Thanks to DavidK for scanning this 1967 Mike McMahan map!
Click to open full-size:
[Edited on 12-19-2021 by geoffff]4x4abc - 12-19-2021 at 01:55 PM
good map!
correct map!David K - 12-19-2021 at 04:45 PM
It was the First Edition, 1967 McMahan Wall Map.
The second edition (also in 1967) was colorized.
Below is:
The third edition was modified, shows the pavement north to Santa Rosalia, and appears on the back of Mike McMahan's two books (There It Is: Baja!,
1973 and My Adventures in Baja, 1983... same book, but softback and a few more photos).
McMahan combined the maps from the Lower California Guidebook (Howard Gulick) and the airports from Airports of Baja California (Arnold Senterfitt)
added some flare and made a great wall map!
'geoffff' combined the Howard Gulick maps, digitally:
[Edited on 12-20-2021 by David K]David K - 1-4-2022 at 03:13 PM
Now saved in the VivaBaja Maps section, are the Howard Gulick maps stitched together, as seen just above, but adding in to the missing areas of
Howard's maps, geoffff used the 1967 McMahan map: