They are not going extinct,
or even appear to be affected at present.

Sadly, it appears that reporting anecdotes and hearsay is now fast
replacing the tenets of journalism for many media outlets.
It is an inconvenient truth that so far 2006 has been a year in which
most major segments of the media have given up on any quest for
journalistic balance, fairness, and objectivity when it comes to
climate change. The global warming alarmists and their friends in the
media have attempted to smear scientists who dare to question the
premise of manmade catastrophic global warming, and as a result some
scientists have seen their reputations and their research funding dry
The media has so relentlessly promoted global warming fears that a
British group called the Institute For Public Policy Research--and this
from a left-leaning group--issued a report in 2006 accusing media
outlets of engaging in what they termed ``climate porn'' in order to
attract the public's attention. Bob Carter, a paleoclimate geologist
from James Cook University in Australia, has described how the media
promotes this kind of fear:

Each such alarmist article is larded with words such as
``if,'' ``might,'' ``could,'' ``probably,'' ``perhaps,''
``expected,'' ``projected,'' or ``modeled,'' and many involve
such deep dreaming, or ignorance of scientific facts or
principles, that they are akin to nonsense.

He concluded this in an op-ed in April of this year.
Another example of this relentless hype is the reporting on the
seemingly endless number of global warming impact studies which do not
even address whether global warming is going to happen. They merely
project the impact of potential temperature increases.
The media endlessly hypes studies that purportedly show that global
warming could increase mosquito populations, malaria, West Nile virus,
heat waves and hurricanes, threaten the oceans, damage coral reefs,
boost poison ivy growth, damage vineyards and global food crops, to
name just a few of the global warming-linked calamities. Oddly,
according to the media reports, warmer temperatures almost never seem
to have any positive effects on plant or animal life or food
Fortunately, the media's addiction to so-called ``climate porn'' has
failed to seduce many Americans. According to a July Pew Research
Center poll, the American public is split about evenly between those
who say global warming is due to human activity versus those who
believe it is from natural factors or not happening at all. This is
significantly down from the previous polls. In

[[Page 19160]]

addition, an August Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll found that most
Americans do not attribute the cause of recent severe weather events to
global warming, and the portion of Americans who believe global warming
is naturally occurring is on the rise. It is nothing short of a miracle
and amazing that the American people are not buying this alarmism. It
is all they see on TV. It is all they hear about. I would rather
believe the American people know when their intelligence is being
insulted and they know when they are being used and when they are being
duped by the hysterical left.
The American people deserve much better from our fourth estate. We
have a right to expect accuracy and objectivity on climate change
coverage. We have a right to expect balance in sourcing and fair
analysis from reporters who cover the issue. Above all, the media must
roll back this mantra that there is scientific ``consensus'' of
impending climatic doom as an excuse to ignore recent science. I used
to get this all the time from the left. They say: Well, the consensus
is already there; we don't want to talk about science. No wonder they
don't--because most of the science since 1999 has refuted everything
they are asserting. After all, there was a so-called scientific
consensus that there were nine planets in our solar system until Pluto
was recently demoted.
I am a realist. I want to challenge the news media to reverse course
and report on the objective science of climate change, stop ignoring
legitimate voices in this scientific debate, and stop being used by the
hysterical left. Breaking the cycles of media hysteria will not be easy
since hysteria sells and it is very profitable, but I really believe
the issue is getting worn out. They have not been able to come up with
anything to support their side. And as Winston Churchill said:

The truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it,
ignorance may deride it, malice may destroy it, but there it
is. And it will be there, and we will understand.

Mr. President, I yield the floor and suggest the absence of a quorum.
The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Coleman). The clerk will call the roll.
The bill clerk proceeded to call the roll.
Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order
for the quorum call be rescinded.
The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Coleman). Without objection, it is so
Mr. SALAZAR. Mr. President, I ask that I be recognized to speak as in
morning business for up to 20 minutes.
The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered.



An interesting news bit about panels and blades...

