
How are things down in Punta Chivato?

steve5555 - 9-18-2022 at 05:21 PM

Is the campground operable? The hotel?


HeyMulegeScott - 9-19-2022 at 09:32 AM

I saw this on the PC facebook page -

Chivato road and water line update #1 Sept 18th
This may be long winded so please indulge me. I have been trying to be the communication conduit between our community and the Municipality to assess damages and inquire about timing of assistance to make our roads passable and to re establish water service.
We all have settled in Baja… Punta Chivato for a lot of different reasons. One of the many reasons is affordability and easy living. I for one smile every time I go pay my property tax. Our little hamlet does not get a lot of public service for our tax dollars and collectivity there really is not that much to pull from. Hence the Community Center Fund raiser that try to help all community members and the surrounding area.
The Governor of Baja Sur has not declared the area a disaster zone and will not be sending any additional funds for repairs. Bobby Lujan as you all know is a member of the local government and that is who I have reached out to for help. His assessment of damage was partially relied on by observations from others. This was not a complete assessment. He will be in Chivato Monday to look and the entire water line not just the main line from the pump which was in dis repair since the hotel was built and needed attention. First order of duty was to gain access to the pump by repairing the road to IT.
The pump is up and running and the fuel attendant has access to bring diesel to run the pump. You can only imagine the time THAT takes. Water is now flowing to the old part of Chivato The underground aquifer is full. If in need might ask Phil to join him in the shower…..
Any that have done SXS rides know of the remoteness in the mountains to the West. A lot of attention is being directed (Money and manpower) to get access to bring families that are cut off from supplies. I will post on What’s App.
Bobby has gained donations for fuel from different sources and has had equipment made available to him. Yes, it does sound like a 1 man show. He does have to spread what ever manpower he has around to address all who need assistance. Tito ( Jorge ) is the main go to resource for Palo Verde and Chivato.
Some have seen and spoken to him and see he is working everyday and is concerned that he may not be reimbursed for his time, but continues with a family crew. Bobby’s dad in working behind the scenes to gather material for repairs.
It is going to take time. The one thing in our favor is there is not a lot of us there putting a strain on the need for resources and the ones that are there are figuring out how to cope. Progress is being made.
So, as they say do not kill the messenger. No fast solutions in today’s world and as I am told everyday “Thank you for your patience.”

steve5555 - 9-19-2022 at 12:30 PM

OK, thanks for that.