
La Bocana goings on!

BajaBlanca - 9-23-2021 at 02:56 PM

Lots happening here. There are easily 5 new homes going up. Two we are calling McMansions because they are going to be huge and awesome.

The tutors have been busy.

Vivian with her payment - she is the new tutor who took over from DANNA.

Vivian with some gifts I brought back for her from Turkey

A good friend brought some brand new backpacks for the kids! They were so happy!!

My friend from Florida who came to visit sent work clothes for Alondra who is doing her internship. She was so thrilled, the clothes were just her size.

I stopped over to see Bertha the other day and she seems to be doing great. I asked if she had a support system in place for when life sends curve balls ... she said she does.

Abraham, the kids' dad is sick. He thinks it is just a cold but just to be safe, the kids are doing their work at home this week. Abraham will get tested for Covid on Friday. Better safe than sorry.

But the most fun of all was when college sponsor Mike brought down a bike for the kids!!!! Whohoooooooooooooo They had been asking me for one forever and on the off chance Mike had a friend with a freebee, he did and we got a used bike!

Still dealing a bit with jet lag - it ain't easy when you are older Hahahaha I find myself taking 2 hour naps now. It is all good, right?

SFandH - 9-24-2021 at 09:29 AM

I especially like the photo of the kids with the backpacks and the books.

BajaBlanca - 9-24-2021 at 02:40 PM

Abraham and Tidiana both tested Covid positive. I am in a state of shock. No classes in person, I am asking the tutors to explain what they need on sheets of paper, the kids will do it as homework and I will turn it in to the tutors tomorrow.

I have set up a buddy system for the family, making sure they get one full meal per day, ready cooked.

I dropped off today's lunch plus milk, peas and beans to cook up on Sunday.
Bertha will cook tomorrow. SAT
Monday, my neighbor Linda.
Tuesday my friend Minerva.
Wednesday Cyndi will cook enough for Wed and Thurs.

Repeat as long as necessary since neither of them are allowed to go into the supermarket.

I am worried, very worried. Abraham is the sickest with a hacking cough and had some fever. I bought them some aspirin and cough syrup. It is hard to explain the devastation of this virus to someone who does not even read.

They resisted the vaccine due to their religion. Well, if one of them should die, I sincerely doubt that religion is going to feed and clothe the kids.

On another very sad note, one person here wanted to help Javier's family out with some cash to help with funeral expenses for the 22 year old who succumbed to Covid. The dad was outside and far away from my car when I gave him the money. We both cried. I went to visit Javier's grave. I miss that kid!

SFandH - 9-24-2021 at 02:58 PM

That's bad news, how old are the sick people? Healthy otherwise?

del mar - 9-24-2021 at 03:08 PM

what religion is that Blanca?

BajaBlanca - 9-24-2021 at 07:53 PM

Lencho, I agree. We shall have to adapt to the kids needs while keeping them far away from the tutors.

Abraham and Tidiana are in their 30's, healthy as far as I know but I heard that those of native Mexican/American descent are more at risk?

del mar - they are Christian and we have been arguing back and forth about the vaccine for months. I really, really believe in the vaccine so it was hard for me to accept that they were willing to run the risk of leaving the littles without a Mom or Dad. With no electricity, ergo no TV, they could not watch the chaos happening around the world. God will take care of us, Tidiana told me.

pauldavidmena - 9-25-2021 at 07:32 AM

That's very troubling news about Abraham and Tidiana. I sure hope they're able to pull through. The support system you've set up for them could be a decisive factor.

John Harper - 9-30-2021 at 01:34 PM

God Bless You, Blanca.

The mix of ignorance and religion can be devastating.


BajaBlanca - 9-30-2021 at 02:58 PM

Yes, John, it is.