Please stop right here if you do not want to see dead, stuffed animals! I am not a hunter but I saw and wanted to share for those of you who are.
I hope I have not offended anyone. BajaBruno - 9-7-2021 at 02:59 PM
I haven't hunted since I was a youngster, but I appreciate being able to get close to critters that would probably eat me if I tried it in person.
Paco Facullo - 9-7-2021 at 03:30 PM
If whoever is in charge, didn't intend us the eat animals, they wouldn't have made the SO delicious when grilled on an open fire !BajaBlanca - 9-7-2021 at 09:17 PM
These are pretty incredible. Whoever the taxidermist was, he or she was the best of the best.motoged - 9-8-2021 at 02:06 PM
Didn't say it was fine dining SFandH - 9-8-2021 at 04:53 PM
Trophy killing is immoral and then displaying the dead animal at your home is freaking weird.
Take another look at those photos. The guy involved must be out of his mind. Living in a house of horrors.
And that bearskin, imagine tripping over a bear head in your living room at night after one too many brewskis. That takes the cake.
Lots of screwy people out there.
All of this IMHO, of course. advrider - 9-8-2021 at 07:23 PM
Cool mounts.. Paco Facullo - 9-8-2021 at 07:37 PM
Speaking of mystery meats,
Way back when, while steamin in Olongapo City, we ate what we called 'Monkey meat".
It was skewers of grilled meat, sold on the street and was DAMN tasty after a fun night of San Miguel's and much debauchery.BajaBlanca - 9-9-2021 at 11:45 PM
Yes, these animals were from eons ago when it was acceptable to kill for sport. Killed by royalty and definitely not kosher nowadays that we know