
The tutored kids grades Dec 2021

BajaBlanca - 12-3-2021 at 02:17 AM

The kids have awesome grades! all our work and support as shown its fruits! Each 10 represents and A, 9 represent A- and 8's are Bs.

I am so pleased. Sannia is on vacation and Jireth is lost without her. we tried to get Sarahi (their aunt) to help her which ended up with Jireth in tears.

I am looking for a substitute to cover the next 2 weeks.

As a reward for such good grades, they got some new books and one hundred pesos each.

Thanks everyone who is helping out with this project. We are making a real difference in their world. We have turned hating school into a love of school and books.

I am going to order more books for all the various grade levels so that every couple months we can spur these imaginations.