
La Bocana update Nov 11, 2021

BajaBlanca - 10-30-2021 at 06:49 PM

We have been so busy here in La Bocana. Lots going on!

The kids are back in school with Sannia doing after school work with Jireth. Jireth is really loving the classes and every day shows me her work: I am reading and writing, she announces every day. Got to love it.

Here are some of her extra curricular worksheets, I am the official collector.

and her tutor Sannia getting paid. I forgot to take pics of the other tutors.

Ismael does his work at home, I pick it up and drop it off to his tutor, Vivian. She looks it over, explains anything he does not understand and then sends it back for him to fix. This rarely happens, she is really good at detailing exactly what he needs to know.

Ismael's regular teacher will start up classes next Wednesday. The doctor gave her the OK to return to the classroom.

I decided to take all 7 kids, and mom of course, for some ice cream because all the teachers told me the kids had a A average for the week. I was so happy and told them this was their reward.

College scholarship recipient Olympia is getting ready to graduate in law in March and is finishing up her classes AND running the ice cream shop! Turns out we showed up on her last day since she is planning to head back to Ensenada (where her university is). It was fun to touch bases with her.

Emmanuel, Ismael, Tidiana and I did a clean up today. This is us at the end.

More to come in a minute!

[Edited on 10-31-2021 by BajaBlanca]

[Edited on 11-11-2021 by BajaBlanca]

Bajaboy - 10-30-2021 at 07:29 PM

We heard this afternoon that BC is gong back to red. Our neighbor is studying law in Ensenada. He was supposed to return to school soon. He said 16 of his classmates have Covid so he has no idea what is going to happen.

BajaBlanca - 10-30-2021 at 07:30 PM

Continuing: Rick Jensen and his lovely wife stayed with us for a day and brought clothes which I gave to Tidiana and Abraham. He went fishing and although he had threatened to only stay within 10 miles, they in fact went out and both caught wahoo! Fishing is booming here now.

Last night, Phil and Chris showed up with tons of baseball gear for the Indian kids this Christmas. Sooooooooooooo many goodies!! Tees and mitts and I have a ton of baseball balls.

Also there were 7 blankets, one for each child. We had decided that if the boys woke up at 7:30, we would meet up for the clean up I had planned with Tidiana. They drank way too many margaritas at the beach restaurant and rolled up as we were finishing the cleanup. We got in our vehicles and went to Tidiana's house to see all the kids and hand out the blankets to each one.

It was such a beautiful moment. The kids were thrilled to get THEIR OWN BLANKET each. Their friend Gary and his wife, whom I have never met, had donated them.

While we were visiting Tidiana and Abraham's house, I explained that Abraham never included the roof material in his original house budget. Well, Phil comes to me with $200 and later tells me that Gary and wife donated another $200. I am going to add $100, so we have $500 out of the $900 needed! Abraham and Tidiana are over the moon happy. It was a wonderful morning.

Also this week, we have said goodbye to guests who have become close friends, That has been really hard. I hope we see them again but, who really knows?

I am posting photos of our home furniture to sell, wow.

At the end of the day today, my La Paz college scholarship student Rogelio, who is here for the weekend getting some dental work done, stopped by to say hi. It was so great to catch up on his life.

Amazing week! All good. It takes a village :=}

Paulina - 10-31-2021 at 12:32 PM

Thank you for another great report and for all you do for the children and families in your community.


BajaBlanca - 10-31-2021 at 03:08 PM

Happy Halloween and thanks Paulina (your fish signature is awesome!)

pjpvi - 11-11-2021 at 11:03 AM

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to deliver some smiles and happiness to the kids Blanca! The smiles absolutely melted my heart. I look forward to some pictures when they get their Christmas presents.

Visiting their home was a stark reminder of how much I take for granted. Thank you for arranging this for us.

BajaBlanca - 11-11-2021 at 01:21 PM

Hi there!!!!! It was so MOVING to see you both interacting with the family. So cool and why isn't Christmas today????!!!!

Thanks very much for your visit.

I just got back from San Diego and visiting my Mom for 3 days and one of the things we did was go to the Salvation Army and Goodwill for shoes for the kids which I just gave to them 15 minutes ago. I even bought a pair of sandals for Mom Tidiana because she has one pair of sandals that she keeps for special occasions. Now she has 2.

Pics soon!

BajaBlanca - 11-11-2021 at 02:14 PM

The littles with their new "used" shoes on their feet.

and Tidiana with her new sandals!

All the shoes:

Now all the kids have at least one extra pair of shoes, if not two, other than their school shoes and sneakers.

I was wondering if 7 of you want to be shoe angels and every 6 months be responsible for 2 pairs of shoes - flip flops/sandals and sneakers? If we can get 7 sponsors, the kids will be set. Amazon address would be:

Name of Student
Domicilio Conocido 1
Estero de La Bocana, Baja California Sur
Mexico 23973

phone # if they need it could be mine 615 114 8895

Here is what we have now and I assume we would go up a size every 6 months.

Emmanuel Garcia Cruz age 10 - size 9 1/2 inches

Jireth Dayana Garcia Cruz age 9 - size 8 1/2 inches

Isaac Garcia Cruz age 8 - 9 inches

Ismael Garcia Cruz age 7 - 8 3/4 inches

Genexis Garcia Cruz age 5 - 8 inches

Saul Garcia Cruz age 4 - 7 1/2 inches

Hasan Garcia Cruz age 2 5 1/2 inches

I find that there are so many sizes written on shoes that it was easier to take a tape measure and be sure the shoe would fit. This is November so the next shoe buying would be in May/June.

Please let me know if you want to join in the fun and for how many year(s). My goal is to sponsor the kids thru high school and then take it from there. I will be an old lady by then but hopefully alive and kicking.