David K - 12-28-2021 at 05:05 PM
Neal (aka the 'Aridologist'), really loved exploring the desert and seeking out historic sites... He was an early fan of the GPS devices.
It was Neal who convinced us to switch our GPS readings from the factory map datum of WGS84 to NAD27 Mexico, to which the topographic maps were drawn.
With Google Earth using WGS84, along with all the devices pre-set at that datum, I have been going through my old VivaBaja.com pages and converting
the GPS waypoints to what we all use now. This is painstaking, but (I think) valuable.
So, the Neal2 page (of 2003) is now upgraded to the new platform and WGS84, plus other edits for spelling, etc.
Check it out: https://vivabaja.com/neal2/
[Edited on 12-29-2021 by David K]