
Marijuana Southbound Thru TJ - Not a Good Idea

Ateo - 10-19-2021 at 03:31 PM

Well, 3 of my associates recently did a surf trip to K-38 and decided they'd bring some weed with them. They didn't spend too much time hiding it. They literally shoved it in their backpack and cruised across an International Border. The customs lady could smell it. She asked,"Any Mota?" "!" was there reply.

She started searching the truck and the first thing she opened was their backpack and behold - found a 1/4 ounce of weed. They admitted it was theirs and spent about 2 hours at the border facility before being deported back into the northbound border line, back the USA.

The moral of the story is don't bring smelly weed across the border. What I learned from this story is Mexico has OK weed laws these days.......these guys weren't thrown in jail over a little grass. And they tried the whole "I thought weed was legal in Mexico" thing but that didn't work.

[Edited on 10-19-2021 by Ateo]

David K - 10-19-2021 at 04:06 PM

Hard to believe they didn't know!
So, they re-crossed, weed free?
Good thing they didn't go to the San Ignacio checkpoint! LOL

Don Pisto - 10-19-2021 at 04:24 PM

their plan was sound.......execution not so much! :coolup:

JZ - 10-19-2021 at 05:32 PM

Great to hear there wasn't a more severe reaction.

Ateo - 10-19-2021 at 07:35 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Hard to believe they didn't know!
So, they re-crossed, weed free?
Good thing they didn't go to the San Ignacio checkpoint! LOL

Yep. They initially went across at San Ysidro but after they got deported they decided to try ti cross at Otay. They made it back across into Mexico - no problems. But with no weed. Which is a problem for them. :)

mtgoat666 - 10-19-2021 at 08:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ateo  
Well, 3 of my associates recently did a surf trip to K-38 and decided they'd bring some weed with them. They didn't spend too much time hiding it. They literally shoved it in their backpack and cruised across an International Border. The customs lady could smell it. She asked,"Any Mota?" "!" was there reply.

She started searching the truck and the first thing she opened was their backpack and behold - found a 1/4 ounce of weed. They admitted it was theirs and spent about 2 hours at the border facility before being deported back into the northbound border line, back the USA.

The moral of the story is don't bring smelly weed across the border. What I learned from this story is Mexico has OK weed laws these days.......these guys weren't thrown in jail over a little grass. And they tried the whole "I thought weed was legal in Mexico" thing but that didn't work.

[Edited on 10-19-2021 by Ateo]

Proving (again) that smoking pot makes you stupid!

hombre66 - 10-19-2021 at 08:49 PM

Got a new Baja travel pal. One of the first things I asked him: Do you bring weed? He said "ziss a problem? I said quite so , do not bring weed. Well, he says he doesnt. We will caravan in seperate vehicles.
What Goat said...

Bajazly - 10-19-2021 at 08:50 PM

Moral of the story, kill the smell and keep it out of sight and you'll probably be fine.

Sounding more and more like it will be rec. legal here soon.

geoffff - 10-19-2021 at 09:54 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Great to hear there wasn't a more severe reaction.

Yeah, really! Whew... I had assumed much worse.

-- Geoff

geoffff - 10-19-2021 at 09:56 PM

I got dog-sniffed the last time I crossed through Mexicali a couple years ago. I wasn't ballsy enough to outright ask them what the dogs were actually searching for.

What do you think? Guns?

I had thought pot, but if they are only going to slap you on the wrist and send you back home, it doesn't seem worth using dogs.

surabi - 10-19-2021 at 10:17 PM

Honestly, you have to be pretty effin stupid to think you can cross international borders with drugs.

bajagregg - 10-20-2021 at 06:59 AM

The last time I was in secondary I asked an aduana agent working with a dog what they looking for and he simply said "dinero". Makes sense.

David K - 10-20-2021 at 09:30 AM

Got a short weed story...

In early 1984, I went to Posada Don Diego (Colonia Vicente Guerrero, north of San Quintín). I was 25 at the time and driving a 1980 Subaru 4x4 wagon. It was a pretty nice campground and RV park with a restaurant (still is more or less). Tom and Shirley Miller (Mexico West Travel Club) had a clam-digging/ fishing party for club members there.

I asked a co-worker from the aircraft/ military parts factory I was at that year if he would like to join me on the trip. He was from New Jersey and never been to Mexico. Knowing he was a pot smoker, I told him in no uncertain terms that marijuana was not legal and was met with harsh punishments in Mexico... DO NOT BRING ANY!

Fun day at the beach, good dinner that night, fireside story telling... a couple of single girls were there, too. I 'caught wind' that my friend invited his lady to go for a walk and smoke a joint.

The next morning, before he woke up, I found his baggie in my Subaru. I was so furious he violated my wishes/ conditions, and risked us going to jail! That baggie was put in a trash can. I never said a word to him, but he wasn't invited on any future Baja trips.

After he was awake and when it was time to have some breakfast, he was looking puzzled, going through is bag, etc. I asked him if he lost something to which he denied... and that was then end of that!

GeraldoS - 10-20-2021 at 09:55 AM

Marijuana is not legal in Mexico. It is decriminalized. Mexicans must apply for a permit from the country's health regulator, the Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris). Foreigners need not apply. It is a federal crime to import it across the border. A foreigner with mota will be assumed to have imported it.

Lee - 10-20-2021 at 10:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
I found his baggie in my Subaru. I was so furious he violated my wishes/ conditions, and risked us going to jail! That baggie was put in a trash can. I never said a word to him, but he wasn't invited on any future Baja trips.

After he was awake and when it was time to have some breakfast, he was looking puzzled, going through is bag, etc. I asked him if he lost something to which he denied... and that was then end of that!

I would have been angry being lied to also.

Tossing your buddy's mota, and not discussing what you had done was dishonest and lacking in integrity.

Hopefully you've grown up since then David. He lied to you and you lied to him. Amazing.

Ateo - 10-20-2021 at 11:48 AM

Quote: Originally posted by surabi  
Honestly, you have to be pretty effin stupid to think you can cross international borders with drugs.

Many thousands of people successfully cross with all types of drugs every day. I wouldn’t call them all stupid. Some are addicted. Some are just as smart as you and I but have other reasons for bringing their stash with them. But I understand the sentiment of your post. ✌️

David K - 10-20-2021 at 04:00 PM

Lee shows us just why so many don't post here anymore. Judging my actions from almost 40 years ago, really?
The dope didn't belong in my vehicle, and since we were leaving that day, it couldn't be smoked before we left. Either he tosses it or I do, didn't matter. The right thing was done and nobody was harmed or made upset. I didn't stay angry and hold a grudge as long as we worked together, which was only a few more months.

willardguy - 10-20-2021 at 04:34 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Lee shows us just why so many don't post here anymore. Judging my actions from almost 40 years ago, really?
The dope didn't belong in my vehicle, and since we were leaving that day, it couldn't be smoked before we left. Either he tosses it or I do, didn't matter. The right thing was done and nobody was harmed or made upset. I didn't stay angry and hold a grudge as long as we worked together, which was only a few more months.

in your cuate's defense how many here would attempt a drive to the grocery store let alone a trip to baja with DK without being fully blunted? im thinkin' not many!:lol:

mtgoat666 - 10-20-2021 at 05:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  

The dope didn't belong in my vehicle, and since we were leaving that day, it couldn't be smoked before we left. Either he tosses it or I do, didn't matter.

Sure he could smoke it all before you left…

Lee - 10-20-2021 at 08:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Lee shows us just why so many don't post here anymore. Judging my actions from almost 40 years ago, really?
The dope didn't belong in my vehicle, and since we were leaving that day, it couldn't be smoked before we left. Either he tosses it or I do, didn't matter. The right thing was done and nobody was harmed or made upset. I didn't stay angry and hold a grudge as long as we worked together, which was only a few more months.

Me the cause people don't post? Such as bullchit artist.

Your actions from 40 years ago don't translate well, Dave. Your words, maybe not intent, look pontificating, showing off, like you were punishing your friend in a passive way.

