
La Bocana update for week of Sept. 27 2021

BajaBlanca - 9-30-2021 at 02:21 PM

Boy does time fly when you are busy! We have many quests at the hotel and we are having a blast with them. Some are kiters, some are fly fishermen and women and some are Canadian staying with us for months.

Here we are at Juanita's in Abreojos for breakfast. I love that they simply put the table right in front! We started that!

Abraham, the dad of the 7 kids, got Covid and got really, REALLY sick. He did not call me one night when he could not breathe but called another friend in town who called the private doctor, he prescribed meds, she bought them and took them over. He is doing better. Thank God.

Mom does not have a severe case but is being very careful with the kids. The grandma, who is vaccinated, is helping out at the house. I wish she weren't but no one else can go inside.

I organized 6 friends and we each cooked one full meal for them (I made 2) this past week. Boy are they eating well! Spaghetti and sauce, fish and sides, beans rice and sides, three Mexican friends made something delish that I do not remember what it was but it smelled incredible.

Here is what I sent one day:

Here is Linda holding her donation:

Here is Armida with water bottles - which I hate - so I asked the kids to put their names on the bottles and refill them as needed....which entailed me negotiating 3 huge water containers for them that the guy will replenish every week.

Because we do not want the tutors to have direct contact with the students, I pick up the backpacks from the tutors one day, they include detailed notes on what ea student has to do, then I pick up the backpacks when the sts are done and drop back to the tutor who reviews and then sends on to the regular teacher. I can attest that this is the most challenging for me. I am running around like a chicken with her head cut off!

Picking up the backpacks.

Delivering the backpack. Contactless.

One of the kids is supposed to watch the movie THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK. No elec and no internet makes that impossible, so I got a copy of the book I had donated from a teacher (her dedication to me is priceless).

The glitch is that Jireth has a learning disability and simply is not able to do the work at home. Sannia and I agreed that the two of them would work outside, behind the hotel, in the wide open space.

Here I am taking Jireth to the hotel for her tutoring (I have a double mask BTW).

Here is Jireth studying today. Sannia really works her magic. Jireth showed me 3 worksheets she completed and they were so well written! I am thrilled.

Here is Sannia with her pay for the week! she gets the full whack since she is working with Jireth every day - the others are getting 300 a week.

That is the update and as you can see, I am really jumping thru hoops to make life move on for all of us! It takes a village and I am so happy that my amigas jumped on the bandwagon. The local priest asked the villagers to pitch in and I heard that some are sending TP, cereal for breakfast and more.

BajaBlanca - 9-30-2021 at 02:55 PM

They are complaining that they are BORED and want to go to class. Alas, I am not sure how long I should wait? Two weeks? Three weeks?

I did hear that the local cooperative will offer free covid testing to low income folks. I paid $750 pesos each for Tidiana and Abraham *. They insisted it was a waste of money since they only had a cold. I want the kids to test negative before they go back to the tutors.

* edit to add that they went to Abreojos for testing.

[Edited on 9-30-2021 by BajaBlanca]

pauldavidmena - 10-1-2021 at 10:22 AM

I'm glad that Abraham is doing better and that Tidiana didn't get as sick as her husband. I hope both of them make it for their children's sake.

BajaBlanca - 10-1-2021 at 07:49 PM

They are fine now. Abraham got really scared and does not even want to leave his room. Thank goodness they are OK!

pauldavidmena - 10-2-2021 at 06:52 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBlanca  
They are fine now. Abraham got really scared and does not even want to leave his room. Thank goodness they are OK!

I'm very happy to hear that news! My wife and I have been vaccinated and always wear a mask when indoors in public. It hasn't cramped our style too much, but I'm hoping the sacrifices have helped to keep us, our families and our communities safe. I do hope Abraham bounces back 100% and continue to be the provider for his family.

SFandH - 10-2-2021 at 08:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BajaBlanca  
They are fine now. Abraham got really scared and does not even want to leave his room. Thank goodness they are OK!

Good news. About how many days was Abraham sick?

BajaBlanca - 10-2-2021 at 09:56 AM

It has been over a week. He tested positive last Friday 9/24. He is better but still not 100% and still stays inside without going out at all.

I am very glad that I am so stubborn and insisted on their getting tested.