No, my internet is at best only average speed compared to the fiber optic connected folks in town. If you had bothered to read the article I wrote,
you would have also read where I expressed my mixed emotions over the coming market of cheaper, high speed service available to everybody down here.
Yes, I will benefit too from that in terms of connection speed but realize that it will come at a cost.
Our night-time skies here along the coast 15 miles west of San Quintin are spectacular on clear nights and we often just sit outside, admiring the
show above.
I have this nagging feeling that before the last of these 15,000+ new satellites is even launched there will already be new technology getting ready
to be launched that would reduce the need for that number of satellites drastically while providing the same or even better (and faster) coverage.
Then we get to watch all these 15,000+ new pieces of space junk get turned off, slowly lose orbit and fall out of the sky in a burning mass of
obsolete technology.
And that's if they don't crash into each other first in the growing congestion of space orbit around the planet. |