
Mileage Chart in Baja

monkie - 4-7-2005 at 11:19 AM

Lost my mileage chart!!!! Where can we find one on the web or on this forum??

From SJD to La Paz to Loreto!!!

Last minute panic......for this info.

Thanks All!!!! Pam

bajaloco - 4-7-2005 at 11:33 AM

Here is a mileage chart from Discover Baja...

monkie - 4-7-2005 at 05:13 PM

Great. Now I can go finish packing.

Thanks! p.s. I have a donor sticker on my license -same thing?

bajaloco - 4-7-2005 at 05:29 PM

It's the first step...There is actually a card which you can download and keep with you. The state of California supplies them with the sticker. But without the card things can get complicated. 17 people die everyday in the US waiting for organs. Seems like a small number untill you know someone on the list...