ligui - 1-25-2022 at 07:08 AM
Hi everyone ! Hope everyone is doing well
I need to have the road on my property improved in Ligui south of Loreto. Was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for contractors able to do
Thanks for your input
pacificobob - 1-25-2022 at 07:25 AM
One option is to buy a smallish dozen like a john deer 350.
I did it with some remote land in Alaska. 30 miles from the closest took 3 days of winter travel across rivers swamps, and lakes. 5 feet of
ice supported the weight. It turned the bush land into a was sold to guy in the area when I was done.
ligui - 1-26-2022 at 06:14 AM
Thanks for the idea. Would love to have the time to do it myself but that's not going to work for me.
Thanks again. Ligui
pacificobob - 1-26-2022 at 08:18 AM
Did I mention...bulldozers are huge fun?
Best of luck with your project.