Yeah you were young then but it doesn't look like you learned anything since then. The mota wasn't yours to throw out. You don't get that. And not telling your buddy what you had done was dishonest. What don't you understand about being dishonest?

Don't bring up BS 40 years old if you don't want comments made here.

JZ - 10-20-2021 at 09:17 PM

Only smoked week once weed since college. A long time ago riding the BART from Oakland to SF.

Brought a buddy on boating trip. We crossed from the mainland to Santa Rosalia. In Santa Rosalia he pulls out some weed. I didn't really say much.

Third day there, two marines walked down on to the dock. We were all cleaning the boat and getting ready to shove off and head South. I could see them coming from a ways away. I asked him if he had his chit squared away. He didn't answer. My brother in law just shock his head. For some reason they just walked across our swim platform and inspected my friends boat that was tied up to ours.

I was peeed off to say the least. Made him pitch it in the water about 5 miles before we rolled in to Loreto. It was a huge argument and three of my other buddies just watched as we drifted on the ocean. But all told me later that I was correct to do it. Haven't talked too him much since.

[Edited on 10-21-2021 by JZ]

hombre66 - 10-20-2021 at 09:32 PM

Tough call on DK's decision. If he'd been straightforward/confrontational with the guy , there mighta been trouble between the two of em. My hunch is the "holder" wouldnt likely give up his stash. If he says he'll toss the stuff, I'm not sure I'd trust that he would. I wouldnt want to have to leave the dude behind, but I wouldnt risk an indeterminate amount of time in a Mexican jail. Tough call indeed.

surabi - 10-20-2021 at 11:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ateo  
Quote: Originally posted by surabi  
Honestly, you have to be pretty effin stupid to think you can cross international borders with drugs.

Many thousands of people successfully cross with all types of drugs every day. I wouldn’t call them all stupid. Some are addicted. Some are just as smart as you and I but have other reasons for bringing their stash with them. But I understand the sentiment of your post. ✌️

Yeah, I didn't mean they were actually low IQ, but that it's clueless to think you can just throw your baggie of weed in your backpack to cross an international border, as if you were just grabbing your board and heading down to your local beach for the day.

It's also, IMO, a bit disrespectful to think it's okay to travel to a country not your own, and disregard their laws, just because you might think they're wrong.

As far as weed goes, it's well established that marijuana is not a physically addictive drug, so "addicted" isn't really any excuse. It might be mentally or emotionally addictive to someone, but they're not going to go through some serious physical withdrawal, like a heroin addict does.

John Harper - 10-21-2021 at 05:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by surabi  
Quote: Originally posted by Ateo  
Quote: Originally posted by surabi  
Honestly, you have to be pretty effin stupid to think you can cross international borders with drugs.

Many thousands of people successfully cross with all types of drugs every day. I wouldn’t call them all stupid. Some are addicted. Some are just as smart as you and I but have other reasons for bringing their stash with them. But I understand the sentiment of your post. ✌️

Yeah, I didn't mean they were actually low IQ, but that it's clueless to think you can just throw your baggie of weed in your backpack to cross an international border, as if you were just grabbing your board and heading down to your local beach for the day.

It's also, IMO, a bit disrespectful to think it's okay to travel to a country not your own, and disregard their laws, just because you might think they're wrong.

As far as weed goes, it's well established that marijuana is not a physically addictive drug, so "addicted" isn't really any excuse. It might be mentally or emotionally addictive to someone, but they're not going to go through some serious physical withdrawal, like a heroin addict does.

Or an alcoholic, or cigarette smoker.


BajaTed - 10-21-2021 at 07:24 AM

Saudi Arabia;
"As with drugs, there is a prohibition on the manufacture, sale, possession, and consumption of alcohol in Saudi Arabia. Drinking is punishable by public flogging, fines, or lengthy imprisonment, accompanied by deportation in certain cases."