AKgringo - 5-1-2023 at 09:04 AM

I saw this on a CBS news feed;

JDCanuck - 5-1-2023 at 09:21 AM

Thanks pretty much everything else we manufacture, it eventually goes to waste. My pet peeve is the amount of waste that politicians have regulated into existence with laws regarding maximum allowable use periods.
My generation sought to recycle, repair and reuse everything we could, now the trend is pass regulations to disallow that and force us to trash it.

Cliffy - 5-1-2023 at 09:53 AM

Used to be we have small businesses called TV REPAIR SHOPS but what do we do today?

How many millions of flat panel TVs today are just dumped into the trash can each and every day?

No different than solar panels. No plans on what to do with the waste generated after the hype of Climate Change.

Before something is mandated the problems the mandate cause need to be solved. Then public acceptance will be a chinch.

Why not get people to buy in by choice rather than force?
Let the market decide what it wants
Or do you feel the public hasn't the brains to make that decision?

If the majority really stood behind their decision to mandate electric cars then why don't we see half of all new car sales going electric?

Here's another challenge- Someone needs to track all politicians who vote for EV mandates to see if THEY put their money where their mouth is and buy EVs themselves!
Are they committed to the cause or just blowhards?

I've got $100 that says less than 10% do!

Cliffy - 5-1-2023 at 10:30 AM

H.A.L. ?
Paging H.A.L.?
Telegram for H.A.L.

Paco Facullo - 5-1-2023 at 12:11 PM

I think I'll just find myself a sweet young woman and a secluded island in the Philippines to live my days out sipping on cold San Miguel's , eating fresh fish and enjoying beach life....

AKgringo - 5-1-2023 at 12:22 PM

Or possibly someone who "identifies" as a sweet young woman?

JZ - 5-1-2023 at 01:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
Or possibly someone who "identifies" as a sweet young woman?


mtgoat666 - 5-3-2023 at 11:09 AM

Scientists Are Alarmed as Sea Surface Temperatures Hit Uncharted Territory

RFClark - 5-3-2023 at 09:39 PM


Perhaps someone will get serious about stoping those who burn coal and practice agricultural burning. They might even get serious about controling wildfires! But probably not! It’s not “sexy enough”!

Cliffy - 5-3-2023 at 10:04 PM

So I read the article "Scientists are Alarmed"
OK so its getting warmer- so what?
The earth has been even warmer in its past and it still survived.
Plants grew, fauna flourished, the world went on.
All I see is predictions of warming earth and even that article didn't hold any proven cause/response to warming of the planet.
All it said was that the earth was warming and nothing else.
Are the seas going to rise in 10 years and wipe out the low lands ? Hardly!
The fact is no one can predict just what the response of the earth will be to warming.
We're coming out of La Nina and going into El Nino What if it reverses again in 5 years? Has it ever done that before? Which it could very well do.
The earth's response all just a big guess with no facts to back it up.

Its more climate hysteria than climate science beyond a warming cycle.

And I never said we didn't have a warming cycle. My question is just what the earths response to that might be AND NO ONE KNOWS and no one can predict it beyond a plain guess.
So why get hysterical about something we might no even see.
Wait for some hard data to appear rather than try a scare the world into submission.
If there were more verifiable facts to just what would happen maybe the majority of folks would support all that is proposed to save mankind and the planet.
Let the people decide on their own with accurate honest provable facts rather than just guesses.

There ARE two sides to this question

Listen to both and make your own choice.

surabi - 5-3-2023 at 11:52 PM

Cliffy, you keep repeating the same dumb-azz comments over and over. No one is predicting that the planet itself won't "survive", it's about how long it can continue to support life as we know it. You apparently have no kids or grandkids you care about.

And believe it or not, there are educated scientists who actually spend their lives studying this stuff- they aren't "guessing"- much of the effects of climate change are measureable. Species of flora and fauna dying out because the warmer water or air, droughts and other disasters caused by human activity affects them or their food sources- this stuff is studied and known, regardless if whether you are aware of it or not.

mtgoat666 - 5-4-2023 at 04:59 AM

A message from the nomad demographic…

Old People Don’t Care About Climate Change

[Edited on 5-4-2023 by mtgoat666]

RFClark - 5-4-2023 at 09:33 AM


Really! How many KW of solar do you own? Drive a hybrid? Take public transportation?

mtgoat666 - 5-5-2023 at 07:43 AM

I really like my induction cooktop! :thumbup:

Soon new home residents in NY state will be feeling the love too :bounce:

New York becomes the first state to ban natural gas stoves and furnaces in most new buildings

CNN — New York is the first state in the country to ban natural gas and other fossil fuels in most new buildings – a major win for climate advocates, but a move that could spark pushback from fossil fuel interests.

