
Weekly/Monthly Rental near Punta Cabras / Ejido Eréndira

ilyas - 8-9-2022 at 07:20 AM

With the recent addition of a newborn to our growing family we're looking for a little more comfort instead of camping at the Cabras point/cliff. I looked on Air BnB but the rentals there are pretty large for our needs, we were hoping to find something a little smaller that has a somewhat stable wifi connection. Ideally we would rent per week or for the month. Any recommendations other than Coyotecals? Thank you very much.:light:

bajatrailrider - 8-9-2022 at 09:21 AM

Im in that area there are some small motels before cals and across street from cals. I dont know about wifi I do think houses to rent by week or month.