Starting a new thread for the new year... Nomad member Wornout leads day trips by dune buggy out from El Dorado Ranch, San Felipe. Buggies and 4x4s
join him to see the various sites, usually every Friday.
*Scroll down to see the latest 2022 trip...........................................
The first tour of 2022 is called 'North Beach Run' and it goes to the coast, north of the sand beach to the edge of the mud and salt flats.
They visit the small salt mine that is about 30 miles north of San Felipe then head west along Hwy. 3 then south along Diablo Dry Lake.
We drove east from the west valley road and stopped at the first pila and it is now overflowing.
Last Nov 27 we found the canyon dry and the pipes broken and the pila empty. Since then the rains came and the pipes got fixed and the cows are happy
with excess water.
So, the trip used a seldom used racetrack using the west Huatamote wash beginning where it intersects with the east valley road. Then went out of
Huatamote to higher ground then went south to Parral branch which leads to the eastern part of Huatamote.
The reason for the new track is a ranch had fenced east of of traditional route and the rancher has a locked gate. (just north of the windmill). That
new fence crossed our track but has a cattle guard for the racers. The other Huatamote option is the west valley road but we shun the boring graded
road drive. The image shows our two traditional track that now stop at the locked gate.
New track used had easy whoops for parts.