PaulW - 11-23-2021 at 05:05 PM
Heads up from BCN
BackCountry Navigator via
11:40 AM (4 hours ago)
to me
BackCountry Navigator
Hello BackCountry Navigators!
The UI for has been updated. This update has been a long time in coming. Hopefully it will be helpful. We have more updates in the works.
Read to the end if you want to know about some discounts on membership.
On Android
On both XE and PRO, we are required to migrate certain folders on Android 11 before making new releases. We will try to minimize the impact of this
We talked about this in more depth in a previous email. I've been clear on how I feel about how much time we've had to spend on something that used to
work instead of inventing the future.
On iOS
Our iOS App released to the AppStore last month. At least 30 people have bought membership from iOS since.
The traffic has been low. I think that even now, very few people know that the iOS version of BackCountry Navigator exists. Be sure and tell you
friends. If there was a pent up demand for the iOS app, we have not seen it yet.
When it first entered the AppStore, I could not find it by searching "BackCountry Navigator." I did, however, find an imposter app that has been
posted for the second time under another name.
We complained about the fraudulent app that violated BackCountry Navigator's registered trademark , and it has been removed from the Appstore. It may
show up later under different names.
There have been some problems with the iOS version reported that we are actively investigating.
Getting Started with XE
Videos are still available that teach you about XE.
Most of these videos are a few minutes long.
Thanksgiving Deal
To celebrate Thanksgiving in the US, I am offering some discounts this week. We may yet have a drawing for free membership, but the best best is this.
The following deal is limited to the first 100 people to use the code through October.
You can purchase now and use the account on iOS or Android.
You can save 20% on multi-year plans using the code
You should act this week in order to get this deal before it is used up. See section below on How to use a promo code.
Remember to be thankful this week.
Below are the usual instructions and links. Anyway, remember to have some fun in the outdoors!
Nathan Mellor
How to use a promo code
The Promo code is THANKFUL2021.
100 redemptions allowed. First Come First Serve Through October 2021.
20% off a plan. The 5 or 10-year plans are already discounted compared to an annual plan, so you can save on top of that.
To use a promo code, you can log in to on your computer and go to your Account page.
There is a dropdown under membership where you can choose a plan and push BUY.
You will have a chance to use a promo code when prompted for payment information.
As mentioned, promo codes will NOT work on Android in Google Play.
If you believe in the cause, please purchase today to keep this project moving forward.
Please note that some purchase scenarios are complicated, and we may have to do some manual adjustments (just contact us) if they don't all work
automatically. Please don't buy through Google Play and then expect to change/upgrade it through the website. We can't do that.
Links for getting started with XE. You can use recover password at the site.
Go to
for the iOS app.
to install the Android app. Helpdesk for BackCountry Navigator XE.
This manual is the same one that you see in the help menu of the Android app.
It is linked to the Help menu of the app itself.
We have released this summary page for those who want to know the differences between BCN PRO and XE on Android.
Improvements and fixes will continue.