Facing mounting pressure from environmental advocates and climate-minded voters, Gov. Kathy Hochul and Democratic lawmakers, who control the New York Senate and Assembly, approved the new $229 billion state budget containing the provision late Tuesday night.

The law bans gas-powered stoves, furnaces and propane heating and effectively encourages the use of climate-friendly appliances such as heat pumps and induction stoves in most new residential buildings across the state. It requires all-electric heating and cooking in new buildings shorter than seven stories by 2026, and for taller buildings by 2029.

JDCanuck - 5-5-2023 at 09:16 AM

I really like my induction cooktop!

We do too! A bit more expensive initially with the full convection oven, but boils water in a 2 qt pot in 1 1/2 to 2 minutes, rather than the 4 or 5 minutes on gas or ceramic electrics. Spills clean up extremely easily as they don't bake in. Very little excess heat thrown off so far more efficient and doesnt tend to heat up the kitchen. Shuts down automatically as soon as you remove the pot or pan for safety with elderly, and autosenses the size of whatever pot is put on it Best thing to come around since microwaves for saving energy.

[Edited on 5-5-2023 by JDCanuck]

RFClark - 5-5-2023 at 09:58 AM


You’re late to the party. We’ve used induction cooking in addition to propane for 10 years. Yes it’s great especially when it’s hot!

Thanks for the clean up!

AKgringo - 5-5-2023 at 10:18 AM

A lot of finger pointers just got deleted from this off-topic light thread. I appreciate it!

JDCanuck - 5-5-2023 at 01:13 PM

I'm really going to miss those backyard wiener and marshmallow roasts over a waste wood fire with the grandkids tho. And whats a camping trip without the campfire to sit around and share stories? It was hard enough adjusting to the fake propane fire pits....but electric?

JDCanuck - 5-5-2023 at 04:07 PM

Private jet use, however continues to soar. 2022 set yet new records with the 2021 year growing by 20 percent plus. I wonder if the government has plans on limiting this extremely high increase in contribution to global warming

Come burn with me!

AKgringo - 5-5-2023 at 06:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JDCanuck  
I'm really going to miss those backyard wiener and marshmallow roasts over a waste wood fire with the grandkids tho. And whats a camping trip without the campfire to sit around and share stories? It was hard enough adjusting to the fake propane fire pits....but electric?

You will have to use real long sticks to roast anything though. I build my piles with an excavator, and when they get going good you could singe your eyebrows getting too close!

I was already looking at a heavy workload trying to manage a bunch of bug killed trees, then the late heavy snow we had took down a bunch more!

Nature is turning a page on my forest, and I hope to keep burning the waste wood a pile at a time instead of fifty acres all at once!

mtgoat666 - 5-6-2023 at 11:42 AM

AKgringo - 5-8-2023 at 09:53 AM

Quoting Gretta; "Blah blah blah blah".

RFClark - 5-8-2023 at 10:30 AM


Actually none of the models work the same way the climate works. That’s “0”! The primary reason is that today as was the case 50 years ago, there isn’t a sufficient understanding as to how the climate actually works past it’s been getting warmer for the last 14K+ years!

It’s obvious that multiple billions of humans burning stuff is adding to the warming that had melted a majority of the ice from the peak of the last ice age. The sea level rose over 300’ + prior to humans adding to the rise and even the most pessimistic projections suggest 40’ - 60’ more rise in the future.

Unless all of humanity pitches in, nothing we can do will be, by it self, enough and it won’t “set an example” for the Indians and Chinese either as they don’t give a damn what we do or what Greta says!

surabi - 5-8-2023 at 11:01 AM

Ridiculous excuse for not doing one's part- that someone else isn't doing their's, so why bother.

