Quote: Originally posted by David K  | Quote: Originally posted by steekers  | Quote: Originally posted by David K  | It's not being 're-opened'... Since The squarecircle got through, others have, as well. It's even in the new Baja Atlas (again, look at the images and
read the text). |
As an ex-racer I have mixed feelings about this. For sure after all the pre-running and big trucks the "trail" will be so widened out and lots of
damage. I am not in favor of this route for cars. They should go through Calamajue wash. They should just let the bikes go through this section and
re-route the cars. Maybe time to change it. |
Valid points...
Yesterday, Cameron Steele drove it, filming his pre-running. A couple of photos posted here: https://www.facebook.com/DesertAssassins |
My prediction: Lots of flat tires, bottlenecks, crashes, rescues!! |