
Week of Oct. 4, 2021 La Bocana update

BajaBlanca - 10-8-2021 at 06:14 AM

It has been a busy week, for sure! Junior, the roadrunner, came to visit a couple days, he is looking for a place to bring Mrs. Junior!

I continue to drop off backpacks so that the kids do not get behind on their studies. More people with Covid now - 2 tutors (Elizabeth and Alberto) and their mom and dad have it. All are fine but it means they are not allowed to leave their homes.

Jireth is the only student I pick up daily. It is just not possible for her to study alone due to her learning disability. She is thriving under Sannia;s guidance. Here she is with the cutest braid one day.

I did laundry for Tidiana since she usually washes clothes by hand (for 7 kids!!!!). Even though she seems fine, she does have Covid too, I want her staying healthy. It was 2 huge loads and the kids said: "You wash so fast." Because they have no electricity, I think the kids have never seen a washing machine. I explained that the machine washed the clothes, not me.

Here is tutor Vivian with her cashola.

Here is Alberto and Elizabeth's dad collecting their cash since all have Covid.

Everyone is helping out with one fully cooked meal a day. Bertha made enchiladas galore for the family last Tuesday...I buy milk, fruit and a surprise for the kids every day - mini yogurts or something fun. Thanks to those who are helping me cover this cost.

Bertha has been super busy. She was given rabies vaccines for dogs and cats, someone donated the syringes and off she went around town giving free shots to all animals. She did Tidiana and Abraham's 2 dogs and one cat.

Here is a photo of Bertha from this week Hahahaha The caption was "and I wonder why I did not sleep so well last night."

Emmanuel needed a dictionary so I found one in town. I wrote him a dedication in it and since it has maps in the front, we looked at Mexico, USA, Brazil and Turkey.

I do have a new project in mind, stay tuned for the kid library initiative.

surfhat - 10-8-2021 at 06:54 AM

Beep beep!

Bajaboy - 10-8-2021 at 02:12 PM

Nice work Blanca! What will the village do without you?!

BajaBlanca - 10-8-2021 at 07:37 PM

lencho - I do not think the locals understand how Covid is transmitted. Both Alberto and Elizabeth go to their Christian church, no one wears a mask, all inside, quite a big crowd.

For sure that is where they contracted the virus.

The good thing is that once identified as being the virus, the residents are not allowed to go out until they test negative.

I have taken to wearing a double mask and hope that I am safe.

BajaBlanca - 10-8-2021 at 07:39 PM

Bajaboy - I hope that I can still be involved even though from far away. It will not be the same but I plan on being involved in Tidiana and Abraham's kids' lives forever!