
Where is everybody?

David K - 6-21-2022 at 05:35 PM

I don't think I have ever seen Today's Posts down to so few active threads...
Hate to see Nomad die... It has been such a big part of creating new friends and sharing great Baja adventures.

I know many are tired of some of the posts and replies that are pretty unkind... but if we can ignore the negatives and promote the positive posts, it is to our mutual benefit to communicate, help, and share with each other.

Some Baja stories from your first trips to places in Baja could break the ice for some of you lurkers!

Anyway, think about something fun or nice to say... We could use it!

AKgringo - 6-21-2022 at 05:52 PM

With Father's Day, and Juneteenth happening on the same weekend, everyone is probably still unwinding!

willardguy - 6-21-2022 at 07:19 PM

maybe folks have chosen other sources to hear people expound their political agendas........david

David K - 6-21-2022 at 09:13 PM

Can you post anything about Baja, willardguy?

willardguy - 6-21-2022 at 10:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Can you post anything about Baja, willardguy?
no.....hunkered down here full time for a dozen years and not much changes, getting back to the OP..maybe folks have chosen other sources to hear people expound their political agendas........david

David K - 6-21-2022 at 10:08 PM

Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Can you post anything about Baja, willardguy?
no.....hunkered down here full time for a dozen years and not much changes, getting back to the OP..maybe folks have chosen other sources to hear people expound their political agendas........david

If you repeat the false story enough times it will not make it true.
How about Baja? Why here if no Baja? Don't need to answer.

I pump as much Baja into Nomad as I can... trips, photos, history, maps, details... It would be nice to see more from others.

RFClark - 6-21-2022 at 10:39 PM


I think more and easer pictures would make a difference! It’s also Summer! Adding weather and live cameras would probably draw more folks too. Then there are border crossing wait times.

RFClark - 6-22-2022 at 03:46 AM


I think more and easer pictures would make a difference! It’s also Summer! Adding weather and live cameras would probably draw more folks too. Then there are border crossing wait times.


Lobsterman - 6-22-2022 at 04:17 AM

Why would someone want to continue posting on a board that allows hate-filled posters to demean people for having a different view than theirs? Calling a person "shorty, racist" and worse and then be attacked by his myopic followers is no fun. Since you do not want to hear what others say then I say I'll keep my opinions to myself. We are human like you but view the world differently. That does not make us bad people who deserve to be slandered but free-thinking people who have values and culture different than you. I keep looking at this site hoping for change.

I miss the days of Pompano. Even the chief hater on this site called him a "drunk". As long as this site keeps perpetuating this hateful behavior, I'll stick to Bloodydecks to post my fishing adventures and/or opinions and not waste them on the malcontents.

BTW the fishing at LA Bay two weeks ago was fantastic for yellowtail. All you wanted within a mile or two from town. Stayed in a resort north of town for the girls. Food was great except little Mexican food on the menu.

[Edited on 6-22-2022 by Lobsterman]

SFandH - 6-22-2022 at 04:42 AM

One possible explanation is the predominance of Facebook and other social media websites. They have taken over the Internet. It used to be that people went to different websites for different types of information and used email for communication. For many people, myself included, the current procedure is to visit Facebook and go to different groups within Facebook for different types of info.

The FB group Talk Baja is very popular. I don't like it because it is swamped with Baja newbies asking the same questions over and over. There are also many posts by misinformed people providing incorrect information and/or stating opinions as facts.

Also, the Nomad members who see everything through politically tinted glasses are very annoying and I bet are driving people away.

But, I like this old-school, message board format. I wouldn't want to see it changed.

ligui - 6-22-2022 at 05:55 AM

Hi everyone !!! Viva Baja ! Heading down on Sunday for 5 days. Will be meeting my friends in the village to work over details for the new road up to my property. And meeting with the county about running water and electricity up to the house.
We are going to put the all the pieces together to get it ready for moving in

Time for me to retire and live full time ligui

Going to hire locals to help with the work and pay them above the going rate

Time to move forward and help the villagers have a better life. We are helping them set-up a small island tour company thru my Mexican corporation and will over the next year set up shop next to the ligui store on the highway. Have signed a 10 year lease to rent to properly

Lots more to say about our plans will keep you up dated as we move forward

I have been in the area for over25 years and enjoyed being part of the community.

Ps this is a positive for everyone involved. Don't need any arm chair quarterbacks

Any good feed back will always be welcome

On a final note. Thanks David for your help keeping a positive spin on this forum . I read it daily and it keeps me closer to Mexico when I'm away.

Again thanks


David K - 6-22-2022 at 07:41 AM

Thank you 'ligui' for your positive comments and Baja subject post... winner winner chicken dinner!

SFandH, agree Facebook works well for many and that it is a no-brainer to post photos there which helps attract folks, too.
This 'message board' format has a huge advantage in that you can find old posts easily and with sub-forums for different subjects, that helps find content of interest, too. You can see my two Facebook Baja groups, linked in my signature.
As for TalkBaja, it became hyper-political with over-moderation and they will remove any negative posts about Mexico, I hear... and now Ron may have had his fill of Facebook and started a new Talk Baja website on Word Press. It is in the middle of development as I have not seen any fresh activity there. Ron invited me to moderate the history forum there.

RFClark, yes... it is not hard to post photos if you use and set the upload size to fit on Nomad. However, some just don't want to or don't do the steps needed. It would be much better if Doug upgraded that feature used by other forums to post and resize photos.

Lobsterman, yep... and still many don't see that as a problem and aren't aware it is driving many away... or don't care. It is pretty annoying that one side only wants their views to appear and will do everything to tarnish a post from others with sidebar comments. We see it in this thread.

RFClark - 6-22-2022 at 09:43 AM


No, actually we are not all guilty of starting off with personal attacks on people we disagree with! It may end up there or not but generally it doesn't start there.

Example: The current administration’s energy policy is responsible for driving gas prices higher than the price of oil would dictate. This is especially true in California which has its own bad energy policies to make things even worse!

Want to bet there will be a personal attack posted shortly?

[Edited on 6-22-2022 by RFClark]

AKgringo - 6-22-2022 at 09:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RFClark  

Want to bet there will be a personal attack posted shortly?

[Edited on 6-22-2022 by RFClark]

Before this thread gets sent to "Off Topic", give me a few minutes to think of the right label to slap on you. Would "Personal attack theorist" work?

[Edited on 6-22-2022 by AKgringo]

RFClark - 6-22-2022 at 10:56 AM

See, as stated a personal attack from one of the usual suspects!

SFandH - 6-22-2022 at 11:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RFClark  
See, as stated a personal attack from one of the usual suspects!

Well, you went political in your post. In case you haven't noticed, that stirs things up these days.

I was taught politics, religion, and personal money matters are not to be discussed unless in person, with friends or family. Certainly not on public message boards.

TMW - 6-22-2022 at 11:56 AM

As some one said once "can't we all just get along?"

JZ - 6-22-2022 at 12:10 PM

The only time I bring up politics outside of the OT are Covid and Climate threads. Which are both inherently political topics.

I have hated politics my entire life and never discussed them until the Spring/Summer of 2020. Heck I had only ever watched CNN and that was just an hour here or there. Never watched any Fox News. I hated Trump because of his stupid mouth.

Letting our cities burn, defunding the police, calling every white male a racist, the ridiculous Covid lock downs, letting men take opportunities away from girls/women in sports, and teaching our kids that they are oppressors based on their skin color was a bridge too far for me. I have a feeling that millions of ppl who were apolitical or independent agree.

I'll work to tone down the politics now that Covid is winding down and order/sanity is about to be restored in November.

More Baja pics and stories coming!

[Edited on 6-22-2022 by JZ]

AKgringo - 6-22-2022 at 01:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
:!: :!: Snowflake alert! :!: :!:

In addition to political crap that has nothing to do with Baja, there are trolls posting insults, and name calling that must surely drive away new comers, and long time posters as well!

[Edited on 6-22-2022 by AKgringo]

freediverbrian - 6-22-2022 at 02:58 PM

I was in restaurant in baja a year or so ago ,got talking about good sites to go for info. I mentioned Nomad this guy just laughed and said "no way that site is just a bunch trolls and blow hards". Nomad has made its bed ,now it's time to sleep perchance to dream.

[Edited on 6-22-2022 by freediverbrian]

mtgoat666 - 6-22-2022 at 03:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by freediverbrian  
I was in restaurant in baja a year or so ago ,got talking about good sites to go for info. I mentioned Nomad this guy just laughed and said "no way that site is just a bunch trolls and blow hards"

Same can be said of most (all?)other sites

4x4abc - 6-22-2022 at 03:47 PM

Where is everybody?

easy question
complex answers

but since this site does not appreciate responses that take time to craft, I'll skip it

if it makes you feel better - facebook is battling something similar
many users don't bother anymore

paranewbi - 6-22-2022 at 04:27 PM

Thanks for confirming all I learned on this board guys. Enjoy yourselves.

ligui - 6-22-2022 at 07:20 PM

Sorry but the posts from where I started today with a let's remember what this forum is about are were really bad.

Stop it or get off this web talk group !

Would rather see less folks then a bunch people that don't really care about Baja . just want to talk shi-t

Grow up !

Its not the problems with the web site technology. Its how you interact with others.
Again grow up and converse on level above 5 th grade.

caj13 - 6-23-2022 at 06:12 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Can you post anything about Baja, willardguy?
no.....hunkered down here full time for a dozen years and not much changes, getting back to the OP..maybe folks have chosen other sources to hear people expound their political agendas........david

If you repeat the false story enough times it will not make it true.

says the willfully ignorant pseudoclimatologist who ignores literally millions of data points and scientific analysis because - well hes got a photo of a palm tree.

Like you said David Keep repeating your BS to yourself - eventually you will actually come to believe it. I'm sure you still believe in Santa Claus!

AKgringo - 6-23-2022 at 07:09 AM

Santa Claus, from North Pole Alaska, is a candidate on the state special election ballot to replace Don Young in the US House of Representatives.

David K - 6-23-2022 at 07:43 AM

Sad to see so few people wanting to be positive, happy, and share Baja here... :(

JDCanuck - 6-23-2022 at 07:49 AM

Well personally, I have gotten a lot of great useful info from this site, mainly from those some like to disparage. Was very helpful setting up bank accounts, planning trips or places to visit, places to eat or stay, etc.
The personal attacks on individual people or their politics get in the way tho, and I can't see how anyone benefits from them.

Mulege Canuck - 6-23-2022 at 09:41 AM

I am back home on Vancouver Island now so I have not posted since my return.

I have gotten some great information off this site. I ignore the jerks and listen to the experienced Baja vets.

pacificobob - 6-23-2022 at 09:55 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lencho  
Quote: Originally posted by JZ  
I'll work to tone down the politics...

That would be greatly appreciated. Much as it feels good to rant, it's unlikely to sway anyone here and it doesn't benefit anyone but yourself.

If even that.

Well said lencho

pacificobob - 6-23-2022 at 09:59 AM

The grey owl sod farm in palmer Alaska company slogan is
" can't we all get a lawn"

JDCanuck - 6-23-2022 at 11:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
I don't think I have ever seen Today's Posts down to so few active threads...
Hate to see Nomad die... It has been such a big part of creating new friends and sharing great Baja adventures.

I know many are tired of some of the posts and replies that are pretty unkind... but if we can ignore the negatives and promote the positive posts, it is to our mutual benefit to communicate, help, and share with each other.

Some Baja stories from your first trips to places in Baja could break the ice for some of you lurkers!

Anyway, think about something fun or nice to say... We could use it!

