David K - 12-30-2021 at 03:01 PM
Having the ability to make my own web pages has been such a joy. I had to lean on my web host to add content... and he is a busy guy!
For the past ten years, only two of my five trips in 2010 had pages. Now, all of them do. I also had one trip in 2008 that lacked a page. It was our
last time to Guadalupe Canyon hot springs, too:
Oct. ’08: Guadalupe Canyon for Halloween https://vivabaja.com/halloween-2008-at-guadalupe-canyon/
Jan. 2010: Bahía Santa María & Sulfur Mine https://vivabaja.com/1-2010/
July 4, 2010: Shell Island with friends https://vivabaja.com/710-2/
July 18, 2010: Shell Island, Gonzaga Bay, Coco’s Corner https://vivabaja.com/718-2/
Of course, find these listed in my Trip Photos section at www.vivabaja.com
[Edited on 1-1-2022 by David K]
David K - 12-31-2021 at 07:28 PM
Today, more maps... the 1927 and 2010 Auto Club Baja maps added to the Maps page.
Close to 100 Baja maps now at: