David K - 7-22-2022 at 05:10 PM
Now saved to the Maps section on www.VivaBaja.com.
Here is the direct link: https://vivabaja.com/1971-sunset-travel-guide-maps/
In 1971, paving south had only reached the San Telmo/ Observatory road. Paving north had reached Loreto from La Paz, and south to Cabo San Lucas.
I made the maps extra large for max detail viewing. Here is one (sized down to Nomad Max):
David K - 7-23-2022 at 07:00 AM
For fun... who can spot the mistakes or oddities?
Some may be intentional for copyright protection:
1) Bahia Willard (way north of Bahia San Luis Gonzaga)
2) Calmajue Mission (Calamajué)
3) TERRITORY/STATE (reversed)
4) Scammon Lagoon (Scammon's)
5) 50 (on mileage scale)