David K - 10-21-2021 at 09:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by hombre66  
Tough call on DK's decision. If he'd been straightforward/confrontational with the guy , there mighta been trouble between the two of em. My hunch is the "holder" wouldnt likely give up his stash. If he says he'll toss the stuff, I'm not sure I'd trust that he would. I wouldnt want to have to leave the dude behind, but I wouldnt risk an indeterminate amount of time in a Mexican jail. Tough call indeed.

In the beginning of my little story, which I shared as it was related to Ateo's and not to be harassed over, I clearly said to my work-friend, "marijuana is not permitted in Mexico or in my car." This person violated my terms for his going with me, endangered me and my vehicle from being detained or imprisoned, so I had every right to dump his baggie.
Oh, goat, we were leaving for the border that morning... so he could not smoke the three or so joints-worth of dope and be sober to answer the border guards about his citizenship (you only needed to attest your citizenship then, no papers or passport needed).

What I learned, Lee? Not to trust just anyone's word of honor, perhaps? Do you like being lied to? Would you risk jail or the loss of your 4x4 over a friend's addiction?

John Harper - 10-21-2021 at 10:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  

Oh, goat, we were leaving for the border that morning... so he could not smoke the three or so joints-worth of dope and be sober to answer the border guards about his citizenship (you only needed to attest your citizenship then, no papers or passport needed).

He couldn't handle three joints? What a lightweight.



David K - 10-21-2021 at 10:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by John Harper  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  

Oh, goat, we were leaving for the border that morning... so he could not smoke the three or so joints-worth of dope and be sober to answer the border guards about his citizenship (you only needed to attest your citizenship then, no papers or passport needed).

He couldn't handle three joints? What a lightweight.



Ya, he was a little guy! :lol:

Paco Facullo - 10-21-2021 at 04:56 PM

Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  

in your cuate's defense how many here would attempt a drive to the grocery store let alone a trip to baja with DK without being fully blunted? im thinkin' not many!:lol:

Now THAT's Damn -right FUNNY !

pacificobob - 10-22-2021 at 08:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Paco Facullo  
Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  

in your cuate's defense how many here would attempt a drive to the grocery store let alone a trip to baja with DK without being fully blunted? im thinkin' not many!:lol:

Now THAT's Damn -right FUNNY !

Funny and likely spot on

Paco Facullo - 10-22-2021 at 01:15 PM

I'ma thinkin that the Pot-head wasn't much of a friend,as he did EXACTLY what DK told him NOT to do.

Turnaround is fair play....

JZ - 10-22-2021 at 01:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by David K I had every right to dump his baggie.

As far as I'm concerned, in the situation you describe, you had every right to dump him.

I think the point here is that you did it behind his back, which isn't something I'd expect from a friend...

DK is right, you are wrong.

mtgoat666 - 10-22-2021 at 01:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by David K I had every right to dump his baggie.

As far as I'm concerned, in the situation you describe, you had every right to dump him.

I think the point here is that you did it behind his back, which isn't something I'd expect from a friend...

DK is right, you are wrong.

What DK did was (1) theft, and (2) littering.

dK’s friend was wrong. dK was wrong. 2 wrongs don’t make a right.

Paco Facullo - 10-22-2021 at 04:18 PM

By far the worst thing that happened, or in this case, "didn't happen", was the weed that didn't get smoked....

David K - 10-22-2021 at 05:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by David K I had every right to dump his baggie.

As far as I'm concerned, in the situation you describe, you had every right to dump him.

I think the point here is that you did it behind his back, which isn't something I'd expect from a friend...

DK is right, you are wrong.

What DK did was (1) theft, and (2) littering.

dK’s friend was wrong. dK was wrong. 2 wrongs don’t make a right.

It is amazing how wrong you can get mostly because you don't read!

My 'friend' was traveling with me knowing he was NOT to have any weed on him. He did it anyway. Insulting his integrity and my trust, and risking a legal problem for me and him. I HAD to dispose of it since he "didn't have it to begin with", per what he led me on to thinking.

I put it a trash can, so no littering, seriously... I pick up other people's trash when I see it goat.