I am going to guess most people are out taking advantage of the opportunities to travel, camp and get together with friends and family after a long period of being denied access to them.
Life is good again, and we are celebrating the recent changes.

RFClark - 6-23-2022 at 02:09 PM

I put up what I thought was a bland statement that I thought wouldn’t be too controversial to prove a point about name calling. Gosh! Sorry about that!

Baja North had $3.80ish regular gas today! Calexico Ca had $6ish gas, also today! Yuma AZ has $4.89 gas today! You figure out what’s wrong here!

And it’s “Political” to point out that it might be a result of bad policies!! OK, I voted with my feet years ago and got out of California! If you’re happy with $6/gal gas and brown lawns. Bon Appetite!

[Edited on 6-26-2022 by RFClark]

BajaTed - 6-23-2022 at 03:14 PM

There are other PARF (Politics And Religious Forums) on many other sites where you can wear your lib and con hat and spout off and dox each other to your hearts content.

Why that behavior has to come to an Foreign Locale shared enjoyment web site is my question?

SFandH - 6-23-2022 at 03:26 PM

Politics and religion have been debated since the beginning of recorded history. ho-hum

Debates about which is the best Mexican beer are much more important and enlightening.

"best" Best for what? Well, for an early afternoon beer to quench thirst like right now, I think I'll go get an ice-cold Tecate Light. :cool:

David K - 6-23-2022 at 03:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Politics and religion have been debated since the beginning of recorded history. ho-hum

Debates about which is the best Mexican beer are much more important and enlightening.

"best" Best for what? Well, for an early afternoon beer to quench thirst like right now, I think I'll go get an ice-cold Tecate Light. :cool:

It was the late Baja Rob (of Bahía Santa María) who turned us onto Tecate Light as an excellent hot-weather refresher. We agree! Now it is always in our fridge... refreshing, no after-taste, and available everywhere. We still love Pacifico and Dos Equis Special Lager, on tap, never fear!

mtgoat666 - 6-23-2022 at 04:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Politics and religion have been debated since the beginning of recorded history. ho-hum

Debates about which is the best Mexican beer are much more important and enlightening.

"best" Best for what? Well, for an early afternoon beer to quench thirst like right now, I think I'll go get an ice-cold Tecate Light. :cool:

It was the late Baja Rob (of Bahía Santa María) who turned us onto Tecate Light as an excellent hot-weather refresher. We agree! Now it is always in our fridge... refreshing, no after-taste, and available everywhere. We still love Pacifico and Dos Equis Special Lager, on tap, never fear!

I have never found beer to be a good hot weather drink. Sangria or gin/tonic are much more refreshing drinks.
Or try a Negroni or Mojito.

SFandH - 6-23-2022 at 04:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Politics and religion have been debated since the beginning of recorded history. ho-hum

Debates about which is the best Mexican beer are much more important and enlightening.

"best" Best for what? Well, for an early afternoon beer to quench thirst like right now, I think I'll go get an ice-cold Tecate Light. :cool:

It was the late Baja Rob (of Bahía Santa María) who turned us onto Tecate Light as an excellent hot-weather refresher. We agree! Now it is always in our fridge... refreshing, no after-taste, and available everywhere. We still love Pacifico and Dos Equis Special Lager, on tap, never fear!

I have never found beer to be a good hot weather drink.

Wow! That's weird. You're from Earth, right?

David K - 6-23-2022 at 04:53 PM

No, I think maybe he's not... Explains a lot, if you think about it (just joking)!

SFandH - 6-23-2022 at 05:10 PM

Leave it to Goat to not like beer on a hot day.

Gin and tonics are good though, but you need to have ice, a glass, gin, tonic, and lime.

Too complicated. Just give me a cold beer.

David K - 6-23-2022 at 05:18 PM

Palomas are good in hot weather and they are made with Mexico's tequila!

mtgoat666 - 6-23-2022 at 05:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Leave it to Goat to not like beer on a hot day.

Gin and tonics are good though, but you need to have ice, a glass, gin, tonic, and lime.

Too complicated. Just give me a cold beer.

It’s easier to heat a frozen pizza than to make a good meal.

Some people put in just a little bit of extra effort to make life more enjoyable/rewarding.

[Edited on 6-24-2022 by mtgoat666]

AKgringo - 6-23-2022 at 06:24 PM

Tonic is truly an excellent hot weather drink! I reached my lifetime allotment of alcohol almost fifteen years ago, so I skip the gin, but a cold bottle of tonic is the most thirst-quenching drink for me.

Sometimes quenching the thirst is not the goal though, so repeated applications of cold beer is more satisfying!

mtgoat666 - 6-23-2022 at 06:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Palomas are good in hot weather and they are made with Mexico's tequila!

Not a fan of palomas. Most of mexico makes ‘em with fresca, and taste is odd, and too sweet.

RFClark - 6-23-2022 at 06:59 PM

2 shots of tequila, 2 of triple sec, 2 lime juices, ice and a blender! Pricless!

pacificobob - 6-24-2022 at 09:18 AM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Politics and religion have been debated since the beginning of recorded history. ho-hum

Debates about which is the best Mexican beer are much more important and enlightening.

"best" Best for what? Well, for an early afternoon beer to quench thirst like right now, I think I'll go get an ice-cold Tecate Light. :cool:

I also drink blancas. [ aka tecate light]
When gringo friends drop by they usually bring their own beer to avoid my beer. Bonus.

BigOly - 6-24-2022 at 05:34 PM

I've been on this board for many years. I've always enjoyed posting pics of birds but I am getting a little old and I can't "click and drag" a photo without a bunch of hassle here. Please make it easier to post a photo without having to go "here" and "there" to download a shot quickly.

Remember "Peace, Love and FishTacos?"

[Edited on 6-25-2022 by BigOly]

David K - 6-24-2022 at 07:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by BigOly  
I've been on this board for many years. I've always enjoyed posting pics of birds but I am getting a little old and I can't "click and drag" a photo without a bunch of hassle here. Please make it easier to post a photo without having to go "here" and "there" to download a shot quickly.

Remember "Peace, Love and FishTacos?"

[Edited on 6-25-2022 by BigOly]

I can help you with how to easily post photos from your computer to here. Just a couple of mouse clicks. u2u, email, or phone call... Whatever works best for you!

4x4abc - 6-24-2022 at 09:45 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  

I can help you with how to easily post photos from your computer to here. Just a couple of mouse clicks. u2u, email, or phone call... Whatever works best for you!

if it takes a tutor to learn how to post pictures, the site is not user friendly
nobody needs to be shown how to post a picture on facebook etc

all successful apps are successful because they are super easy to use

David K - 6-25-2022 at 06:51 AM

To me the steps are easy (and to others who have done them as I am not the only one who posts photos here).
Some people don't read the instructions or skip steps or just don't know I have made this guide to posting photos here...

To post photos from your Pictures folder on your computer:

1) Go to, make an album if you want to organize your photos to find them easily in the future (by date or by subject). No cost to use

2) Change the upload setting from "Do not resize my image" to 640x480 (recommended for forums) or 800x600 (max. on Nomad). You click on the little arrow to see the size choices.

3) Click "Choose images" and select the photos you want to put on Nomad from your Pictures folder.

4) Click on the image you want on Nomad and click on "Share" at the top of the screen.

5) Choose "Hotlinks for forums" (down next to the last one). You can click the little box at the right end of the link and it is now saved on your mouse.

6) Go to Nomad and paste that link onto the place where you are typing on Nomad. You can put text in below the photo for a caption for your post and if you double space between photo links (for clarity), you can put several photos and captions in a single post on Nomad. You can click "Preview" on Nomad to check and see how it will look before posting to the board.

If you need to fix a post after it is done, click on "Edit" along the edge of your post, and change or delete your post. If you edit more than once, you can delete the previous Edited on tags so only one edit tag will appear after you edit the post.

elgatoloco - 6-25-2022 at 06:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RFClark  
I put up what I thought was a bland statement that I thought wouldn’t be too controversial to prove a point about name calling. Gosh! Sorry about that!

