Hi Lance
I am far away for my library and maps. but a quick search found the following
All copied from previous Nomad threads.
Regarding Los Polmas both INEGI & Atlas show it clearly at 20 6.65, -114 32.553, and slightly east. INEGI shows Codornices general area with no
specific location. A specific location is found further east called SanJose las Palomas. These locations are on the road we call Condornice road.
The Rancho known as Condornices (ranch not shown on the Almac or the Atlas). And this ranch does not appear on Google earth.
There is a place called “San Antonio” (AB) that some might called “Rancho Condornices” based on Gulick’s 1967 map?
The Almac shows a place called Condornices, but that label is east of the present functional rancho on the road we call Condornices.
Search Nomads for extensive discussion on your subject.
Also search for the great Mural of Condornices where rock art is found. Not near you positions.
Your second cords 29 24 14n, -114 37 13w =29 24.233, -114 37.217 does not show on the Atlas See the image below from Benchmark Atlas. Also, nothing
shows on INEGI.