If there is a Republican in the NYT building or employed by it, they are there to clean the restrooms!
Let’s examine “the expanding role of the Mexican Military” and “The Cartels control a third of the country” unless the NYT is making the
case that they are one and the same, those two things seem to be inconsistent.
The NYT sees “problems” with universal healthcare in Mexico! The NYT should look at Canada and the UK if it wishes to see the problems of “free
universal healthcare” where things are so bad that Scotland is openly discussing making those with money pay for their “free healthcare” and
both have very long waits for care and general shortages no matter what they spend on their systems.
“Rule from behind the scenes”, exactly who is it President Joe will “get in trouble with if he talks to the press” past the rigged exchanges?
But that’s the NYT who sees no evil if whoever has a “D” after their name or is simply named Cuomo! |