This person was going to be in my Subaru with me for 5 hours driving home, plus working with me for as long as we were building satellite dishes together at that shop... NO need for me to stay mad at him for lying to me or he at me, for tossing his little bag of contraband.

bajajoaquin - 10-22-2021 at 08:18 PM

Seems that each party knew what was being said. When the guy was asked if he was missing something that he was clearly missing, he knew what it was about. I think it’s a situation where everyone was allowed to save face. Not all communication is explicit.

I don’t smoke weed any longer but a number of my friends do. I have been told for years that you stick it in your pants and it’s no issue. I too am surprised that they got off so easy. I just got fed a YouTube video of a couple that got rousted for CBD oil so I wouldn’t have expected a relative pass on pot.

In the greater scheme of things, this is probably good getting better

TMW - 10-22-2021 at 08:35 PM

If I know someone uses weed or any illegal drug they don't ride with me.

JZ - 10-22-2021 at 11:08 PM

Goat is just trolling you DK. To get a rise out of you. He's no dummy and would do the exact same.

Now Lencho, that is very disappointing to read.

Ateo - 10-23-2021 at 08:56 AM

There's something to be said for storing it in your pants or on your body......never had an officer or soldier touch my person.

David K - 10-23-2021 at 09:07 AM

AKgringo - 10-23-2021 at 10:58 AM

Just a couple of years ago, a canine was brought out to join the inspection of my vehicle, but my big dog protested, and they canceled the inspection.

She is not an "alpha" dog, but there was something about that shepherd that she didn't like!

Don Pisto - 10-23-2021 at 11:32 AM

any weed sniffing dog would dog would be quite one smokes more weed than a soldier. :coolup:

Lee - 10-23-2021 at 04:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Don Pisto  
any weed sniffing dog would dog would be quite one smokes more weed than a soldier. :coolup:

Know that first hand and won't name ck point. Anything to break up the boredom.

Lee - 10-23-2021 at 04:07 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Ateo  
There's something to be said for storing it in your pants or on your body......never had an officer or soldier touch my person.

Think that works unless there's a dog. Then busted. Just stay away from the dog.

Better yet... I hear plastic bags that are used for baking turkeys work. Local told me that.

advrider - 10-23-2021 at 05:51 PM

If you really want to hide it, the pros put it in the prison wallet. If your good you can also store up to a nine inch shank or cuff key with it just in case!
Just rinse before smoking, but use the shank at full strength as it will cause a hell of an infection.

BajaRun - 10-23-2021 at 05:52 PM

The Militar was using a Dog at the checkpoint going southbound before you get to Jesus Maria. They emptied an entire ABC bus and all its luggage. 20 minute wait. That was 2 weeks ago.

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by Ateo  
There's something to be said for storing it in your pants or on your body......never had an officer or soldier touch my person.

I suspect that would change if a drug dog flagged you.

Are they using dogs at any of the checkpoints? I know they have used them at the LAP airport, because I lived next to their handlers' headquarters for a while.

Never worried about home security in that place. :lol:

Ateo - 10-23-2021 at 09:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by advrider  
If you really want to hide it, the pros put it in the prison wallet. If your good you can also store up to a nine inch shank or cuff key with it just in case!
Just rinse before smoking, but use the shank at full strength as it will cause a hell of an infection.

BEST comment all decade on the internet!

monoloco - 10-25-2021 at 08:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by geoffff  
I got dog-sniffed the last time I crossed through Mexicali a couple years ago. I wasn't ballsy enough to outright ask them what the dogs were actually searching for.

What do you think? Guns?

I had thought pot, but if they are only going to slap you on the wrist and send you back home, it doesn't seem worth using dogs.
If the dogs are actually trained to sniff for anything, it's likely money. I have had them hit on me a few times in airports in Mexico and Central America, and they went straight for my wallet. The soldier handling the dog in El Salvador even commented that I must have money in my wallet. It's a lot of work to train a sniffer dog and the payoff is a lot higher catching currency smugglers.

BajaMama - 10-26-2021 at 06:26 PM

I used to wrap my CBD joints in plastic and foil then empty a big bag of Peets coffee, bury my stash in the coffee and reseal the Peets coffee bag. Not that anyone ever looked but I think it may have avoided detection.