
Comparing old with new photos at the same location...

David K - 6-17-2022 at 10:57 AM

... is something I think is very interesting. Sort of like time travel!

A Facebook amigo from Mexico photographed a graveyard along the road west from Mulegé to the Pacific side.

He didn't realize that this cemetery is on the site of a mission visita. The first post-mission graves were actually inside the chapel itself. Holy ground, apparently?

The square or cut-stone blocks are from the chapel of the 1700s. The second photo is from the 2002 book by Ed Vernon. You can match up some of the blocks from over 20 years earlier.

Photo on April 19, 2022 from NZdo Aicrag. GPS: 26° 43′ 5.3″ N 112° 18′ 7.3″ W

From the 2002 book by Edward Vernon, Las Misiónes Antiguas, The Spanish Missions of Baja California.