RFClark - 5-8-2023 at 03:52 PM


That depends on how you define “our part”! In case you missed it, there’s a major war in Europe again. That war has resulted in the deaths of a large (200K or more) number of people by gun and other violence in just over a year. The same European war has resulted in a rather large amount of pollution.

Rather than continuing to move the deckchairs around on the Titanic perhaps we should direct our efforts to try and prevent the European War from becoming a World war. That said the resulting World War would end the threat from global warming and overpopulation at the same time, thus meeting your call for action!

lewmt - 5-10-2023 at 08:03 AM

Meanwhile, this

Could lead to some promising advancements in clean energy

RFClark - 5-10-2023 at 04:43 PM


Not “Gas Stoves”, gas appliances! Heated water with electricity lately? Then there the small gas engine appliances like generators, pumps and cement mixers that are banned or will be banned (not phased out!) very soon! Mixed a few yards of concrete by hand lately? Honda stopped selling new small gas engine appliances in California last year.

Actually you were forced to wear a mask. The police in Melbourne can be viewed clubbing anti-mask protesters in a number of places on the internet. In Los Angeles we were forced to wear masks, some businesses were closed and travel was restricted as well.

BCS banned beer and liquor sales and then regulated sales hours. (GFE)

And finally, you still haven’t listed your creds past just talking about the environment!

[Edited on 5-10-2023 by RFClark]

RFClark - 5-10-2023 at 04:52 PM


surabi - 5-10-2023 at 06:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RFClark  

Actually you were forced to wear a mask. The police in Melbourne can be viewed clubbing anti-mask protesters in a number of places on the internet. In Los Angeles we were forced to wear masks, some businesses were closed and travel was restricted as well.

BCS banned beer and liquor sales and then regulated sales hours. (GFE)

[Edited on 5-10-2023 by RFClark]

No, you weren't "forced" to wear a mask, you were restricted from public venues if you weren't wearing one. Those are two different things.

And of course there were restrictions- intelligent people who care about others besides themselves were trying to stop the rampant spread of a virus that has killed almost 7 million people in 3 years. If there had been no restrictions or masking and distance regulations, millions more people would have died.

Do you jump up and down screaming about having to wear a seat belt in your car or on a plane? How would you feel about people who are covered in monkeypox lesions being allowed to rub shoulders with others in public places? People would freak out about that, yet because you couldn't "see" the Covid virus, people denied its existence or danger.

[Edited on 5-11-2023 by surabi]

[Edited on 5-11-2023 by surabi]

SFandH - 5-10-2023 at 06:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Quote: Originally posted by Cliffy  

The problem comes in when it is a mandated policy for everyone to comply to.

Have EVs been mandated anywhere in the US? Are mandates planned? If so by who, when, and where?

Have you not been following the news?

Not really, not since October. I have to drive to an Internet connection (slow geostationary satellite) when at my place in BCS and that's fine with me. Yes, I know about Starlink.

I just read about the 2035 CA zero emissions mandate. Sounds good to me.

[Edited on 5-11-2023 by SFandH]

Lee - 5-10-2023 at 07:30 PM

In Loreto, police were harassing tourists who weren't masked. Didn't happen in LA.

Snowflakes whining: I was forced to wear a mask. I didn't feel safe. Bet you lose sleep over this stuff.

mtgoat666 - 5-10-2023 at 07:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Lee  
In Loreto, police were harassing tourists who weren't masked. Didn't happen in LA.

Snowflakes whining: I was forced to wear a mask. I didn't feel safe. Bet you lose sleep over this stuff.

Wearing a mask is so easy even a troglodyte could do it. Are snowflake conservatives still whining about having to wear a little mask for a year? Crybabies! Waaaa!

RFClark - 5-10-2023 at 09:37 PM


Hindsight is 20/20. I worked in Critical Care Medicine back then. Initially no-one understood what all the vectors were! As a result people died from receiving blood, blood fractions, blood derived products and just about any medical product or device that had a human component. That included contaminated equipment with multiple users. Initially almost everyone with symptoms died period! It was very scary!

The total number of deaths from AIDS is more than 40 million and in 2022 deaths were still running 800K per year.