Baja North had $3.80ish regular gas today! Calexico Ca had $6ish gas, also today! Yuma AZ has $4.89 gas today! You figure out what’s wrong here!

And it’s “Political” to point out that it might be a result of bad policies!! OK, I voted with my feet years ago and got out of California! If you’re happy with $6/gal gas and brown lawns. Bon Apatite!

You wouldn't find me living in Yuma or anywhere in Arizona even if gas was $1.00. I will stay right here four blocks from the beach in sandy eggo where it's always 72 and sunny. Surf's up. Cowabunga! :dudette:


willardguy - 6-25-2022 at 10:38 PM

Quote: Originally posted by elgatoloco  
Quote: Originally posted by RFClark  
I put up what I thought was a bland statement that I thought wouldn’t be too controversial to prove a point about name calling. Gosh! Sorry about that!

Baja North had $3.80ish regular gas today! Calexico Ca had $6ish gas, also today! Yuma AZ has $4.89 gas today! You figure out what’s wrong here!

And it’s “Political” to point out that it might be a result of bad policies!! OK, I voted with my feet years ago and got out of California! If you’re happy with $6/gal gas and brown lawns. Bon Apatite!

You wouldn't find me living in Yuma or anywhere in Arizona even if gas was $1.00. I will stay right here four blocks from the beach in sandy eggo where it's always 72 and sunny. Surf's up. Cowabunga! :dudette:


exactly! and where educated people don't say "Bon Apatite":lol:

pauldavidmena - 6-26-2022 at 07:17 AM

Our first trip to Baja was in 2007, when we stayed at an All-Inclusive in Cabo San Lucas. While there, between watered-down margaritas and food tailored to gringos, we learned that there was more to Baja California Sur than what existed within our concrete compound. So we went back to the same place on a heavily discounted package, giving us the financial freedom to explore. It was then that we took a day trip to Todos Santos and fell in love.

We kept coming back every winter, but it was a week during July 2013 that really sealed the deal for us. The summer vibe in Todos Santos was irresistibly laid back. Who knew that one could find an "off" switch in a specific place?

pauldavidmena - 6-26-2022 at 07:33 AM

But circling back to the OP, I read BN almost every day but only weigh in when there's a relevant topic - or when I post one myself. I try to avoid third rails like politics because that's not the purpose for this forum.

pacificobob - 6-26-2022 at 08:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RFClark  
2 shots of tequila, 2 of triple sec, 2 lime juices, ice and a blender! Pricless!

Kinda a girly drink? No?

4x4abc - 6-26-2022 at 11:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
To me the steps are easy (and to others who have done them as I am not the only one who posts photos here).
Some people don't read the instructions or skip steps or just don't know I have made this guide to posting photos here...

To post photos from your Pictures folder on your computer:

1) Go to, make an album if you want to organize your photos to find them easily in the future (by date or by subject). No cost to use

2) Change the upload setting from "Do not resize my image" to 640x480 (recommended for forums) or 800x600 (max. on Nomad). You click on the little arrow to see the size choices.

3) Click "Choose images" and select the photos you want to put on Nomad from your Pictures folder.

4) Click on the image you want on Nomad and click on "Share" at the top of the screen.

5) Choose "Hotlinks for forums" (down next to the last one). You can click the little box at the right end of the link and it is now saved on your mouse.

6) Go to Nomad and paste that link onto the place where you are typing on Nomad. You can put text in below the photo for a caption for your post and if you double space between photo links (for clarity), you can put several photos and captions in a single post on Nomad. You can click "Preview" on Nomad to check and see how it will look before posting to the board.

