One way or the other, I will be stopping by at Boules for dinner on a Wed. three weeks or so, later this month.
I am still hoping for a suggestion on where to stay for the night that is a convenient walk to Boules.
I will be making a reservation at Boules as soon as I can find a place to stay for that Wed. night for my lady friend and I. Any suggestions from
those in the know?
This is and can be Nomad at its finest. Apolitical positions have a value and should be a priority to all of us Baja lovers.
I originally came here for the Baja love we all share.
I have had a few longtime Nomad friends who have had to bow out for their own reasons to preserve some sense of reality that a few regurgitate here
regularly without consequence.
My rant for the week can hopefully exert some positive influence on what is considered off topic.
As all public forums have her trolls, we do too.
Peace, an eternal love for Baja, and fish tacos, the salt of the earth locals, is a mantra we can surely unite upon.