The CDC early on tried to infect volunteers with COVID and only 50% of the subjects ever showed symptoms!

The 2 epidemics are not in the same league. Yet the different approaches are amazing.

[Edited on 5-11-2023 by RFClark]

RFClark - 5-10-2023 at 10:27 PM

More interesting news.

surabi - 5-11-2023 at 12:28 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RFClark  

Hindsight is 20/20. I worked in Critical Care Medicine back then. Initially no-one understood what all the vectors were! As a result people died from receiving blood, blood fractions, blood derived products and just about any medical product or device that had a human component. That included contaminated equipment with multiple users. Initially almost everyone with symptoms died period! It was very scary!

The total number of deaths from AIDS is more than 40 million and in 2022 deaths were still running 800K per year.

The 2 epidemics are not in the same league. Yet the different approaches are amazing.

[Edited on 5-11-2023 by RFClark]

The slow response and medical investigation into AIDS was rooted in bigotry against gays. They were afraid to come forward to talk about what was happening in their communities and demand action because of being stigmatized even more than they already were. You can't start a discussion about the difference in approaches while ignoring that elephant in the room.

[Edited on 5-11-2023 by surabi]

mtgoat666 - 5-11-2023 at 06:59 AM

South Pasadena Popo Going All Electric!
58 years after Dylan went electric

South Pasadena’s police car fleet is expected to go fully electric by the start of next year.

The city is leasing 20 Teslas through Enterprise for at least five years for police patrol duties, administration and detective work. Some vehicles are already in use, Deputy City Manager Domenica Megerdichian said, while others used for patrol must still be properly outfitted.

Nearly $2 million in city funds was allotted to the leasing agreement, which includes 10 Tesla Model Y vehicles and 10 Tesla Model 3 vehicles, according to City Council agenda reports. The city also received $500,000 in funding from a committee that works to reduce vehicle pollution in the South Coast region.

More than 30 charging ports, including some for public use, will be installed at South Pasadena City Hall parking lots in partnership with Southern California Edison.

“We have been investigating this transition for five to six years and determined that these electric vehicles will be the best operationally for us,” South Pasadena Police Chief Brian Solinsky said in a statement. “They are the safest and fastest vehicles and will save the city money in lower maintenance and fueling costs.”

Cliffy - 5-11-2023 at 08:15 AM

Sounds like its a great move for THEM
Small geographic area, predominantly short trips
Not an issue Not against it

mtgoat666 - 5-11-2023 at 10:12 AM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  

I'd rather err on the safe side. Besides, switching to renewable energy sources is a smart thing to do for many reasons.

Petroleum fuels are dirty, cause air pollution. Always good to reduce or eliminate petroleum use where possible.

JDCanuck - 5-12-2023 at 05:44 AM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  

Petroleum fuels are dirty, cause air pollution. Always good to reduce or eliminate petroleum use where possible.

I've found for Baja it just isn't practical yet to replace those gas 4by4's with electrics, but the F-150 Lightning looks like a good hope for the future if the charging stations arrive in mass or you have enough excess solar to charge at home for free. California has huge subsidies for those who switched either to BEV or hybrids and in addition a large number of charging stations we passed on the way down. Has anyone got positive experiences they can share with us and the reasons they find them superior, or the limitations they ran into?
The Prius V hybrid we had in the family for years has been great in cities and paved roads, but road clearance on back roads and fuel use savings dropped significantly as well. Propane and natural gas conversions that drastically reduced pollution we were led to in the past became somewhat unwieldy when all the refill stations dried up, altho while they were more common they saved a ton of pollution. Then the costs to purchase the fuels went way up and they became impractical for the fleets that willingly converted.
Fuel Cells were touted as the answer next, and finally the Hydrogen Hiway. It's no wonder the populace has severe doubts about this latest push.

[Edited on 5-12-2023 by JDCanuck]

JDCanuck - 5-12-2023 at 06:29 AM

Elon Musk continues to drive price drops in EV's, especially the cheapest model, while the other manufacturers are driving prices up. The F-150 Lightning Pro was available to Californians for under 30,000 when it was first sold after rebates, so there must be a few people out there that bought at those prices. Unfortunately, it is now far more expensive as high inflation, demand and availability drove price increases out of the reach of the majority.