If you need to fix a post after it is done, click on "Edit" along the edge of your post, and change or delete your post. If you edit more than once, you can delete the previous Edited on tags so only one edit tag will appear after you edit the post.

like all windows users, David claims that in a few easy steps you get where you want to be.
I don't trust 12 step programs

if it is not as intuitive and easy as a Mac, it is not worth having in your life

as a good Republican David will defend the old and outdated forever

RFClark - 6-26-2022 at 11:22 AM

No, 4 shots of booze in a Margarita is quite a lot! 2-3 of those and you can do Jimmy Buffett impersonations!


I post from my iPad and pictures are easy. I just resize them and email them to myself. The weather picture took a few seconds! Windows can't suck enough! When we did the IBM commercials years ago, we did them on Macs cause you couldn’t use windows!

The only issue I have is the occasional strange word I get when I’m typing!

[Edited on 6-26-2022 by RFClark]

David K - 6-26-2022 at 11:53 AM

Harald, sometimes I wonder what you are drinking! ;)

Post Pictures from a MAC

RFClark - 6-26-2022 at 11:54 AM

1) compose picture

2) resize from email

3) save and post!

3B2C951B-9C66-44F7-9217-1D603840734C.jpeg - 208kB

4x4abc - 6-26-2022 at 12:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RFClark  
No, 4 shots of booze in a Margarita is quite a lot! 2-3 of those and you can do Jimmy Buffett impersonations!


I post from my iPad and pictures are easy. I just resize them and email them to myself. The weather picture took a few seconds! Windows can't suck enough! When we did the IBM commercials years ago, we did them on Macs cause you couldn’t use windows!

The only issue I have is the occasional strange word I get when I’m typing!

[Edited on 6-26-2022 by RFClark]

I found relatively "easy" ways too
but none of them beat the ease of use in facebook etc
there is a reason why some of the hated apps are so successful - they are EASY to use

but the forever yesterday folks still miss Blockbuster

RFClark - 6-26-2022 at 12:36 PM

I miss Blockbuster too! When we needed a feature clip we’d go there and rent the movie to pull the clip. Really easy and fast!

BigOly - 6-26-2022 at 06:28 PM

I wish that I could just "click" and drag.:(

David K - 6-27-2022 at 09:24 AM

Quote: Originally posted by BigOly  
I wish that I could just "click" and drag.:(

See my instructions above; Once you have a Postimages album made, then you just click on a photo from your album, copy, and paste the photo link on Nomad.

I am happy to help you.

caj13 - 6-27-2022 at 07:54 PM

interesting the David complains of no "traffic here" but he goes running to admin and gets posts deleted as soon as he gets his little snowflake bum hurt.

David - its science - numbers, analysis - its not opinion, its not political - plain and simple - its your willfully ignorant uneducated "opinion" against thousands of scientists with gigantic amounts of knowledge, experience, research, data and incredible equipment.

I bet on the consensus of experts when compared to political hacks spouting BS they found on some Facebook page or biased "news" site with no evidence to back up their rants!

In the meantime i will be cruising the SOC in mid July with Panterra Eco Tours, strangely enough I consider them to be experts having been at it for 35 years now!

[Edited on 6-28-2022 by caj13]

RFClark - 6-27-2022 at 08:05 PM


You doing those “magic shrooms”? What are you talking about?

OK, I think I’ve got it!

Your a “If We rule the world everything will be better” troll!

News Flash: Putting you and friends in charge won’t change the weather because the Chinese and Indians won’t put you in charge of their lives! That, in my opinion shows a great amount of wisdom! Which we should follow!

[Edited on 6-28-2022 by RFClark]

David K - 6-28-2022 at 06:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by caj13  
interesting the David complains of no "traffic here" but he goes running to admin and gets posts deleted as soon as he gets his little snowflake bum hurt.

David - its science - numbers, analysis - its not opinion, its not political - plain and simple - its your willfully ignorant uneducated "opinion" against thousands of scientists with gigantic amounts of knowledge, experience, research, data and incredible equipment.

I bet on the consensus of experts when compared to political hacks spouting BS they found on some Facebook page or biased "news" site with no evidence to back up their rants!

