North Baja. Probably the dog that bit me yesterday was healthy - owner said she always tries grabbing somebody,s leg. But who knows... Sunday,
currently in S. Quintin. Non-urgent wing in IMSS opens tomorrow, they don,t care that 1st shot should be within 24 hours. Dogs bite on Saturdays, duh.
Medico in my village doesn't have vaccine but was mumbling smth about Secretaria de Salud not allowing shots unless it bit close to the head - well,
the knee isn't. Will tell that darn dog was stray, to up the risk. What are the options if they refuse? Any private non-Imss clinic in Ensenada, Tij,
that don't care about regulations? Or could they do it as prophylaxis, same shots except for one RIG shot? Crossing the border is not a good option,
being Canadian I would have to pay 4K (I think). Even Canadian guidelines say - unknown dog, consult the Dr to assess the risk. So the shot isn't
certain even if I drop everything and fly back. Why didn't it bite in Feb when I was planning to go back anyway... |