Here is how Norway overcame that reluctance to the point that today, 80% of newly licensed vehicles are EV's, well ahead of their initial targets.

[Edited on 5-12-2023 by JDCanuck]

JDCanuck - 5-12-2023 at 06:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by caj13  
I have never understood this mysterious wasted money - and costing us money? seriously? I have repeatedly asked JZ, RC, etc -to educate me on these "costs" associated with green energy - and so far - for some unknown reason? they all seem to ignore my request to be educated with their secret facts and information sources!

so i went solar - My energy bill is $0. the cost of my panels and the system install was offset in just 3.5 years - since then they system makes me money. (and it is charging my EV - so guess what - the car is very cheap to run - no fuel - much less maintenance .
I made those decisions based on the benefits to the environment AND the economic gains I would get. How is that costing me money?

and no - nope - no government ever demanded / required I did that. In the mean time - the economy has benefited immensely by green technologies - at the same time oil companies are reporting record profits (I know - I know - lets keep that quiet - how can we Blame Biden for our high fuel costs when the money is going into the oil companies pockets?)

So for me - doing my part pays me real $ - it benefits the economy - and helps with the environment - how is that an issue for anyone?

I know - Damn&d facts keep getting in the way of the MAGA Gospel you have bought into. I'm sorry for making your brain explode! v

[Edited on 5-10-2023 by caj13]

Thanks Caj. Do you live in Baja part or full time? Wondering if you expanded the solar like we did, or found convenient charging stations close by? We chose to expand the solar for the largest payback as the EV we had on order (Rivian) just was not practical here yet. Still looking for a suitable and affordable EV. The closest I have come is the hybrid like RFC drives, but I am thinking it's not quite up to the roads we have locally.

[Edited on 5-12-2023 by JDCanuck]

mtgoat666 - 5-12-2023 at 07:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by JDCanuck  
Elon Musk continues to drive price drops in EV's, especially the cheapest model, while the other manufacturers are driving prices up. The F-150 Lightning Pro was available to Californians for under 30,000 when it was first sold after rebates, so there must be a few people out there that bought at those prices. Unfortunately, it is now far more expensive as demand and availability drove price increases out of the reach of the majority.

Pickup trucks and evs are popular amongst the upper middle class, so the f-150 ev sells well.
Since upper middle class is buying large trucks for grocery getting and mall crawling, it may be best if these luxury trucks go electric. The rich are killing the planet thru overuse of energy and resources…

[Edited on 5-12-2023 by mtgoat666]

RFClark - 5-12-2023 at 08:43 AM


Most of the wood or worse for cooking and the slash and burn agriculture is done by poor 3rd world people as is most of the coal burning these days! But blame your political enemies is how it works.

mtgoat666 - 5-12-2023 at 08:47 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RFClark  

Most of the wood or worse for cooking and the slash and burn agriculture is done by poor 3rd world people as is most of the coal burning these days! But blame your political enemies is how it works.

Your carbon footprint is much larger than that of your maid or gardener!

TMW - 5-12-2023 at 03:33 PM

I think the manufactures of electric vehicles should give all police and sheriffs departments ev's to use.

Don Pisto - 5-12-2023 at 03:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
I think the manufactures of electric vehicles should give all police and sheriffs departments ev's to use.

I think its south pasadena (don't quote me on that) that has gone all EV, they weren't free though. I'll look for the story

[Edited on 5-12-2023 by Don Pisto]

JZ - 5-12-2023 at 04:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
I think the manufactures of electric vehicles should give all police and sheriffs departments ev's to use.

Curious why you say that? Not disagreeing with you, but curious the rational.

They are very fast.

mtgoat666 - 5-12-2023 at 07:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
I think the manufactures of electric vehicles should give all police and sheriffs departments ev's to use.

Why should local govt agencies get free cars? That just increases car price for everybody else.

JZ - 5-12-2023 at 09:26 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
I think the manufactures of electric vehicles should give all police and sheriffs departments ev's to use.