In the meantime i will be cruising the SOC in mid July with Panterra Eco Tours, strangely enough I consider them to be experts having been at it for 35 years now!

[Edited on 6-28-2022 by caj13]

Try and understand something, I didn't run to Doug... He is a big boy and can decide to remove the garbage posts he want to... He has removed some of my posts, I am sure (it is his forum to do with what he wants and we are all just guests here).

You can believe whatever you want and the sea level will rise whenever it wants... one of these days! Unlike the scientists and politicians you listen to, nobody is paying me to give false data in order to grab more power, taxes, and reduce your freedom.

Have a nice day!

Marc - 11-3-2022 at 08:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by caj13  
interesting the David complains of no "traffic here" but he goes running to admin and gets posts deleted as soon as he gets his little snowflake bum hurt.

David - its science - numbers, analysis - its not opinion, its not political - plain and simple - its your willfully ignorant uneducated "opinion" against thousands of scientists with gigantic amounts of knowledge, experience, research, data and incredible equipment.

I bet on the consensus of experts when compared to political hacks spouting BS they found on some Facebook page or biased "news" site with no evidence to back up their rants!

In the meantime i will be cruising the SOC in mid July with Panterra Eco Tours, strangely enough I consider them to be experts having been at it for 35 years now!

[Edited on 6-28-2022 by caj13]

Try and understand something, I didn't run to Doug... He is a big boy and can decide to remove the garbage posts he want to... He has removed some of my posts, I am sure (it is his forum to do with what he wants and we are all just guests here).

You can believe whatever you want and the sea level will rise whenever it wants... one of these days! Unlike the scientists and politicians you listen to, nobody is paying me to give false data in order to grab more power, taxes, and reduce your freedom.

Have a nice day!

David X2:light::light:

[Edited on 11-3-2022 by Marc]

David K - 11-3-2022 at 09:01 AM

Hi Marc... Buenos Dias!
That exchange was posted last June...
Time to stay warm, now!

RFClark - 11-3-2022 at 09:06 AM


We can go down this road again. (The what’s the motivation behind the climate change religion’s efforts to restrict personal freedom rather than address the major sources of human induced pollution.) The name callers will arrive and Doug will delete the posts. That said I’m up for it!

The problem here is a lack of current features. If it worked more like the whats app or reddit it would be better and there would be more users.

bajatrailrider - 11-3-2022 at 09:42 AM

:D HAHA I was told same Back in 14 or 2015. Yes name calling bad . Yes Im one of them but on all other web sites. That is how we remove trolls and baja blow hards. Think not ? I know one that does not like to post his . Garbage in off road section anymore. Nice day to all normal nomads.

RFClark - 11-3-2022 at 10:37 AM


If you think you or others who take their politics as a revealed religion never to be questioned can post anything that will hurt my feelings you’re misguided. I consider the source! Anyone who listens to people who don’t follow the same rules they try to enforce on them is lacking in critical thinking abilities at the least!

The late Frank Hubert wrote a long time ago in the 1st vol of Dune about the dangers of government and religion riding together in the same cart!

I think time has proved that to be an understatement!

[Edited on 11-3-2022 by RFClark]

[Edited on 11-3-2022 by RFClark]

KurtG - 11-3-2022 at 10:59 AM

Quote: Originally posted by RFClark  

The late Frank Hubert wrote a long time ago in the 1st vol of Dune about the dangers of government and religion riding together in the same cart!

I think time has proved that to be an understatement!

[Edited on 11-3-2022 by RFClark]

[Edited on 11-3-2022 by RFClark]

On that subject there is an old quote, probably erroneously attributed to Sinclair Lewis, that said that when Facism arrives in America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a bible.

Just sayin.

RFClark - 11-3-2022 at 12:51 PM


The thing to never forget is that Mussolini started political life as a Socialist! There are also Marx’s thoughts on Socialists!

My point is any kind of politics as a religion is deadly! The wing matters not at all! They all end up at the same point! Religion as politics is just as bad, including Atheism as a belief system as well.