Why should local govt agencies get free cars? That just increases car price for everybody else.

Maybe it will:

- Reduces local govt. expenses which will mean less taxes?
- It could accelerate the adoption of EVs which will lower prices for all on EVs?

TMW - 5-12-2023 at 11:06 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
I think the manufactures of electric vehicles should give all police and sheriffs departments ev's to use.

Curious why you say that? Not disagreeing with you, but curious the rational.

They are very fast.

I just think it would be a great public relations story and how better to insert thousands of EV cars into the the system. They would be on open display for the public to see how well they function.

TMW - 5-12-2023 at 11:13 PM

They don't need to give them all at once. Schedule so many a month. Maybe the government could give the manufacture a tax break. There are a lot of things to be worked out to make it a win win for everyone.

JZ - 5-12-2023 at 11:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  

I just think it would be a great public relations story and how better to insert thousands of EV cars into the the system. They would be on open display for the public to see how well they function.

Agree 100%.

mtgoat666 - 5-12-2023 at 11:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Quote: Originally posted by TMW  
I think the manufactures of electric vehicles should give all police and sheriffs departments ev's to use.

Curious why you say that? Not disagreeing with you, but curious the rational.

They are very fast.

I just think it would be a great public relations story and how better to insert thousands of EV cars into the the system. They would be on open display for the public to see how well they function.

I see elec cars everywhere, the tide has turned, most people prefer e cars… new ice cars will be extinct in 15 years.

[Edited on 5-13-2023 by mtgoat666]

Lobsterman - 5-13-2023 at 01:14 PM

I doubt that most people prefer ev cars. Maybe some but not most. There you go again living in your own dream world.

I just sold my 2000 camry with 250,000 miles I bought New. Sold it to my daughtner's boyfriend. It was in excellent mechanical shape. Should last another 100,000 or so.

Just bought my last car: 2000 Camry V6 with 62,000 miles. Circumventing the USA Oct-Nov (7000 miles) in it. Plenty of room for 2-sets of golf clubs in the trunk plus luggage. No fighting or searching for charging stations. I cannot think of a more impractical car on a road trip than an ev.

JZ - 5-13-2023 at 02:12 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  

I see elec cars everywhere, the tide has turned, most people prefer e cars… new ice cars will be extinct in 15 years.

[Edited on 5-13-2023 by mtgoat666]

Just bought my wife a Genesis GV70 for mother's day. 370hp. Went with forest green to help with the environment. Might go EV next time.

[Edited on 5-14-2023 by JZ]

JDCanuck - 5-13-2023 at 02:36 PM

Most people could use an EV for every day commutes, charge at home off peak for reduced power costs and consequently justify two vehicles with the financial savings they realize. But they still have to solve the long distance time to recharge waits and heavy load carrying issues before we can mandate the IC's out of existence. Even then, I don't see the point of mandates if the infrastructure is there, people will convert for the practical reasons to do so.

I'll wait and see what Musk and all the other innovative Engineers have planned for the future. Left to their own, we should see cheaper(far fewer parts) faster(full torque throughout the RPM range) and far easier maintenance in the near future.

SFandH - 5-13-2023 at 02:50 PM

No way I'm buying an e-car because by far I drive mostly in baja. When there are as many charging stations as gas stations along the peninsula I might get one but my gas cars have to wear out first. One has 40K miles, the other is new (2023), she loves it. It's still on the original oil. I'll probably wear out before the cars do.

If I was still commuting to work on San Diego freeways I'd be looking at small e-SUVs.

[Edited on 5-13-2023 by SFandH]

surabi - 5-13-2023 at 02:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  

I see elec cars everywhere, the tide has turned, most people prefer e cars… new ice cars will be extinct in 15 years.

[Edited on 5-13-2023 by mtgoat666]

Just bought my wife a Genesis GV70 for mother's day. 370hp. Went with forest green to help with environment. Might go EV next time.

What possible reason is there to post a giant photo of the shiny new car you bought your wife except to brag for attention.

SFandH - 5-13-2023 at 03:23 PM

I bet new ICE cars will always be available. I know California's plans. I also know plans change.
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